Post-task activities students have just learned s1: I see a bin. S2: That' s a building. Homework Workbook page 3: ? Colour the word in the puzzle. ? Trace the letters. Read the ' let' s learn ' after the cassette
students to follow in their books. A: Say something about the wallchart, using the new words e.g. : I see … That’ s … Workbook page 3 Explain the Workbook page 3 modeling book cassette Workbook
Period 4
Teaching focus:
Asking ' Wh-' questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person Using the simple persent tense to express truth
Using the simple persent tense to express interests and preferences
Teaching steps: Students activities Pre-task preparation: The students to say something about the picture students to come up take one, and put it under the corresponding picture. Teaching activities A: T: Yesterday we learned some new words. Do you remember what they are? Put up the picture cards for ' bin, park, road , building, and Shanghai ' . Hold up the word cards. Ask individual students to come up, take one, and put it under the corresponding picture. Continue until all cards have been matched. Then remove the pictures but leave the word cards. Ask various students to come up and get the word that you say. Teaching starlegry coaching Media Put up the wallchart the picture cards for ' bin, park, road , building, and Shanghai ' . the word cards. While-task procedure A: Put up a simple map of Shanghai. T : Where do you live? Point to the area you live in and say I live The students in (name of the answer : I live in area). I love (name Shanghai of the area). repeat B: Play a game with the students. Invite a more able student to come to Play a game the front. a more able student Ask him/her to point to come to the front. to the area he/she lives in on the map point to the area he and use the lives in on the map structures I lives and use the in … structures I lives I love … in … To answer the I love … question Where do to answer the you live? question C: Open the Student' s Book to page 5. Open the Student' s Check that the Book to page 5. students know all the places on the map, such as Lu Xun Park. Shanghai Railway Station. Yu Garden… Look , think, talk Ask individual about and answer students Where do the questions . you live? To elicit various answers. Encourage them to coaching cooperative learning modeling cooperative learning modeling a simple map of Shanghai. a simple map of Shanghai the Student' s Book The students into groups of four, one student ask the question ' Where do you live?' the other three answer it. (change roles.) The students to come to the front and act The students to repeat. Homework ? Workbook page 4: Listen and draw the lines to find where they live. ? Read the ' let' s play ' after the cassette. use the structure I love … D: Divide students into groups of four, Have one student ask the question ' Where do you live?' and the other three cooperative answer it. Then let learning them change roles. E: Invite groups of students to act out the dialogue to the class. Workbook page 4 Explain the Workbook page 3 the Student' s Book Workbook
Period 5
Teaching focus:
Using the simple persent tense to express interests and preferences
Teaching steps: Students activities Pre-task preparation: The students look at the picture and read the words The students look at the picture and say ' This is … Teaching activities A: Flash the picture cards and word cards for ' bin , building, park, road and Shanghai ' to check that students remember the words. B: Ask various students to point to each picture and say ' This is … A: Invite some students to clean the classroom with you. Put rubbish into a toy bin you have brought to class. T : ' We use the bin every day. We keep Shanghai clean every day. Teaching starlegry Media the picture cards for ' bin, park, road , building, and Shanghai ' . the word cards. While-task procedure The students answer follow and repeat