《英语邀请函范文》 英语邀请函范文(一): An Invitation May 10 , 2013 Dear Blake
Mrs 。 White will soon leave for the United States and we will
held a farewell party for her which takes place from 6:00 p 。m。 to 7:30 p 。m。 on Friday , May 20 , 2012 at the School Club 。 I am very pleased to invite you toparticipatein the farewell party 。 Another two foreign teachers you know , Mr 。 Frazer and Miss Gree are also invited 。 Please join us to say goodbye to Mrs 。 White 。 You are hoped to arrive at 5:50 p 。m。 I look forward to see you on May 20
。Yours sincerely ,
Yan Yang 邀请信
2013 年 5 月 10 日 亲爱的布莱克:
怀特老师很快就去美国了,我们将为她举行一次欢送会,时光是星期五晚上六点到七点半, 地点是学校俱乐部。我很高兴邀请你来参加欢送会。我们还邀请了你认识的另外两位外教 Frazer 和 Gree 。期望你能和我们一齐送别怀特老师。期望你 5 点 50 能到这。期盼那天能
英语邀请函范文(二): May 5 ,2012 Dear Mike
This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple
celebrating party for me 。 I am glad to invite you to e to the party Blair , Emma and Roan will also be invited 。 I am sure we will have a good time 。 We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to e at 18:15 。 My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes 。After the dinner , we will play some small games and then eat the cake 。 My parents and I sincerely expect you to e and hope to see you then 。
True yours Daniel 亲爱的迈克:
这个星期六是我的生日,我父母将给我举行一个简单的庆祝派对。我很高兴邀请你来参加 派对。我也邀请了布莱尔,艾玛和罗恩。我相信我们会度过一段完美时光的。我们将在 6 点 半吃晚饭,所以期望你们 6 点 15 能到。我妈妈厨艺很好,你们必须会喜欢的。吃完晚饭,我 们会玩一些小游戏,然后吃蛋糕。我父母和我都真诚期望你们来,期望到时能看到你们。
英语邀请函范文(三): 英文邀请函 Dear [Zhang Ying]:
Will you e to luncheon on [Friday oclock]?
, May the fifth]
, at [twelve
My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting
her 。 She is a charming , very pretty girl ? and very good pany! [John and Jane] will be here , and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon 。 Do say youll e!
Affectionately yours Li Ming
英语邀请函范文(四): Dear Petty
。 You know I am
。 The
。 On 。 The
I hope you didnt make any plane for this weekend
moving into the new house , and I sincerely invite you to e to my new house 。 I will hold a celebration party on Saturday night scenery here is fantastic that I am sure you will like it
Saturday , you can walk around my house after you get here
party will begin at 7:00 。 You can live in my house that night 。 On Sunday , we can go fishing or play table tennis 。 So please do some preparation for them 。 You can drive here and you will see a board Kellys Home near the road 。 It only takes you one hour to get here I hope there will be nothing stopping you to e 。
Yours affectionately Kelly
期望你这个周末没有什么安排 ! 你明白我就要搬到新房了,我真诚的邀请你来我的新房。 星期六晚上我会举行一个庆祝晚会。那里的景色漂亮迷人,我相信你必须会喜欢的。星期六到 那里后你能够在我家到处看看。晚会将在 7 点开始,到时候你能够住在我家。你能够开车过 来,然后你会看见路边的一块板上写着凯丽家。你到那里只需一个小时,我期望你不会有什么 事情而不能来。
英语邀请函范文(五): 英语商务邀请函范文 MR glue BB/CC is below bb%
, poplar core
, Thickness tolerance +/-0
。5mm, M/C
, flat surface
。you will
If you dont try you will never know our quality level
increase your petitors absolute advantage , they have our good quality and better prices , how can you pete with them
We really want to establish long-lasting business relationship with you
, so we give you these best prices
。you can pare with other
, please tell me
,right so they
suppliers now 。you can ask your people to test the quality miss this great opportunity 。if you want to try ASAP, because the prices will be higher USDb to 1b after September bbb I think your current vendors are small factories
have lower prices with lower quality 。I think they have not stable and fixed quality 。if they have better orders they will not do your orders 。I am looking forward to hearing from your reply 。 bbb please make your decision ASAP 。 If you want to strengthen your petitive power , please dont hesitate to ask me send the sales contract to you 。
英语邀请函范文(六): 英文演讲邀请函 Dear [Dr
。 Rodger]:
[The English Department of Nankai University] would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the [annual conference] to be held at the [meeting room] at [eight] oclock [Saturday morning
As you know
, December the thirtieth
, 1993]
