U.S. Navy.
4.库珀边疆小说《皮袜子故事集》由5部小说共同组成,历时18年,1823-1841,即《杀鹿者》、《最后的莫希干人》、《探路人》、《拓荒者》及《大草原》。阿伦·内文斯(历史学家)认为这五部小说是迄今为止美国最接近史诗的一部大作,his frontier stories “Leather Stocking Tales” including five novels: “The Deerslayer”; The Last of the Mohicans”, “The Pathfinder”, “The Pioneers”, “The Prairie”. Allan Nevins calls these five novels “the nearest approach yet to an American epic”.通过这些人物的描写,作者记录了当时美国人思想意识,还使欧洲人意识到美国with a vast group of supporting characters, virtuous or villainous, Cooper made the American conscious of his past, and made the European conscious of American. 5.教材作品:《最后的莫希干人》:“The Last of the Mohicans”
三、William Cullen Bryant威廉·卡伦·布莱恩特1794-1878 1. 1817年伟大史诗《死之思考》(希腊语),人们一致认为这是当时美国最杰出的一篇诗作the stately poem called ”
Thanatopsis” (Greek, meaning “view of death”) introduced the best poet to appear in American up to that time.
2. 他不仅在诗坛享有极高声望,在新闻界也是一个重量级新闻人物,他是当时最杰出的编辑之一。他积极支持
言论自由、贸易自由等主张,还主张废除奴隶制apart from his fames as a poet, Bryant merits a reputation as one of the great editors of American journalism. He supported such causes as free speech, free trade and the abolition of slavery. 3. 《致水鸟》是其巅峰之作,“用美国英语写作的最完美的短诗”,“To a Waterfowl” is perhaps the peak of his work,
“Most perfect brief poem in the language”. 4. 后期,他用无韵诗的形式翻译了《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》his most important later works are his translations of the
“Iliad” and the “Odyssey” into English blank verse.
5. 当欧文用自己的作品预示美国散文时代的到来时,布莱恩特向欧洲读者证实了美国的诗歌也达到了相当高的
水平,他是第一个获得美国主要诗人称号的作家As Irving had shown that American prose had come of age, so Bryant demonstrated to European readers that American poetry was ready to demand serious attention. He was the first American to gain the stature of a major poet. 6. 教材作品:《死之思考》:“Thanatopsis”
《致水鸟》:“To a Waterfowl”
四、Edgar Allan Poe埃德加·阿伦·坡1809-1849
1. 1833年,在一次小说比赛中他的《金瓶子城的方德先生》获奖he won a contest with his story “Ms. Found in a
Bottle” .Then he got a job as editor with the “Southern Literary Messenger” ( 南方文学信使)坡充分展示了自己作为编辑、诗人、文学评论家、小说作家的杰出才能showed his true talents as an editor, a poet, a literary critic, and a writer of fiction.
2. 发表了《鄂榭府崩溃记》“The Fall of the House of Usher”.
3. 1840 年,第一部短篇小说集《述异集》his first collection of short stories “Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque”. 4. 1845 年诗集《乌鸦》出版“The Raven” was published as the title poem of a collection 在欧洲,坡被人们称作诗
歌与小说二种文学创作风格的探路者,对法国文坛一些作家影响特别深远in Europe, he was hailed as a pioneer in poetic and fictional techniques. His influence was especially strong on many French writers. 5. 教材作品:《给海伦》:“To Helen”
《乌鸦》:“ The Raven” 《安娜贝尔·李》“ Annabel Lee” 《鄂榭府崩溃记》“The Fall of the House of Usher”
五、Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生1803-1882
1. 他是把超验主义思想引入新英格兰的先驱,被看作是超验主义运动的领袖he was responsible for bringing
Transcendentalism to New England and was recognized throughout his life as the leader of the movement 爱默生首先强调的是个人主义、思想独立和自强 he believed above all in individualism, independence of mind and self-reliance他崇尚英勇,并不忌讳变化和有冲突的思想he admired courage, he was not afraid of changing or clashing ideas.
2. 1836 年出版了第一本书《论自然》“Nature”, 真正让他功成名就的还是得益于两次学术演讲,一个是《美国学
者》,还有一个是《神学院致辞》“The American Scholar” and “The Divinity School Address”. 他的许多演讲后收
录在他的《随笔集》中,演讲中最重要的著作是他1850年的《代表》和1856年《英国人》。1847年他的《诗集》问世. Many of his lectures were later distilled into his famous “Essays”. Among his most important works are “Representative Men” and “English Traits” .His “Poems” appeared in 1847.
