【期刊名称】《系统工程与电子技术》 【年(卷),期】2017(039)003
【摘要】In allusion to the problem of low efficiency of power allocation of traditional cognitive radio networks in weak signal power strength environment, a novel power control and optimization algorithm with the optimization goal of average channel effective capacity is proposed, which is supposed that the cognitive receiver is implemented.The models of effective capacity and relevant state transition are established, then the objective function which supports delay quality of service (QoS) constrains is designed and the expression of the optimal solution is derived in detail with the Lagrangian method.Factors that affect average channel effective capacity of the cognitive user are analyzed by the simulation.Simulation results indicate that the average channel effective capacity and energy efficiency ratio of the cognitive user with the proposed algorithm improve remarkably.%针对传统认知无线网络功率控制策略难以在信号强度较弱时实现有效功率分配的问题,以认知用户所能获得的平均信道有效容量最大化为优化目标,提出了一种新的认知无线网络的功率控制与优化算法,建立了信道容量及其状态转移模型,设计了支持时延QoS约束的平均信道有效容量目标函数,并采用Lagrangian定理详细推导了最优解的近似表达式,最后对影响平均信道有效容量的因素进行了仿真分析.结果表明,认知用户的