Supplementary Materials for Phonetics
List of Phonetic Symbols Vowels
Pure vowels
1. Front v. /i:/ /i/ /e/ / ? / 2. Central v. / ?:r/ / ?r/ / ?/ /Λ/
3. Back v. /a:/ /a:r/ /?/ /?:/ / ?:r/ /u/ /u:/
Diphthongs /ei/ /ai/ / ?i/ / ?u/ /au/ /i?/ / i?r/ / ??r/
1. Stops /p, b/ /t, d/ /k, g/
2. Frictives /f, v/ /s, z/ /θ/-/e/ /∫/-/ ? / /h/ /r/ 3. Affricatives /t∫/- /d? / /tr, dr/ /ts, ds/
4. Nasals /m/ /n/ / ? / 5. Laterals /l/ /l/
6. Semi vowels /w/ /j/
Front vowels /i:/ /i/ /e/ / ? /
-/i:/----- key seat feel secret breathe police machine prestige receipt -/i://i/-------- happy seed seat sit league leak lick seized ceased cyst --------Tongue Twister
Tim is as thin as a pin, but it isn’t a sin to be thin. -/e/------breath says said bury
edge led sesame rebel (n.) ---/ /---------sand land marry hat cap garage Stand up. --------Tongue Twister
Jack’s black cat is catching a fat rat. Dialogue
A: What’s the matter, Alice? You look so unhappy. B: I had a bad day yesterday. A: What happened?
B: I went shopping and lost my bag. A: Your bag? Did you get it back?
?/ /uB: I went back for it. But it was already gone. A: That’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear it.
Back vowels /a:/ /a:r/ /?/ /?:/ / ?:r/ /u/ /u:/ -/a:/------calm palm Chicago moustache na?ve -/a:r/------car cart card heart park hard large pardon hectare part
-/ ? /------When the letter “a ” appears in front of one of the following letters, it is pronounced as / ? /. -ss; -st; -sk; -th; -f; -lf; -m; -n; -gh /s/ /θ/ /f/ /m/ /n/
glass-class-pass; fast-last-master-vast-past; ask-task-basket; path-bath; after-staff-draft; half-calf; command-demand
dance-chance-advance-advantage-plant-aunt- branch-answer-can’t; laugh-draught
--------Martin’s aunt is taking a sun-bath in the afternoon.
The dance party in the farmyard lasted far into the night. After class, half of the students went out of the classroom. “You want to lose the chance?” the teacher asked. Time passes very fast.
-/?/-----cough because sausage Australia
knowledge sorry wander --- wonder
- ------Lots and lots of clocks and watches are on sale in the shops. -/?:/ -----all of us almost always also -/ ?:r/------George had four daughters born in autumn.
horse more door four morning -/u:/ /u/-----new duty Tuesday produce tomb -------- It’s Cool At noon I took a book,
And sat by the pool near the school. I soon took off my shoe, And put my foot in the pool. Oh, how cool!
A: George, what’re you gonna do tomorrow?
B: John and I plan to play hockey in the morning. A: And in the afternoon?
B: Well, after a long nap, we’ll go yachting with Monica. A: You’re sure to have a nice day tomorrow. B: What’re you gonna do?
A: Lots of wok in the office and lots of chores at home. How I envy you, George.
Central vowels / ?:r/ / ?r/ / ?/ /Λ/ -/ ?:r/--------desert-dessert
-/ ?r/----Saturday yesterday effort better -/ ?/ -----about again panda China sofa
Australia breakfast possible famous delicious campus -/Λ/------sun son country southern double blood does love courage cousin
tongue housewife muscle oven stomach --------I gave her some peals for her thirty-first birthday. Father and mother gathered the butter together.
Martha doesn’t like to go to the cinema or the theatre. She prefers the concert Hurry up! The sun has come up. Don’t touch the muddy duck. --------Tongue Twister Once upon a barren moor there dwelt a bear, also a boar. The bear couldn’t bear the boar, the boar thought the bear a bore. At last, the bear could bear no more that boar that bored him on the moor. And so one morn he bored the boar. That boar will bore the bear no more. Dialogue:
A: Were you ever hurt in an accident?
