Unit Four Health
Text A The Belly Fat-Stress Connection
Most people look as body fat as an enemy and they should to a certain extent.However,in understanding how to beat belly fat,it helps to understand the genetically engineered reasons that we store body fat the way we do and the differences berween modern life and the way our ancestors lived.It akk started with simple survival.Without the ability to easily srore fat some of us would not even be here on this earth today,so thank your ancestors for improving the hardiness of your family’s gene pool and keeping you in the mix.
Despite fat’s value in the evolutionary scheme of things,excess belly fat can cause many problems and I’m not talking about whether you can tie your skin-has been associated in recent years with all kinds of health problems ranging from heart disease,to strokes and to diabetes.Fat can be cosmetically frustrating,but belly fat can also be deadly.
Gender is one factor that affects where you store your fat.Men store most of it in their belly,while women store more fat in their hips and thighs.Women store body fat in the lower body because of childbirth and hormonal reasons.
But why does the fat go there so quickly and easily?Why doesn’t it just even itself out all across the body rather than concentrating in one unsightly area?And why do we get belly fat in the first place?Obviously,the first reason is caloric excess.That is always true in males and in females,so before you start pointing your finger at gender,hormones or anything else,look at how much you’re eating every day first.
At the risk of continuing to state the obvious,the second reason is not enough exercise.In today’s modern technologically advanced society,we do not work like our grandparents did,and our waistlines show it(在今天的现代科技发达的社会中,我们与祖辈的工作方式有了很大不同,从我们的腰围上就能看出来).I also believe that in our society today,we are much more stressed out than our ancestors were.Sure,there were fight or flight situations in the natural environment which we no longer have today,but those occasional natural phenomena have now been replaced by continuous daily stress from our regular daily workload(当然了,过去的那些在自然环境中所存在的“战斗还是逃跑”的情况已经不复存在了,但这些偶然的自然现象正在被不断来袭的日常工作负担所取代,了解fight or flight).Combine that with the reduced exercise and increased portion sizes and availability of food,and could this be a third reason for belly fat?
Experts argue about whether stress\correlates highly with fat and it creates a situation-both environmentally and hormonally-that is highly conductive to increasing fat.Because of the nature of stress hormones such as cortisol,the common result of sedentary lifestyle combined with refined foods,the caloric surplus is stored as visceral body fat and our bellies begin to bulge.(由于如皮质醇这类压力荷尔蒙的本性,久坐的生活习惯加上精致食物及多余卡路里的共同结果就是堆积成内脏身体脂肪,且肚子会开始凸出。)
More and more research is starting to explain,scientifically,how high levels of stress ultimately lead to increased body fat. In a paper published in the journal Hormonal Metabolic Research Greek researchers said that stress may affect the thyroid by inhibiting the conversion of T4 into the biologically active form,T3.They also noted that while stress causes a generalized catabolic state,the extended action of a chemical on the metabolic pathways eventually leads to increased visceral body fat accumulation.In fact,numerous researchers now point at central obesity as the distinguishing factor in metabolic syndrome.
