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光纤自身不能发光, 但光纤可以传光,用于照明; 光纤照明所选用的光纤, 按照光纤材 质的不同,通常可分为石英光纤、多组分玻璃光纤和塑料光纤 的传光原理,其它的光纤传光原理同 POF的传光原理是一致的。



POF等,本文主要介绍 POF

次科学阐述这一现象的,却是英国皇家学会的约翰?丁达尔向英国皇家学会演示了一个著名 的实验,他当时用一只盛满水的器皿, 着水流传导出来。

1880年,威廉?惠勒(William Wheeler) 提出“管道照明”的设想,并获得美国专利, 这是有案可查的最早的“遥控照明”装置,

其基本原理是:用内壁涂有反射层的管子把中心 让水从器皿的侧孔中流出, 这时投射在水中的光也随


,这实际上是光纤用于照明的雏形, 光纤


照明系统简单地就可以看作是和上述的“管道系统”相类似的一个系统, 传输的介质是光,而用以传输光的“管道”就是光纤,


照明的特定区域。1954年,《自然》杂志发表了 Hopkin's 和Kapany成功地用一束10,000 到20,000的纤维来传输图像的文章,Van Heel发现低折射率光纤包层的作用,纤维的图像 传输的成功实现和光纤包层的提出这两个进步标志着光导纤维作为一个新兴学科的诞生 1966年,英国标准电信研究所英籍华裔科学家高锟


究了玻璃的传输损耗后,撰写的文章《用于光频的介质纤维表面波导》发表在伦敦电气工程 师协会(IEE)会刊上,他们从理论上指出:如果减少或消除光导纤维中的有害杂质如过渡金 属离子,可大大降低光纤传输损耗,提高光纤的传光能力,从而推动了光纤制造工艺的研究。 美国杜邦DuPont公司


POF[1], POF就是光纤的一种,

实现光在 达到需要的

而光纤用于光纤照明的基本原理是利用光线在不同折射率介质的界面发生全反射, 光纤中的高效传输以及光纤与光源的充分耦合, 照明效果,为了解光在光纤中的传输方式 2.



,现介绍子午光线在 POF中的传输特性。

光是通过光源内大量的分子或原子振动而产生的辐射。 1894年,麦克斯韦从理论上指

出,光是一种电磁波,1905年爱因斯坦提出光是一粒一粒的粒子流,每个粒子可被称为光 子。也就是说光既具有粒子性,



又表现为粒子性。通常我们所说的光是电磁波的一种, 它通常由紫外光、可见光和近红外光

组成,其中1-390nm波段的光为紫外光 UV,波长为280-300nm波段为UV-B,它的强光可以 杀死或严重损伤地球上的生物 ;200-280um波段为UV-C,它的强光可以杀死地球上一切生物, 包括人类,比紫外光频率更高的还有


1.5-25卩m,远红外光谱波长范围 微波、短波、中波和长波等。而可

长在760-1500nm为近红外光,中红外波段波长范围为 25-300卩m,比远红外光频率更小或波长更长的有毫米波、

见光又是由七色光组成的,即可见光含有红色光、橙色光、黄色光、绿色光、蓝色光和靛青 光等色光

国际照明委员会统一规定的标准是: 选水银光谱中波长为 700nm的红光为红基色光,波 长为546.1 nm的绿光为绿基色光,波长为435.8nm的蓝光为蓝基色光。常规POF —般在紫外 光波段并没有很好的透光性,而石英光纤和特制的液芯光纤在这一区域有很好的透光率, 在可见光区域有很好的透光率,由POF芯材选用氟化和氘化聚合物材料制备的 光区域才有很好的透光率。

光在真空中的传播速度是最快的,传输介质不同,其折射率不同,传光速度也不同。 相对而言,折射率大的传输介质是光密介质,折射率小的传输介质是光疏介质,对于



而言,POF芯材为光密介质,POF皮材为光疏介质,由于光在光密媒介-芯材中的传播速度 会降低,故光在芯材中的传输速度慢于皮材中的传输速度 播速度接近于真空中的传播速度 2.01 x 108m/s。






3. POF传光原理

荧光POF就是在POF芯材中掺入一定量的荧光剂制备而成的 POF这种POF经过特定波

长的光照射后,将发出特定波长的光,其原理比较复杂,可简单认为基态分子中成键电子吸 收光后激发,然后单线态分子返回到基态,即发出荧光。荧光


可分为荧光SI POF和荧光GI POF,掺杂有机染料的 POFA最重要特性是在宽波长范围内提 供高功率输出。荧光 POF的传光原理示意图如下,它满足一般的 入射光的波长不同于出射光的波长。


POF出射光从光纤两 SI型光纤的传光特性,但

端面出射,当然入射光的波长不同于出射光的传输波长。 荧光材料的光特性主要依赖于基质 材料,荧光POF增益放大特性同泵浦波长、荧光POF长度及所用掺杂剂和浓度有关。所谓增 益G是指POF俞出信号光功率 Pout与输入光功率Pin之间的一种比值。 4. 结束语

POF之以能传光是因为光纤具有芯皮结构, 光在POF中传输是按全反射原理进行传光的, 光在SI POF中的传输方式为全反射式锯齿型,光在 时为了简化计算,选用子午线进行了参数计算,