3. 人们认为他的诗作缺乏诗的形式,用语也太粗糙,但最后他的诗歌却受到了高度评价,他那样并不工整的韵
律和动人的形象如艺术品一样,非常适合现代读者的口味in his day, Emerson’s poems were criticized for their lack of form and polish. In recent years, hower, his poetry has received high praise. His harsh rhythms and striking images appeal to many modern readers as artful techniques.
4. 他的散文同他的诗歌一样极富个性,他的许多随笔是由日记中的一些词条,演讲中的内容,笔记里的东西等
整理出来的,这些作品往往缺乏比较好的组织结构;然而他构句的水平却相当高超,一些经过推敲后的句子不仅思想深刻,而且让人难以忘怀his prose style is sometimes as highly individual as his poetry. Many of his essays were put together from his journal entries, speeches, and random notes, and they are often somewhat disorganized. Yet his skill in polishing each sentence into a striking thought makes his writing memorable.
5. 《美国学者》被称为“我们知识分子的独立宣言” “our intellectual Declaration of Independence” 6. 教材作品:《论自然》:“Nature”; 《论自助》:“Self-Reliance”
六、Henry David Thoreau亨利·戴维·梭罗1817-1862
1. 他是爱默生最忠实的信徒,是他把爱默生的许多理论付诸了实践he was Emerson’s truest disciple, who put into
practice many of Emerson’s theories.
2. 1854年,梭罗根据他在沃尔登湖畔居住两年经历写出名作《沃尔登》“Walden”, the superb book came out of his
two-year’s residence at Walden Pond 在这部书中阐释了他去体验这种生活的原因,他认为一个一星期最好工作一天,而剩下的六天时间则用来思索,他也认为人类心灵的自助和独立最为重要,每个人都应该发现自己的生活方式he explained many of the beliefs that led him to try this kind of life. He thought it better for a man to work one day a week and the rest of the week could be devoted to thought. For Thoreau, as for Emerson, self-reliance and independence of mind ranked above all each should find out his own way of living. 3. 1849年,根据他1846年坐监经历写下了著名的随笔《平民反抗》,文章中梭罗阐述了自己的观点,在政府的
压力下,人不应该违背自己的良知From his experience in jail came his famous essay” Civil Disobedience”, which stated Thoreau’s belief that no man should violate his conscience at the command of a government. 4. 教材作品:《沃尔登 我生活的地方;我为何生活》:“Walden Where I Lived, and What I Lived For”
七、Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔·霍桑1804-1864 1.《七尖角阁的房子》讲述的是作者自己家族的一段历史“ The House of the Seven Gables” deals with the effects of a curse, and though the tale itself is fiction, the germ of the story sprang from the author’s family history.
2.他是通过观察和聆听别人谈话来获得创作素材的,听人家讲的一些新英格兰口头故事、民间传说及各种鬼怪趣事Hawthorne gathered his material by observing and listening to others whose talk was filled with New England Lore, legend, and superstition. 3.《海关大楼》“ The Custom House”;
1852年的《福谷浪漫史》“The Blithedale Romance”;
1846年他完成了宏篇巨著《古厦青苔》splendid stories called “Mosses from an Old Manse” 1860年创作出《宝石神像》“The Marble Faun”.
5. 霍桑独特的才能主要表现在他能够通过一些极具象征意义的故事来触摸人类灵魂深处的道德品质,最好的例
证便是波士顿清教徒引以自娱的《红字》,小说的每一个字,每一幅画面和每一个事件都能够达到了一个特定的效果,它讲述了关于罪的故事,罪对不同人的影响以及有些人获得拯救的故事Hawthorne’s unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the deepest roots of man’s moral nature. The finest example is the recreation of Puritan Boston, “The Scarlet Letter”. In this novel each word, image, and event works toward a single effect. It is a complex story of guilt, its effects upon various persons, and how deliverance is obtained for some of them.