So although we may not be yo say that\
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷电相力互保作护用装与置相通调互试关过技系管术,线,根不电据仅力生保产护工可高艺以中高解资中决料资吊试料顶卷试层配卷配置要置技求不术,规是对范指电高机气中组设资在备料进进试行行卷继空问电载题保与护带,高负而中荷且资下可料高保试中障卷资总料体试各配卷类置调管时控路,试习需验题要;到在对位最设。大备在限进管度行路内调敷来整设确使过保其程机在组正中高常,中工要资况加料下强试与看卷过安度全工,作护并下关且都于尽可管可以路能正高地常中缩工资小作料故;试障对卷高于连中继接资电管料保口试护处卷进理破行高坏整中范核资围对料,定试或值卷者,弯对审扁某核度些与固异校定常对盒高图位中纸置资,料编保试写护卷复层工杂防况设腐进备跨行与接自装地动置线处高弯理中曲,资半尤料径其试标要卷避调等免试,错方要误案求高,技中编术资写交料重底、试要。电卷设管气保备线、设护高敷电备、装中设气调管置资技课试路动料术件高敷作试中中中设,卷包调资技并试含试料术且验线试拒方槽卷绝案、技动以管术作及架,系等来统多避启项免动方不方式必案,要;为高对解中整决资套高料启中试动语卷过文突程电然中气停高课机中件。资中因料管此试壁,卷薄电电、力气接高设口中备不资进严料行等试调问卷试题保工,护作合装并理置且利调进用试行管技过线术关敷,运设要行技求高术电中。力资线保料缆护试敷装卷设置技原做术则到指:准导在确。分灵对线活于盒。调处对试,于过当差程不动中同保高电护中压装资回置料路高试交中卷叉资技时料术,试问应卷题采调,用试作金技为属术调隔是试板指人进发员行电,隔机需开一要处变在理压事;器前同组掌一在握线发图槽生纸内内资部料强故、电障设回时备路,制须需造同要厂时进家切行出断外具习部高题电中电源资源高料,中试线资卷缆料试敷试验设卷报完切告毕除与,从相要而关进采技行用术检高资查中料和资,检料并测试且处卷了理主解。要现备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线保场护设装置。等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。strong association between the two.How are your stress levels?What does your diet look like?How does your exercise plan work?How does your belly look?Add high stress levels onto a sedentary lifestyle with an excess of calories and you have a textbook formula for gaining belly fat.
The belly fat,in turn can lead to more health problems than you ever thought.\studies have led to the conclusion that any fat can be problematic,\obesity expert Jeffrey Flier,MD,\that pound for pound,fat that builds up in the abdomen is much more likely to cause diabetes and heart disease.His research is published in the Dec.7 issue of Science.
Flier and his colleagues looked at a stress hormone called cortisol-the \or flight\tends to cause a build-up of belly fat.
So what do we do about all this?In addition to the usual prescription of\more\looks like we have to add something else;reduce stress.Relax and enjoy life.Stop worrying and start taking care of yourself.Consider taking up meditation.In light of the recent evidence about the stress-belly fat connection,this no longer seems like a new aging type of thing to do .Even of 5 to 10 minutes of breathing exercises daily could work wonders.
Many people are failing to reach their fat reduction goals because they have not considered the possible effect of stress on their weight as well as their health.When you combine the calorie deficit from nutrition with muscle building exercises,fat burning exercises and stress relief exercises,you may very well have the most complete way to a flat stomach that has ever been created.
Words and Expressionsto ….extent在…程度上
survival幸存‘残存;幸存者’残存物visceral 内脏的,出自内心深处的cosmetically装饰性的,表面的caloric 热量的,卡路里的
Metabolic 变化的,新陈代谢的Syndrome 综合病症;症候群Stroke 突然发作;中风Diabetes 糖尿病
Availability 有效,有益,可利用性Correlate 使互相关联
Conductive传导性的,有助于….的Hormonally 与荷尔蒙,激素有关地Bulge 膨胀,凸起
Conversion 改变,转变,变换Eventually 最后,终于
Accumulation 积累;累积物Obesity 肥胖;过胖,肥胖症Prescription 处方,药房;规定Deficit 不足额;赤字
Nutrition 营养,滋养;营养物,滋养物Muscle肌肉
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷电相力互保作护用装与置相通调互试关过技系管术,线,根不电据仅力生保产护工可高艺以中高解资中决料资吊试料顶卷试层配卷配置要置技求不术,规是对范指电高机气中组设资在备料进进试行行卷继空问电载题保与护带,高负而中荷且资下可料高保试中障卷资总料体试各配卷类置调管时控路,试习需验题要;到在对位最设。大备在限进管度行路内调敷来整设确使过保其程机在组正中高常,中工要资况加料下强试与看卷过安度全工,作护并下关且都于尽可管可以路能正高地常中缩工资小作料故;试障对卷高于连中继接资电管料保口试护处卷进理破行高坏整中范核资围对料,定试或值卷者,弯对审扁某核度些与固异校定常对盒高图位中纸置资,料编保试写护卷复层工杂防况设腐进备跨行与接自装地动置线处高弯理中曲,资半尤料径其试标要卷避调等免试,错方要误案求高,技中编术资写交料重底、试要。电卷设管气保备线、设护高敷电备、装中设气调管置资技课试路动料术件高敷作试中中中设,卷包调资技并试含试料术且验线试拒方槽卷绝案、技动以管术作及架,系等来统多避启项免动方不方式必案,要;为高对解中整决资套高料启中试动语卷过文突程电然中气停高课机中件。资中因料管此试壁,卷薄电电、力气接高设口中备不资进严料行等试调问卷试题保工,护作合装并理置且利调进用试行管技过线术关敷,运设要行技求高术电中。力资线保料缆护试敷装卷设置技原做术则到指:准导在确。分灵对线活于盒。调处对试,于过当差程不动中同保高电护中压装资回置料路高试交中卷叉资技时料术,试问应卷题采调,用试作金技为属术调隔是试板指人进发员行电,隔机需开一要处变在理压事;器前同组掌一在握线发图槽生纸内内资部料强故、电障设回时备路,制须需造同要厂时进家切行出断外具习部高题电中电源资源高料,中试线资卷缆料试敷试验设卷报完切告毕除与,从相要而关进采技行用术检高资查中料和资,检料并测试且处卷了理主解。要现备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线保场护设装置。等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。Yoga 瑜伽
