护理学杂志2019年7月第34卷第13期?45?分娩镇痛初产妇第二产程运用腹压的时机分析姚维银!范荣,黄欢摘要:目的探讨分娩镇痛初产妇第二产程运用腹压的最佳时机°方法将172例经阴道分娩初产妇按入院时间分为对照组和观察 组各86例°对照组宫口全开后即使用腹压,观察组胎先露下降至3 cm时使用腹压°比较两组第二产程时间、使用腹压时间、会 阴裂伤程度、侧切率、产后疲倦度及分娩结局°结果 观察组腹压使用时间显著短于对照组(P<0. 01);第二产程时间两组比较, 差异无统计学意义(P >0 05);观察组会阴裂伤程度显著轻于对照组,侧切率、产后疲倦评分、产后出血、新生儿窒息率显著低于
对照组(P <0 05 ,P<0.01)°结论对分娩镇痛初产妇当胎先露下降至3 cm时使用腹压,可有效缩短腹压使用时间,同时改善产 妇分娩结局°关键词:初产妇;分娩镇痛;第二产程;腹压;会阴裂伤;产后疲倦;分娩结局中图分类号.R473. 71 文献标识码:A DOI: 10. 3870/j. issn. 1001-4152. 2019. 13. 045The timing of pushing with the abdominal muscles during the second stage of epidural anesthesia assisted labor in primiparas YaoWeiyin # Fan Rong # Huang Huan. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology # First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical
University # Nanjing 210029 , ChinaAbstract: Objective To explore the best timing of pushing with abdominal muscles during the second stage of epidural anesthesia as-
sisted labor in primiparas. Methods Totally, 172 pregnant women going through first-time vaginal delivery under epidural anesthe-sia were sequentially assigned into 2 groups. The control group (n = 86) were asked to push with the abdominal muscles after the
cervix was fully opened, while the intervention group (n = 86) were asked to push with the abdominal muscles when the fetus pre-sentation descended 3 cm. The length of second stage of labor, the length of pushing with the abdominal muscles, the degree of perineallaceration#therateofepisiotomy#thelevelofpostpartumfatigue#andbirthoutcomesbetweenthe2groups werecom-
pared. Results The length of pushing with the abdominal muscles in the intervention group was significantly shorter than that in the control group (P<0. 01). There was no significant difference in the length of second stage of labor between the 2 groups (P > 0.05).Thedegreeofperineallacerationwasmilder#therateofepisiotomy bleeding#andneonatalasphyxia#andthepostpartum
fatigue score , was lower , in the intervention group than in the control group (P <0. 05 , P <0. 01). Conclusion Pushing with the abdominalmuscleswhenthefetuspresentationdescends3cmcanefectivelyshortenthelengthofpushing andimprovetheout-
comeofmaternaldelivery3Key words: primipara; vaginal delivery under epidural anesthesia;
second stage of labor; abdominal pressure; perineal lace-
ration; postpartum fatigue; birth outcomes分娩痛被认为是最剧烈的疼痛之一,因此产妇 在分娩过程中均需行镇痛处理(1)。在各种镇痛方式
倦⑷*为探讨分娩镇痛初产妇使用腹压的适宜时 机,本研究选取我院收治的172例初产妇进行不同 时机腹压干预,报告如下*1资料与方法中,持续硬膜外镇痛因镇痛效果好、安全性高等优 势,在产科镇痛中被广泛应用⑵。目前临床普遍推 荐产妇分娩时自主用力,但对于低危初产妇(妊娠
1.1 一般资料本研究通过医院伦理委员会审核* 纳入标准:足月初产妇;单胎头位;妊娠期间无严重并
期、分娩期无高危因素即为低危产妇)而言,实施分 娩镇痛会使其感觉钝化,即便宫口开全也无法感受
发症;经阴道分娩,行分娩镇痛;神志、意识清楚,具有 一定认知、行为能力;产妇或其家属签署知情同意书* 排除与剔除标准:分娩期转剖宫产;既往有精神疾病 或痴呆病史;视听障碍,交流困难;临床资料不全*选
产妇使用腹压便是有效的干预措施目前,腹压 使用时间尚未有明确定论,而临床上普遍将其定于 产妇宫口开全后*但有研究发现,此时对已镇痛处
取我院2016年5月至2017年5月收治的86例作为 对照组,2017年6月至2018年6月收治的86例作为 观察组*两组一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(均
理的初产妇使用腹压胎头下降并不明显,而第二产 程使用腹压时间却显著过长,导致产妇产后十分疲作者单位:南京医科大学第一附属医院妇产科(江苏南京,210029) 姚维银:女,本科,副主任护师 通信作者:范荣,Echtdcg@163. com
P>0. 05),见表 1*1.2 方法1.2.1干预方法两组均进行常规干预,产妇有宫 缩征兆后,进入待产室,助产士进行体位指导,同时予
收稿:2019-01 -17;修回:2019 - 04 - 10
以心理疏导*在宫缩规律、宫口开至2 cm时进行分