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点击:1624 评论:0 2007年3月6日 17:2 作者:易姽英 智词:家庭教育 文字大小【大 中 小 】 【背景色

】 【可打印版本】 【关闭窗口】


第一卷(选择题,共75分) 第一部分:听力(20分)

I.Listen and circle.(听句子,圈出你所听到的单词或短语。每句读一遍) 1.A.argument B.argue C.art D.aunt 2.A.walk B.lock C.talk D.pork 3.A.own B.owe C.our D.only 4.A.1ook B.loose C.lost D.1ose 5.A.style B.still C.small D.smell 6.A.teacher B.tutor C.till D. talk 7.A.grow B.right C.wrong D.write 8.A.except B.expert C.expect D.exhaust 9.A.keep out B.leave out C.go out D.break out 10.A.look up B.get up C.call up D.ring up

Ⅱ.Listen and choose.(听句子,选出与你所听到的句子意思最接近的选项。每句读一遍)

11.A.You’d better do your homework carefully. B.You don’ t do your homework carefully. C.You won’t do your homework carefully. D.You could do your homework carefully.

12.A.My friend borrowed some money from Tom. B.Tom borrowed some money from my friend.

C.My friend asked me to borrow some school things from Tom. D.My friend said I should borrow some money from Tom. 13.A.1 wear the same shoes as my classmate does. B.1 wear new clothes,but my classmate doesn't. C.My classmate wears nicer clothes than I do. D.My classmate and 1 wear the same clothes. 14.A.I find it easy to learn English well.

B.I find it difficult to learn English well. C.I find it hard to talk with English teacher. D.I find it easy to use English.

15.A.You could do nothing at home.

B.There are a lot of things you could eat at home. C.There are lots of things you could do at home. D.You could do your homework at school.

Ⅲ.Listen and choose.(听短文,选出与短文内容相符的选项。短文读三遍) 16. Where did Mike go last summer?_____________ A.England. B.China. C.The USA. D.France.

17. How long did Mike stay there ?_____________ A.For two months. B.For two weeks. C.For three hours. D.For one day. 18. What did Mike do when he stayed there?______ A. He learnt English. B.He taught English. C.He learnt Japanese. D.He taught French.

19.Why did the owner of the shop have to learn English?_____ A.Because his wife asked him to do so. B.Because he wanted to go to the USA.

C.Because he had many American customers(顾客). D.Because he wanted to go to England for his holiday. 20.Who gave Mike three meals and a little pocket money?______ A.The owner of the shop. B.Mike’s parents. C.Mike’s friend. D.The writer. 第二部分:英语知识应用(共两节,25分) 第一节:单项填空(15分)

( ) 21.I fell in 1ove____the beautiful city of Shanghai while 1 was___ vacation


A .with ; on B. on; with C. to, in D. to ; for ( ) 22.There will be_____ buildings in our city,I’m sure. A.more tall beautiful B.more beautiful tall C.tall more beautiful D .tall beautiful more

( ) 23.I think there____ any paper money in the future.

A.will be B.will have C.won’t be D.won’t have ( ) 24 ---How will students study in the future? --- ____home______ computers.

A.In;in B.At;in C.At;with D.At:on

( ) 25.If you compare your English____ mine,you’ll find yours is much_____. A.with;good B.with;better

C.and;good D.and;better

( ) 26.-----What do you think of these students?

-----I find them interested________English and Chinese.

A.to learn B.1earning C.in learning D.with learning ( ) 27.They need time to play or think,________? A.needn’t they B.don’t they

C.need they D.do they

( ) 28.-----Look !There are some monkeys_____ the tree. -----Are they eating the apples______ the tree?

A.on;on B.in;in C.0n;in D .in;on

( ) 29.You can hardly imagine ___strange the alien was!

A.what B.how C.which D.why

( ) 30.-----What ____ you doing when the UFD landed? -----I________ a souvenir.

A.are;was buying B.were;was buying C.was;was buying D.did;bought

( ) 31. If it ____ tomorrow, we .won't go to the park.

A. will rain B. rains C. rain D. rained

( ) 32. Beckham earns more than 10 million pounds ____ year.

A. a B. the C. one D. last

( )33.Mr Li is very famous ____ a teacher ____ his interesting way of teaching.

A. for; as B. for; for C. as; as D. as; for

( ) 34.-----Why are your clothes so dirty, Mike?

-----Because I _____ the classroom.

A. have cleaned B.have been C.cleaned D. was cleaning

( ) 35. It's really important ____ us to know that it's not polite ____ us to eat from

each other's plates in a country like Britain.

A. for; of B. of; for C. of; of D. for; for


The marathon is a popular Olympic event. It is a very 36 race 42.2

kilometres , and good 37 finish it in about two hours. Marathon is the name of a place in Greece ( 西腊) .There is an old 38 about an important battle (战斗) at Marathon 2500 years 39 . The Greeks won the battle and their leader(领袖) was very excited and proud(自豪). He shouted,\ 40 a message to Athens(雅典) at once. It' s a long way to Athens. 41 can take our message home to our people? \ I can run 42 than all the other men!\Pheidippides ran as fast as he could to Athens. He shouted the 43 news to the Athenians,\ 44 to the ground. He was too exhausted ( 疲惫) and died a short time later. He was the 45 \( ) 36. A. dangerous B. interesting C. short D. long ( ) 37. A. players B. runners C. doctors D. workers ( ) 38. A. subject B. result C. story D. book ( ) 39. A. ago B. before C. after D. later


