The students talk about and answer the questions The students to copy ' I live in Shanghai. ' The students repeat ' I love Sally. ' Repeat (Point to it) B: Ask questions such as the following: ? Where does Sam live? ? Where do you live? ? Dose Sam love Shanghai? ? Do you love Shanghai? ? What is this?(point to a bin and a building respectively) C: Hold up a stamped envelope and say ' My friend in Canada sent this to me. She had to write ' Shanghai ' on it because Ilive in Shanghai. Say ' I live in Shanghai. ' and ask students to copy you. D: Hug a toy bear and say ' This is my bear. Her name is Sally. I love Sally. ' Show the picture of Shanghai again. cooperative learning modeling a toy bear Get student to say after The students look at the book and listen to the tape Post-task activities Draw a picture of the place they live in. say something about pictures by using the sentences ' I live in …, I love … ' Talk about Consolidation ? Look, listen and tick the correct sentence. ? Listen and Hug it and say ' I love Shanghai. ' E: Open the student's book to page 3. Play the cassette tape to let students hear the correct pronunciation of the words and sentences. Then ask indicidual students to say 'I live in Shanghai. ' and ' I love Shanghai. ' A: Give each student a sheet of white drawing paper. Ask them to draw a picture of the place they live in. B: Ask students to say something about their pictures by using the sentences ' I live in …, I love … ' Workbook page 2 Explain the Workbook page 2 modeling cooperative learning book cassette white drawing paper. Workbook draw. Homework Read the 'Let 's talk ' after the cassette
Period 3
Teaching focus:
Using nouns to identify object
Using proper nouns to refer to places
Teaching steps: Students activities Pre-task preparation: Teaching activities Teaching starlegry coaching Media Put up wallchart A: Put up the wallchart for page 3. Ask the students to say something about The students to say the picture by using something about the sentences they the picture have learned in the previous lesson: ‘ I I live in …'a live in …’a I love …’ I love …’ While-task procedure A: Still referring to the Look and answer: ' building ' The students to repeat Look , think, talk about and answer the questions . The students to repeat. Look , think and answer the questions . The students to the wallchart. T: What you can see in the picture ? Introduce the word ‘ building ‘ Hold up the picture card for ‘ building ‘ and say ‘ building ‘ (Ask the students to repeat) B: T: ‘ What things do you sometimes see lying on the pavement? ‘ coaching Show examples of rubbish that people throw away – soft drink cans, plastic bags, food cooperative wrappers, etc. learning T : ‘ How do they there? Dose it make Shanghai look beautiful? What should we always do with our rubbish? ‘ Show a toy bin and say ‘ bin’ slowly. (Ask students to repeat. ) modeling C: Show the pictures of a park and a road. T : do you often go to the park? To elicit the new words ‘ park ‘ and ‘road ‘. Say the words slowly. (Ask the students to Wallchart for page 4 the picture and word cards repeat. the students read the words Open the book to page 4. Students listen and repeat. the students to point to each picture as the word is being read out. The students look at the letters and listen to the tape repeat.) D: Put up the picture and word cards on the board in random order. Then re-arrange them by putting the word cards below their corresponding picture cards, as shown in their Student’ s Books. Read the words with the students. E: Play the cassette tape. Ask the students to point to each picture as the word is being read out. F: Show students the picture cards for ‘ apple’ and say Apple begins with the sound ‘ a ‘ . Show the word card for ‘ apple’ and say ‘ A …’ Apple’ .(Repeat) Show alphabet cards ‘ A ‘ and ‘ a ‘ . Have students compare the capital letter ‘ a ‘ . Do the same with ‘ B b… Bird ‘ . Play the tape for the picture and word cards book cassette tape. letter ' A a ' ' B b '