6. 在他的短篇小说中,他通过活生生,极有象征意味的想象来体现人类社会的一些重大道德问题his ability to
create vivid and symbolic images that embody great moral questions appear strongly in his short stories。霍桑的杰出之处在于他能把一个故事安放在自己设置的正义标准之中来讲述,他在书中所讲的正义标准成为了当时人们的道德参考it was Hawthorne’s ability to make a story exist in its own right but at the same time appear as a moral
symbol. 霍桑同埃德加·阿伦·坡并称为美国短篇小说现代艺术大师,他们都创作了独一无二的小说形式样Hawthorne shares with Edgar Allan Poe the distinction of advancing the art of the short story, giving to the form qualities that are uniquely American。霍桑同麦尔维尔一样都采用了讲故事的手法来探讨生活的意义 to Hawthorne and Melville, hower, the telling of a tale was a way of inquiring into the meaning of life. 7. 他的作品还有:《伊桑·布兰德》、《小伙子布朗》、《海德格博士的体验》、《野心勃勃的客人》、《巨石脸》。“Ethan
Brand”; “Young Goodman Brown”; “Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment”; “The Ambitious Guest”; “The Great Stone Face”. 8. 教材作品:《红字》:“The Scarlet Letter”
八、Herman Melville赫尔曼·麦尔维尔1819-1891 1.《白鲸》主要讲述了一个为追捕一只想象中的神秘白鲸的漫长海上故事,这本书达到了象征主义手法的创作高峰,这种写法强烈地吸引了现在社会的读者 “Moby Dick”, a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in pursuit of a seemingly supernatural white whale. The book is steeped in symbolism, another strong appeal to readers of his century.
2.1846年《泰皮》出版后,他被称为“同食人族生活的人”“ Typee”, became known as the “man who lived among cannibals” 1847年后续集《欧穆》同样大获成功“Omoo”; 1849年《雷德本》“Bedburn”; 1850年《白外衣》“White-Jacket”; 1891年《比利·伯德》“Billy Budd” 3.两部哲学性小说《玛地》、《皮埃尔》two other philosophical novels “Mardi”, “Pierre”. 《代笔者巴特贝》是有诗歌风味的短篇故事“Bartleby the Scrivener”. 还有两本短篇小说,即《班内托·西兰尼》和《比利·伯德》(最后一部)two celebrated short novels “Benito Cereno” and “Billy Budd”. 《比利·伯德》同《白鲸》一样都运用船来象征社会,苦苦追寻和探讨了人类善与恶的问题,船就是社会的一个缩影,里面有各种各样的人物uses a ship as symbol of society and searchingly examines the problems of good and evil. Ahab’s ship was like a world in miniature with characters from all walks of life. 4.教材作品:《白鲸》:“Moby Dick”
九、Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗1807-1882
1.1833-1835创作完成散文浪漫作品《海外记游》his prose romance “Outre-Mer”; 2.在《海华沙》中,他采用芬兰民间故事写作手法追忆了美洲印第安人的传说using Finish folk meter in his celebration of American Indian Legends in “Hiawatha”.他最大的成就就是他使诗歌成为了人人都能看,都能写的一种文学体裁his greatest virtue is that he made poetry seem worth reading and worth writing.
3.1838年他第一部诗集名叫《夜吟》Longfellow’s first collection of poems entitled “Voices of the Night”; 1839年浪漫散文作品《许珀里翁》出版“Hyperion” the prose romance.。 1841年《歌谣及其他》“Ballads and other Poems”; 1842年《奴隶制度诗篇》“Poems on Slavery”; 1847年诗歌《伊凡吉林》“Evangeline”; 1855年《海华沙之歌》“Song of Hiawatha”; 1858年《迈克尔·斯坦狄什的求婚》“The Courtship of Miles Standish”; 戏剧作品《迈克尔·安吉洛》dramatic work “Michael Angelo” 翻译作品《神曲》翻译成就最高“Divine Comedy”. 4.他的其它作品:《金星号遇难》、《人生礼赞》、《精益求精》、《乡村铁匠》、《逝去的青春》
“The Wreck of the Hesperus”; “A Psalm of Life”; “Excelsior”; “The Village Blacksmith”; “My Lost Youth”.
