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剑桥国际少儿英语1- 12单元重点完全解析含歌词

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Meera: Oh. My favorite toy’s my ball.

Lenny: My favourite’s my train. What’s your favourite toy, Suzy?

Suzy: Mo … Aaahhh! Where’s Monty?

2. 2. Listen and point.

Mr Star: Simon… Simon, is your ball in your bag?

Simon: Er, no, it isn’t. Dad.

Mr Star: Simon, is your ball on the toy box?

Simon: E, no, it isn’t, Dad.


Say the chant.

Black, brown, white, grey,

Look, listen, point and say.

Black, brown, white, grey,

Look, listen, point and say.


Sing the song.


Monty isn’t there,

Monty isn’t there,

He isn’t on the table.

He isn’t under the chair.

Oh, where? Where?

Where is Monty?

Is he in the toy box?

Is he under the book?

Is he next to the computer?

Look! Look! Look! Oh, where? Where? Where?

Where? Where? Where?

Where? Where? Where?

Where’s Monty?


Say it with Monty.

Tommy tortoise

Tommy tortoise

Train, two, toys, table

Train, two, toys, table


Listen to the story.

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive.

Walk and walk,

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Maskman: Hello, Marie. What’s that?

Marie: It’s my computer. It’s my favourite toy. Maskman:: Oh,….

Marie: What’s your favourite toy, Maskman? Maskman: My car. It’s blue and black. It’s “the Maskman Car”.

Marie: Oh, that’s nice. Where is it?

Maskman: It’s there, next to the toy box. Monty: No, it isn’t next to the toy box, Maskman. Maskman: Oh, no! Where’s my car?

Monty: Is it in the toy box?

Maskman: No, it isn’t.

Marie: Is it under the table?

Maskman: No, it isn’t under the table. Ooohh.

Where’s my car?

Marie: I don’t know, Maskman. Is it on the chair? Maskman: Noooo, it isn’t.

Monty: Look, Maskman. It’s OK. It’s here, in the bag.

Maskman: Oh, thank you, Monty.

Maskman: My Maskman Car.

Unit 4 My family

●重点语言词汇:family, mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, box, old, young, ugly, beautiful, happy, sad,

Bertie bat

句型:Who’s that? We’re….


复习:玩具,颜色,数字,人物和玩具名字,课堂用语,in, on, under, next to, he/she, his/her, He/She isn’t…Is this a …..?



1.Listen and point.

Suzy Star: This is my family. That’s my father, Mr Star. He’s a pop star. Now, this is a nice picture of my mother. She’s on a white chair. Who’s that woman in the car? That’s my grandmother. My

grandfather is next to my grandmother. He’s funny. There’s my brother, Simon. He’s on a black bike. And that’s my sister, Stella. She’s seven. Oh! And who’s that girl next to the table, Monty? That’s me. And, oh, where are you? There you are, on the table.

2.Listen and point.

Stella: Look at my family. That’s my mother. She’s beautiful. My sister’s young—she’s three. Oh, dear! Look at that bag. My father’s sad. Today my brother’s ugly. My grandfather’s old. He’s next to my sister. My grandmother’s happy.


Say the chant.

Suzy Star, Stella, Simon: Young or old, Happy or sad. Brother and sisters, Mum and dad.

Suzy Star:We are family. My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister. And me.

Stella: He’s my father. She’s my mother. She’s my sister. And he’s my brother.

剑桥国际少儿英语1- 12单元重点完全解析含歌词


