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人教版(PEP)2019-2020年六年级英语下册 期中测试卷2

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姓名 __________ 班级 ____________ 评分:_____________


一、 听音,选择。(10分)

( )1. A. 15kg B. 15cm C.50kg ( )2. A. clean B. climb C. climbed ( )3. A. take B. tail C. took ( )4. A. play football B. play the piano C. go by plane ( )5. A. wash B. watch C. wear ( )6. A. buy B. bike C. nine ( )7. A. ski B. skate C. snake ( )8. A. present B. parents C. pear

( )9. A. I’m fine. B. I’m nine. C. I’m five. ( )10. A. He’s sad. B. He’s sick. C. She’s thin. 二、 听录音,判断对错。(10分) 1. Yesterday was Wednesday. ( ) 2. Mike rowed a boat last Sunday. ( )

3. We went to visit our grandparents last night. ( ) 4. I went skating last year. ( ) 5. Tom was sick yesterday. ( ) 三、 听问题,选答句。(10分)

( )1. A: I went to the bookstore. B: I bought some books.

C: I bought some shoes.

( )2. A: She sees elephants. B: She saw elephants.

C: She’s going to see elephants.

( )3. A: Yes, I did. B: Yes, I do. C: Yes, I am. ( )4. A: No, she doesn’t. B: No, she didn’t. C: No, I didn’t. ( )5. A: She’s angry. B: She’s taller.

C: She’s gong to the hospital.

四、 听录音,填词。(10分) 1. A: did they go there? B: They there by . 2. We many at the zoo. 3. A: Did she good food in Xinjiang? B: Yes, and she some there. 4. I on my holiday. 五、 听录音,判断句子对错。(10分) ( )1. Tom went to see animals last weekend. ( )2. Tom likes animals.

( )3. Tom’s mom went shopping. ( )4. Tom’s dad read some magazines.

( )5. Tom’s family had a good time last weekend.


六、 选择(10分)

( ) 1. What_____Amy_____last weekend ?

A. did, do B. do, do C. does, do ( ) 2. Mike _____his clothes everyday.

A. wash B.washes C.washed ( ) 3. We ______have a football match tomorrow. A. are going B.are go to C. are going to

( ) 4.----- What did you do yesterday? ----- I ____ gifts

A. buy B.bought C.brought

( ) 5. ----How _____are you ? ----- I’m 160 cm tall. A. old B.tall C.heavy ( ) 6. Look, they are_____the insects carefully.

A. watch B.watching C.watched ( ) 7. He is an _____, he draws pictures A. actor B.cleaner C.artist ( ) 8. I played ____piano.

A. \\ B.the C.a

( ) 9. I get up ___7:00___the morning.

A. at at B. at in C.in in ( ) 10. I like to go ____on Sundays.

A. fishing B. to fish C.fish

人教版(PEP)2019-2020年六年级英语下册 期中测试卷2