B: Yes, once. I hurt my head, and Igot a burn on my leg. A: Were you taken to the emergency room?
B: Well, a person help me get there. Then the doctors and nurses were certainly
concerned. So I survived.
A: You were really lucky, weren’t you?
Diphthongs /ei/ /ai/ / ?i/ / ?u/ /au/ /i?/ / i?r/ / ??r/ /u?r/
-/ei/-----halfpenny change steak ballet bouquet
-/ai/ ------aisle isle height either neither minute diary-dairy - / ?i/-----boy noise oil employ -/ ?u/ go no
-/au/-------down town brow frown bow house bowel doubt drough --------found----fond down----don pound----pond town----ton -/i?/-----idea theatre museum -/ i?r/----hear here ear -/??r/ bear----beard----moustache
pear----pearl----tear (n.)----tear (v.)----mayor -/u?r/----tourist
Plosives/ Stops /p/- /b/ /t/- /d/ /k/ -/g/ -/p/-----peak happy rapid
-/b/-----spin Spain sport whisper respect --------captain top boy cheap cheese --------cap----cab mop----mob -----Tongue Twister
Peter Pepper picked up a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Pepper pick up a peck of pickled peppers? If Peter Pepper picked up a peck of pickled peppers,
Where is the peck of pickled peppers Peter Pepper picked up. -/t/------too task tie -/d/-----steak stone start
-football that day great joke Good morning!
Water better butter Peter Betty forty Betty bought a bit of better butter. But said she: “This butter is bitter. It’ll make my batter bitter.”
Fricatives /f/ -/v/ /s/ -/z/ /θ/-/e/ /∫/-/ ? / /r/ /h/
--/f//v/------five view
--------Forty fat farmers found a field of fine fresh fodder.
Now, if the forty fat farmers found a field of fine fresh fodder, Where is the field of fine fresh fodder those forty fat farmers found. -/s//z/------seize -/θ//-e /-----think thank thought these those --------Neither my mother nor my father likes this weather. -/∫/-/ ? /------she shell shore
--------She sells seashells on the seashore,
And the shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure. ‘cause if she sells seashells on the seashore, The shells she sells are seashells for sure.
-/r/-----spring scream for ever far away there is -----Robert Rolly rolled a round roll around. If Robert Rolly rolled a round roll around , Where is the round roll Robert rolled around. Laterals /l/ /l/
-/l/-------love glad only failure million sleep -/l/------feel girl help world almost
Nasals /m/ /n/ /? /
-/n/-------snow----slow now----loud ----The next number is neither nine nor ninety-nine, but nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.
-/n/-/? /-----sin----sing thin----thing son----song --singer singing sing a song The Old Man is Snoring It’s raining. It’s singing. The old man is snoring. He jumped into bed. And bumped his head,
And couldn’t get up the next morning. Affricates /t∫/- /d? / /tr/-/dr/ /ts/-/ds/
-/t∫/------China cheap choice choose chose chosen -/d? /------Our Joe wants to know if your Joe
will lend our Joe your Joe’s banjo.
If your Joe won’t lend our Joe your Joe’s banjo, Our Joe won’t lend your Joe
our Joe’s banjo when our Joe has a banjo.
Jack watched George eat a peach on the bridge near the church. -/tr/--/dr/-----track try entry poetry street
---The tracker tracked and tricked and trapped the tricky trickster.
半元音 /w/ /hw/ /j/ -/w/ what where why when -/j/ year/ear
| ?s’treilj? | | ?p?’tju:niti | | ‘t∫?pstiks |
| lΛg’zu?ri?s | | ‘h?nds?m | | ?’kaunt?nt |
| d?i’?mitrik?l | | pres’ti:? | | k?fi’ti?ri? |
| dis’tr?i /
--------c.+ /n/
/t/ cotton written certainly /d/ pardon garden suddenly /s/ lesson listen person