ASEM Seminar on S&T and Innovation
April 2015, Beijing, China Draft Concept Paper
Background Since the beginning of the 21 century, technology breakthroughs in some important areas have seemed to foretell the coming of the third industrial revolution. Advances in science and technology for renewable energy, information, new materials and biology, among other fields, are showing a pattern of interdisciplinary development and generating very exciting results. However, there are signs of geological imbalance regarding the development of technology. Just like the conventional economic wisdom: “Trade makes people better off”, innovation cooperation makes people better off, too. Through the movement of technologies from one area to another, scientific and technological developments are accessible to a wider range of users who can then further develop and exploit the technology into new products, processes, applications, materials or services. Therefore, the Asia-Europe Meeting, defined as an informal trans-regional platform for dialogue between the two regions and with a view to jointly confront the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, should not ignore the potential of an innovation cooperation mechanism to promote regional economic and social benefits.
With the above thoughts in mind, we propose that the “ASEM Seminar on S&T and Innovation Cooperation” be held in April 2015. The seminar is intended to bring together government officials, innovation cooperation practitioners in universities and research institutes, innovation cooperation agents, entrepreneurs and experts in this field to discuss the status quo, traits and priorities of innovation cooperation between Asia and Europe, as well as the challenges, opportunities and future directions. It is expected that the discussion at the seminar would help explore the feasibility of, or even shape the structure of, an innovation cooperation mechanism (Asia-Europe Technology Transfer Center). Content The seminar will focus on the following topics:
1. Exploring the most updated technological information and requirements of Asian and European Countries, to discuss scientific cooperation prospects in major sectors like clean energy, ecological protection, space, biology, ICT, sustainable urban development.
2. Professional international technology transfer organizations sharing successful transnational and trans-regional technology transfer experiences as well as summing up factors behind successful cases.
Heads of related department of the governments home and abroad, supervisors of innovation cooperation from famous universities home and abroad, professional of technology transfer organizations, business executives and experts in this field will participate in the seminar. The number of participants is expected to be approximately 80, including 30 domestic representatives, 20 from other parts of Asia and 30 European delegates. Format
The seminar will be a 1.5 days meeting.
Date and Place The seminar is proposed to be held for one day in April 2015 in Beijing, China.
Venue: Beijing International Convention Center (TBC)
Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC Organizer:
Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission