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Tim is Sophie’s 7 ______. Sophie is Tim’s 8 ______.

C N u m b e r s

Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数子表示以下数词。


______ twenty-three ______ ______ twenty-five ______


twenty-seven ______ twenty-eight ______



L e s s o n 1 2 W h o s e i s t h i s …? 这……是谁的?

A Q u e s t i o n s

Write questions. 根据答案写出正确的疑问句。

1 Whose is this blue umbrella ? -This blue umbrella is my brother’s.

2 ______________________ ? -That shirt is Tim’s.

3 ______________________ ? -This tie is my brother’s.

4 ______________________ ? -That blouse is my sister’s.

5 ______________________ ? - This car is Mr. Blake’s.

6 ______________________ ? - That white shirt is Paul’s.

B s t r u c t u r e

Fill in the blanks with my, your, his or her. 用所有格形容词 my, your, his 或 her 填空。

1 Is that Tim’s shirt? - Yes, it is. It’s ______shirt.

2 Is this Emma’s umbrella? - Yes, it is. It’s ______ umbrella.

3 Is that seven’s new coat? - Yes, it is. It’s ______ new coat.

4 Is this my watch? - Yes, it is. It’s ______ watch. (It isn’t my watch!)

5 Is that your ticket? - Yes, it is. It’s ______ ticket.



6 Is this Mrs. Brown’s Ford? - Yes, it is. It’s ______ new Ford.

C s t r u c t u r e

This is an apostrophe:‘ .Add apostrophes where necessary. 在必要的地方加上撇号(’)。

1 This is Tims shirt, that is his fathers coat, and this is sevens tie.

2 This is my brothers old car and thats my fathers new car.

3 This is my mothers umbrella and thats my sisters handbag.

D s i t u a t i o n

What do you say in this situation? 根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

What do you say when you give, pass or throw something to someone?


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