The maid was in the garden, Hanging out the clothes, There came a little blackbird, And snapped off her nose.
女仆在花园里, 晾着刚洗的衣服, 来了只小黑鸫, 突然啄下她的鼻子。
备注: 出自《God Child vol.2》-《Bloodberry jam》
这首童谣大约是17世纪中叶在民间出现,但在更早些时候似乎就有了迹象,在莎士比亚的《第12夜》中有这样的一句话:Come on, there is sixpence for you; let's have a song. 1614年,在包蒙(Beaumont 1584-1616)和佛勒契(John Fletcher 1579-1625)合作的一部作品中有这样的一句:Whoa, here's a stir now! Sing a song of sixpence!在这首童谣中,皇帝指的是英国都铎王朝的第二代国王亨利八世(HenryⅧ,1509-1547),他的残暴乖戾在历代君主中是很突出的,拥有6位妻子并处决了2位而闻名。童谣中的女王指的是凯瑟琳(Catherine of Aragon),她是西班牙阿拉贡国王斐迪南二世的女儿,曾经是亨利七世的妻子,亨利八世的第一任妻子,但是由于她没有为亨利生下皇子,渐渐导致亨利对她的冷淡,但又由于教会的原因使之迟迟不能废后。“皇后在大厅里吃着面包和蜂蜜”这句算是影射了当时凯瑟琳被冷落的情形吧。在那时亨利看中了安妮·博林(Anne Boleyn, 1507?--1516),她是托马斯·博林爵士和伊丽莎白·霍华德郡主的小女儿,也就是他的第2任妻子--童谣中的那个侍女。然而她也没有为亨利生下儿子,又由于她天生的生理缺陷和一些政治因素,安妮被控告与5个男人通奸,其中包括与她的亲兄弟乔治·伯林通奸——乱伦的罪行被关进伦敦塔,随后于1536年5月19日被处决,成为第一个被处决的王后。这也就是“来了只小黑鸫,突然啄下她的鼻子”的来历吧。童谣中的“派”和“24只黑鸫”分别是指格拉斯顿堡的管理人,和他所赠送给亨利八世的圣诞礼物。
这首童谣则被引用到阿加莎·克里斯蒂的令一部小说《黑麦奇案》 (A Pocket Full of Rye),这个案件本身并没有什么特别,吸引人的独到之处是它的天才般的杀人手法和意想不到的凶手。
-------------------------------- 12.
There was an old man 从前有个老人
There was an old man And he had a calf And that's half
从前有个老人 他养了一头小牛 现在说到一半
He took him out of the stall And put his on the wall And that's all
老人把小牛带出牛舍 再把它系在墙上 这就是全部
备注:出自《Mad tea party》《Scold's Bridle》《Zigeunerweisen》《Mortician's daughter》《Little Miss Muffet》《Bloody Maria》《Castrato》《ユダの接吻》《エディプスの刃》《Misericorde》每一章的最后一句\出自于此。
-------------------------------- 13.
Little Miss Muffet 小玛菲特小姐
Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey; There came a big spider, Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away
小玛菲特小姐 坐在土堆上
吃着乳凝和乳清 来了一只大蜘蛛 坐在她旁边
备注: 出自《God Child vol.3》-《Little Miss Muffet》 14.
What are little boys made of ? 小男孩是由什么做的?
What are little boys made of ? Frogs and snails And puppy-dogs' tails,
小男孩是由什么做的? 青蛙和蜗牛
What are little girls made of ?
Sugar and spice And all that's nice.
小女孩是由什么做的? 糖和香料
备注:出自《God Child vol.4》-《Bloody Maria》
-------------------------------- 15.
Georgie Porgie 乔治·珀治
Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry; When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away.
乔治·珀治 布丁和派
亲吻女孩惹她们哭 男孩们出来玩耍时 乔治·珀治就跑了
备注: 出自《God Child vol.2》-《Bloodyberry Jam》
-------------------------------- 16.
Simple Simon 无知的西蒙
Simple Simon met a pieman Going to the fair;
Says Simple Simon to the pieman, \
无知的西蒙遇见一个卖派的商人 正要赶往集市;
无知的西蒙对卖派的商人说: “让我尝尝你的东西。 ”
Says the pieman to Simple Simon, \
Says Simple Simon to the pieman, \
商人对无知的西蒙说: “先让我看看你的便士吧。” 无知的西蒙对商人说: “其实我身无分文。”
He went to catch a dickeybird, And thought he could not fail, Because he'd got a little salt, To put upon his tail.
并认为自己不会失败, 因为他有一把盐, 撒在它的尾巴上。
He went to take a bird's nest, Was built upon a bough;
The branch gave way and Simon fell Into a dirty slough.
那个筑在一根大树枝上的鸟窝; 树枝断了西蒙掉下来 落在肮脏的泥沼里。
He went to shoot a wild duck, But wild duck flew away; Say Simon, I can't hit him, Because he will not stay.
他去打野鸭, 但是野鸭飞走了; 西蒙说,我打不中它, 因为他不呆在那里。
Simple Simon went a-fishing, For to catch a whale; All the water he had got Was in his mother's pail.
无知的西蒙去钓鱼, 想要钓一条鲸鱼; 然而他所拥有的水 都在妈妈的水桶里。
Simple Simon went a-hunting, For to catch a hare;
He rode an ass about the streets, But couldn't find one there.
无知的西蒙去打猎, 想要打中一只野兔; 他骑着驴穿过街道, 那里找不到一只野兔。
He went for to eat honey, Out of the mustard pot;
He bit his tongue until he cried, That was all the good he got.
他咬着自己的舌头直到哭出来, 这就是他吃到的全部。
He went to ride a spotted cow That had a little calf;
She threw him down upon the ground,Which made the people laugh.
他去骑头花斑牛 可母牛还有头小牛; 母牛甩他在地上, 惹的人们笑哈哈。
Once Simon made a great snowball, And brought it in to roast; He laid it down before the fire, And soon the ball was lost.
一次西蒙做了个大雪球, 把它带回来烤一烤; 把它放在火前面,