, the department is interested in [the 20th century
, we know
English literature] Since you are familiar with the field your views will be extremely interesting to us
You will receive further details later
having your acceptance soon so we may plete our agenda
, but we would appreciate
英语邀请函范文(七): 商务邀请函 Dear sir/madam:
Im delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]
As we agreed [time]
, youll be speaking on the topic XX from [time] to
。 There will be an additional minutes for questions
Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need 。 If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date]
, Ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel
。 I look forward to hearing
provides you with what you need
Thank you again for agreeing to speak from you
Sincerely yours [name] [title]
英语邀请函范文(八): Dear Sir or Madam:
We are very pleased to invite Mr visiting and business negotiation from 30th Oct
。 2006
。 ****** e to our pany for 。 The business trip will start
。 And because the long business co-operation in
future between ****** pany 。 and us , they will e to China for many times 。 Please note , however , that we dont assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China 。 All expenses of ******Sjourney to/from China in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their
employers 。 We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip 。
英语邀请函范文(九): 英语商务邀请函
, their stay
Dear sir/madam:
We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new [product]
。 The presentation will take place at [location]
, at 。 We hope
[time] on [date] 。 There will also be a reception at [time] you and your colleagues will be able to attend
[pany] is a leading producer of high-quality 。 As you well know recent technological advances have made increasingly affordable to the public 。 Our new models offer superb quality and sophistication with economy , and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers 。
We look forward to seeing you on [date]
。 Just call our office at
[phone number] and we will be glad to secure a place for you
Sincerely yours ,
英语邀请函范文(十): Dear sir/madam:
Thank you for your letter of [date] 。 Im glad that you are also
going to [place] next month 。 It would be a great pleasure to meet
you at the [exhibition/trade fair]
Our pany is having a reception at [hotel] on the evening of [date] and I would be very pleased if you could attend 。
I look forward to hearing from you soon 。
Yours sincerely ,
、只、你要们有应坚该强培的养意对志自力己,,就对自自然己而的然力地量会的有信能心耐,、百机这灵种和信知心识是。靠克服障碍,培养意志和锻炼意志而获得的。、坚天强行的健信,念君能子赢以得自强不者息的。心,并使他们变得更坚强。、有永百远折没不有挠人的力信可念以的所击退支一持个的坚人决的强意毅志的,希比望那。些似乎是无敌的物质力量有更强大的威力。10 、发现者,尤其是一个初出茅庐的年轻发现者,需要勇气才能无视他人的冷漠和怀疑,才能坚持自己发现的意志,并把研究继续下去。我的本质不是我的意志的结果,相反,我的意志是我的本质的结果,因为我先有存在,后有意志,存在可以没有意志,但是没有存在就没有意志。 1、意立志
的用出功现如不种是树对然愿,望方的其否根定芽,而犹是未把有愿干望;合及并其和有提干升,到尚一未个有更枝高;的枝意而识后水叶平,上叶。而后花。18 、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。7 最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。24 、疼痛的强度,同自然赋于人类的意志和刚度成正比。3
卓越人的一大优点是:在不利和艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。、一功个崇崇惟高志的,目业标广,惟只勤要。不渝地追求,就会居为壮举;在它纯洁的目光里,一切美德必将胜利。1 书不记,熟读可记;义不精,细思可精;惟有志不立,直是无着力处。、一个人所能做的就是做出好榜样,要有勇气在风言风语的社会中坚定地高举伦理的信念。告成诉大你事使不我在达于到力目量标的的大奥小秘,吧而,在我于唯能一坚的持力多量久就。是我的坚持精神。、在希望与失望的决斗中,如果你用勇气与坚决的双手紧握着,胜利必属于希望。7 你一既个然有期决望心的辉煌人伟,大将的会一找生到,他那的么道就路应。该从今天起,以毫不动摇的决心和坚定不移的信念,凭自己的智慧和毅力,去创造你和人类的快乐。、事生活业命常里的成最道于重路一坚要旦忍的,事选情定是毁,于急要就躁有要勇。个敢我远在大地的走沙漠目到底中标曾,并决亲借不眼看助回头见才。,能匆与忙坚的持旅来人完落成在它从。容的后边;疾驰的骏马落在后头,缓步的骆驼继续向前。有志者事竟成。47 、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。6
就的是嘴一,条免循得序增渐加进你的道怒路气。——华苏罗拉庚格底、位积卑土未而敢为忘山忧,国积,水事而定为犹海。须待—盖—棺《。荀—子—陆儒游效《》病起》、把学语习言从化来为无行捷动径,比循把序行渐动进化登为高语峰言。困—难—得高多永。祚——高尔基22 、在真实的性命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。8
志云却,掩是不一劳种其住筋它领悟骨的,光的饿芒过其。程体个,肤性咱,是们空在应这当乏在其天身,这过,和行平程拂不中乱是,一领其悟所个为理稳定。想—,冷—一静《个,孟梦领子,悟它如告是何万从子人慌下的乱》愿中望找。到—生—机巴。金——席慕蓉(心情说说)因害怕失败而不敢放手一搏,永远不会成功。、你绳的锯选木取断是,做水或滴不石做穿,。但(不励做志就名永言—远不—会有,机)会——。罗大经《鹤林玉露》春蚕到死丝方尽,人至期颐亦不休。一息尚存须发奋,留作青年好范畴。—吴玉章 3、咱捐们躯是赴国