5.朗费罗去世后被安葬在威斯敏斯特教堂的诗人之角,他也是美国惟一获此殊荣的诗人,他的诗歌因高雅宜人,纯正有韵味而大受欢迎after his death, he became the only American to be honored with a bust in the Poet’s corner of Westminster Abbey. The gentleness, sweetness, and purity for which his poetry was popular during his lifetime. 6.教材作品:《人生礼赞》:“A Psalm of Life”; 《奴隶的梦》:“The Slave’s Dream”; 《逝去的青春》;“My Lost Youth”; 《海华沙之歌 海华沙的禁食》“The Song of Hiawatha Hiawatha’s Fasting”
PartⅣ The Literature Of Realism现实主义文学
1. 美国国内战争Civil War 1861-1865.美国现实主义文学:他们寻找描写美国人真实生活的方法,他们声称平凡
的、就近的事件同重大的、遥运的事件一样都是艺术创作的源泉they sought to portray American life as it really was, insisting that the ordinary and local were as suitable for artistic portrayal as the magnificent and the remote. 2. 现实主义一词来源于法语realisme, 她是一种文学原则,她强调描写平凡的生活,强调其“真实性和现实性”。
Realism had originated in France as realisme, a literary doctrine that called for “reality and truth” in the depiction of ordinary life. “现实主义要求创作素材绝对真实,即不能夸张,也不能缩小”,William Dean Howells(豪厄斯) defined realism as “nothing more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of material”.他反对那些表现失意和绝望类苍白无力的小说,他强调现实主义作品要发掘出生活中微笑的一方面,因为美国人都坚信自己的国家是一个充满希望,什么奇迹都有可能发生的一个国家,作为文学也应该把这些特征表现出来he spoke out against the writing of a bleak fiction of failure and despair. He called for the treatment of the “Smiling aspects of life” as being the more “American”, insisting that American was truly a land of hope and of possibility that should be reflected in its literature.
3. 美国现实主义文学总体说来对生活的表面现象进行了乐观的处理,这是其局限,然而最伟大的现实主义大师
亨利·詹姆斯、马克·吐温则摆脱了对十九世纪美国进行肤浅描写的局限,詹姆斯对他作品中的人物个性心理进行了深度探讨,他运用深厚的和复杂的写作方式对复杂的个人经历进行了揣摩。马克·吐温打破了乡土小说的狭窄局限,前所未有地描述了广阔的美国生活the bulk of America’s literary realism was limited to optimistic treatment of the surface of life. Yet the greatest of America’s realists, Henry James and Mark Twain, moved well beyond a superficial portrayal of nineteenth-century America. James probed deeply into the individual psychology of his characters, writing in a rich and intricate style that supported his intense scrutiny of complex human experience. Mark Twain, breaking out of the narrow limits of local color fiction, described the breadth of American experience as no one had ever done before, or since.
4. 美国新的现实主义即自然主义大师们不再崇尚过去粉饰太平的写作方法,他们设法尽力客观,真实地展现出
受环境与出身局限的下层人民和各种经济阶层人物的真正生活,他们强调世界的非道德性,他们认为,人们并没有意志的自由,他们的生活状况往往受到了生活的环境与自己的出身所局限;他们还认宗教上的“真理”是虚幻的,人类世俗的现实生活是痛苦的,死亡以后,一切又烟消云散了naturalism, a new and harsher realism. America’s literary naturalists dismissed the validity of comforting moral truths. They attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness, presenting characters of low social and economic classed who were dominated by their environment and heredity, the naturalists emphasized that the world was amoral, that men and women had no free will, that their lives were controlled by heredity and the environment, that religious “truths” were illusory, that the destiny of humanity was misery in life and oblivion in death.
一、Walt Whitman沃尔特·惠特曼1819-1892
1. 美国文学史上极其重要的、具有创新精神的作家之一,他的《草叶集》中系列诗歌是美国文学史上第一部真
正的史诗one of the great innovators in American literature. In the cluster of poems he called “Leaves of Grass” he gave America its first genuine epic poem.他所创造的这种诗体叫做自由诗,在这种诗歌中,没有固定的节拍,也没有有规律的韵脚,惠特曼认为传统的格律诗不适合表达民主之声the poetic style he devised is now called free verse-that is, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. Whitman thought that the voice of democracy should not be haltered by traditional forms of verse.
2. 1855年出版《草叶集》第一部,其中的大部分作品表达的主题是人类与大自然。有一部分诗歌描写的是令作
者痴迷的纽约,少量诗歌还对内战进行了描写,在诗歌中,惠特曼把各种具有平民思想的普通人,社会下层的不同个体的理念有机地结合了起来most of the poems in “Leaves of Grass” are about man and nature. However, a small number of very good poems deal with New York, the city that fascinated Whitman, and with the Civil War. In his poetry, Whitman combined the ideal of the democratic common man and that of the rugged individual. 他给诗人重新进行了定义,他认为诗人是一个英雄,是一个救世主,还是先知,诗人通过对真理的表达来引导大众in his poetry, Whiman combined the ideal of the democratic common man and that of the rugged individual. He envisioned the poet as a hero, a savior and a prophet, one who leads the community by his expressions of the truth. 3. 教材作品:《自己之歌》:”Song of Myself”
《我坐在这儿眺望着》:”I Sit and Look Out” 《敲呀!敲呀!鼓啊!》:”Drum-Taps Beat! Beat! Drums”
二、Emily Dickinson爱米丽·狄金森1830-1886
1. 她的诗歌古怪、简洁,她对做任何大众或流行诗人的概念保持惊人冷漠,她往往是通过一件具体的家庭小事,
和一种闲适的生活来阐明事理,并把这些描写成为令人痴迷的诗歌she wrote her whimsical, darting verse with sublime indifference to any notion of being a democratic or popular poet. Her work illustrated the fact that one could take a single household and an inactive life, and make enchanting poetry out of it.