GI POF中的传输方式为正弦曲线型;同




光纤中的几何行程及反射次数; 侧面发光POF和荧光POF也是按全反射原理进行传光的,

于单芯侧面发光 POF多是由非固有损耗导致侧面发光, 而对于多芯侧面发光 POF则是由弯曲 损耗产生侧面发光的。荧光POF经过特定波长光激发后发出特定波长的光, 可从端面入射,而且可从侧面入射。


Prin ciples of Plastic Optical Fiber Communi cati on

Optical Communi catio n

1. Preface

Fiber itself is not light, but can return optical fiber for illumination; fiber optic lighting, the | choice of optical fiber, optical fiber materials according to different, often can be divided into quartz fiber, multi-component glass fiber and plastic optical fiber POF, etc. This paper introduces POF principle of the transmission of light, the other optical fiber transmission principles with the tran smissi on of light POF prin ciple is the same.

Perceives light in a tran spare nt cyli nder in the forward propagati on through multiple total reflect ion phe nomenon, they are the an cie nt glass-blow ing artists. The first described the phe nomenon of scie nee, but it is the Royal Society, Joh n ? Tyn dall dem on strated to the British Royal Society, a famous experiment, he was filled with a water vessel, so that water from the vessel's side of the hole out, when the light is projected on the water with the water transfer out.

In 1880, William ? Wheeler that \

documented \ter of the tube to the same light source as tap water lead to a nu mber of locations the need for lighting, which is actually the prototype of fiber used for lighting, fiber optic lighti ng systems can be see n as a simple and above \light of the \lighting a specific area. 1954, \10,000 to 20,000 of the fiber bundle to transmit images of the article, Van Heel low refractive index cladding that the role of image tran smissi on fiber and the fiber to achieve success layer optical fiber made marked progress in these two subjects as the birth of a new, 1966, the British Standards Institute British Telecom Chinese scientist Charles KCKao and Dr GAHockham detailed study of the glass in the tran smissi on loss, the article \Electrical Engineers (IEE) journal, they theoretically pointed out: If the optical fiber in the reduction or elimination of harmful impurities such as transition metal ions can greatly reduce the tran smissi on loss and improve the optical fiber tran smissi on capacity, thus promoting the study of optical fiber manufacturing process. DuPont DuPont is also the year the compa ny laun ched the world's first to market a POF [1], POF is an optical fiber, and fiber optic fiber optic light ing for the basic prin ciple is to use light in the in terface of differe nt refractive in dex total reflectio n, to achieve high optical tran smissi on in optical fibers and optical

fiber coupled with a sufficie nt light source, and through a comb in atio n with a variety of optical comp onents to achieve the desired light ing effects, to un dersta nd the tran smissi on of light i n fiber mode, are prese nted in the meridi onal ray POF in the tran smissi on characteristics. 2. The basics of light

Light through the light source in a large nu mber of molecular or atomic radiati on gen erated vibratio n. In 1894, Maxwell theory that light is an electromag netic wave, Ein stein proposed in 1905 alone, a piece of particle flow, each particle can be called phot ons. That is both a particle n ature of light, they are volatile, whe n the light showed in the dissem in ati on of volatility, but the performa nee and matter for the particle n ature of the role of Shiyou. Usually we are talk ing about a light wave, usually from the ultraviolet, visible and n ear in frared light, composed of 1-390nm wavelength UV light is UV , wavelength 280-300nm wavelength of UV-B, it light can kill or seriously damage life on Earth; 200-280um band for the UV-C, its light can kill all livi ng things on Earth, including humans, there is a hi gher frequency than ultraviolet light and

丫 X rays;

390-760nm ba nd of light to visible light; wavele ngth of 760-1500nm for the n ear-i nfrared light, the infrared wavelength range of 1.5- 25 卩 m, far infrared spectrum wavelength range 25300 卩 m, more tha n far-in frared optical freque ncy or wavele ngth smaller Ion ger a millimeter wave, microwave, short wave, medium wave and long wave and so on. The visible light is aga in composed of seve n colors, that con ta in visible red light, orange light, yellow light, gree n light, blue light and shade of in digo light, etc.

Intern ati onal Commissi on on lllu min ati on uniform sta ndard is required: select a wavele ngth of 700nm mercury spectrum in the red for the red-based color light, gree n light of a wavele ngth of 546.1 nm base for the gree n shade, the blue wavele ngth of 435.8nm blue base shade. Conven ti onal POF usually ultraviolet light is not very good, while quartz fiber and a special liquid-core optical fiber in the regi on has a good tran smitta nee, POF in the visible regi on have very good light tran smissi on rate, from POF core material select ion and deuterium fluoride polymer material prepared POF in the n ear in frared regi on have a very good light tran smissi on.

Propagati on of light in vacuum is the fastest speed, tran smissi on medium, its refractive in dex

is differe nt from the speed of light tran smissi on is also differe nt. In con trast, a large refractive in dex of light tran smissi on medium is den ser medium, the refractive in dex of the tran smissi on medium is a little sparse optical media, in terms of the POF, POF core material for the optical den ser medium, POF material for light skin thinning medium, the light optical den sity media - in the core material will reduce the propagati on velocity, so the light tran smissi on in the core material in the skin material slower tha n the tran smissi on speed; in the air, due to n the propagati on velocity of light propagati on in vacuum Speed C; the refractive in



