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Cloning of rat sp56, the homologue of mouse sperm ZP3 receptor-sp56

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Cloning of rat sp56, the homologue of mouse

sperm ZP3 receptor-sp56


【期刊名称】《细胞研究(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2003(013)002

【摘要】Mouse sp56 is considered as one of the candidates for mouse zona pellucida 3 (mZP3) receptor. Up to date, its homologue has only been cloned from guinea pig, namely AM67. Based on the cDNA sequence of mouse sp56, we designed a pair of primer to amplify its homologue from rat testis cDNA. Using RT-PCR,two fragments of 743 bp and 938 bp were amplified. The PCR products show very high homology to mouse sp56. However, the 743 bp product completely lacks one of the seven Sushi domains of mouse sp56. Using the 743 bp product as the probe to detect the expression profile of sp56 in rat tissues, Northern blot shows that a ~2.0 kb mRNA expresses specifically in testis. Employed the RACE method, two full cDNA sequences of rat sp56 were obtained. A Mr ~42 KD band was detected in denatured and non-reducing protein sample of rat testis and sperm with anti-mouse sp56 monoclonal antibody by Western blot method. Rat sp56was localized on rat sperm head by the indirect immunofiuorescence method. Rat sp56 immunoreactivitywas detected from the early pachytene spermatocytes and throughout the

Cloning of rat sp56, the homologue of mouse sperm ZP3 receptor-sp56