2. 她同姐姐终身未嫁一直住在一起,1862年以后,她过上了完全与世隔绝的生活,从此再也没有离开过自己的
家乡,也没有同朋友聚会,狄金森与世隔绝可能是受到一桩不满爱情的影响,但主要可能还是源于她自己独特的个性,源于她自己要同世人隔绝的愿望,她诗歌并没有受到生活局限,相反她诗歌却极富创造性和想象力she and her sister remained at home and did not marry. After 1862 she became a total recluse, not leaving her house nor seeing even close friends. Her later retirement from the world, though perhaps affected by an unhappy love affair, seems mainly to have resulted from her own personality, from a desire to separate herself from the world. The range of her poetry suggests not her limited experiences but the power of her creativity and imagination.
3. 她在世时,发表了仅七首诗,爱米丽并没有按当时的标准来修改自己的作品,也无意去出版这些作品Emily,
however, refused to revise her poems to fit the standards of others and took no interest in having them published; in fact she had only seven poems published during her lifetime.
4. 她的诗歌富有激情,诗歌都很短,很多诗建立在一个简单的意象或象征之上,狄金森在她小小抒情诗歌中却
对生活中的大部分重大事件进行了探讨Emily Dickinson’s poetry comes out in bursts. The poems are short, many of them being based on a single image or symbol. But within her little lyrics Miss Dickinson writes about some of the most important things in life.
5. 教材作品:《我品味未经酿造的饮料》:”I taste a liquor never brewed”
《我意识到一场葬礼》:”I Felt a Funeral, in My Brain” 《鸟儿沿着小径过来》:”A Bird came Down the Walk-“ 《我为美而死》:”I Died for Beauty-but Was Scarce”
《听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声-我死时》:”I Heard a Fly Buzz-when I died-“ 《我不能等候死神》:”Because I Could not Stop for Death-“
三、Harriet Beecher Stowe哈丽雅特·比彻·斯托1811-1896
1. 她出生名门,父亲莱曼是当地有名的牧师,父亲在家“一手遮天”,非常专横,对待他们兄妹非常严厉,他希
望家里的男孩子将来成为传教士,女孩子能够嫁给传教士she was born into a respectable family that was to become famous, her father Lyman was a renowned clergyman. The family was dominated by the father who ruled with the kind of wrathful severity that he imagined were the chief characteristics of the God he worshiped and feared. The boys were expected to become preachers, the girls to marry preachers.
2. 1851年6月5日,系列小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的第一集在《民族时代》专栏上开始连载,到1852年4月1
日最后一集刊登完成the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” or “The Man That Was a Thing”, began serially in the National Era on June 5, 1851, and the last installment appeared on April 1, 1852.
3. 这部小说被翻译成40多种文字,被全球数百万计的人们广泛阅读,这部小说的成功源于该作品倾注了作者自
己对两主人公所受痛苦和压迫的深刻感受,再就是人们为作者要解放这些奴隶的决心所感动Since then has been published in some forty languages and has been read by millions of people around the world. The power of the novel unquestionably comes from the investment of the author’s sense of her own suffering and oppression (as well as her determination to be free) in the characters of Tom and his fellow slave Eliza,, the protagonists of the book’s two main plots.
4. 《汤姆叔叔小屋题解》“A Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin” with documented case histories to support what she had
portrayed fictionally. 1856年《德雷德,阴暗大沼地的故事》“Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp” attempt to repeat the theme and extend the argument of her masterpiece: that a society resting on slavery could not long survive. 5. 教材作品:《汤姆叔叔的小屋》:“Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
四、Mark Twain 马克·吐温1835-1910
1. 原名Samuel Langhorne Clemens 塞缪尔·朗赫恩·克莱门斯。1847年父亲去世后开始到一家出版社当学徒工,