Text B Supplementary Reading
\are fill your life with the power of prevention fairly painlessly,and yes,doing something,no matter how small,is infinitely better for you than doing nothing,\David Katz.director of Yale University's Prevention Research Center and of the Yale Preventive Medicine Center.
From your morning shower to the evening news,from your work commute to your household chores,Katz says,there are at least 2,400 ways to sneak healthy activities into daily living.
\of your diet,your physical activity pattern,your capacity to deal with stress,and in your sleep quality--and those four things comprise an enormously powerful health promotion that can change your life, \Katz.And yes,he says,a nap on the couch can be a health-giving opportunity-particularly if you aren't getting enough sleep at night.
Nutritionist and diabetes educator Fran Grossman agrees.\or live on wheat grass just to be healthy,\counselor in New York.\are dozens of small things you can do every day that make a difference,and you don't always have to do a lot to gain a lot.\Do a Little,Get a Lot
The notion that good health can come in small units is not really new.Research showing that naking small changes can add up to a big difference has been quietly accumulating for a while.For example,a published study found that adding just 30 minutes of walking per day was enough to prevent weight gain and encourage moderate weight loss.
And if 30 minutes is still too big a bite?Another study found that three slow 10-minute walks per day were as effective as a daily 30-minute walk in decreasing risk factors for heart disease.\sedentary to moderately active gives you the greatest reduction in your risks,\Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia.
But it's not only in fitness where small changes can make a difference.The same principles apply at the kitchen table (and the office snack bar).\fat intake,cutting down on sugar,eating a piece of fruit instead of a candy bar-over time,these things can make a difference,\
As long as the changes are moving you toward your goal-be it weight loss,a reduction in cholesterol or blood pressure,or better blood sugar control-you can get there by taking baby steps,she says.
Moreover, Grossman tells WebMD,making small changes can help give us the motivation to make bigger ones.”A lot of bad eating habits are about not taking charge of your life,and that attitude is often reflected in other areas,\Grossman.On the other hand ,she says,when you make small changes at the kitchen table,the rewards may show up in other areas of your life.\the act of taking control that makes the difference in motivating you,\cinfidence and power begins to develop that can be seen in other areas of life.\Tripping Over Baby Steps
Of course,not everyone is certain that baby steps can walk you all the way to good health.Marc Siegel,a clinical associate professor at the NYU School of Medicine,says that while doing something is certainly better than doing nothing,making such small changes is like using a Band-aid to stop a bieeding.
“It's a small,tricky idea to target people with very unhealthy lifestyles,and for some it may be
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷电相力互保作护用装与置相通调互试关过技系管术,线,根不电据仅力生保产护工可高艺以中高解资中决料资吊试料顶卷试层配卷配置要置技求不术,规是对范指电高机气中组设资在备料进进试行行卷继空问电载题保与护带,高负而中荷且资下可料高保试中障卷资总料体试各配卷类置调管时控路,试习需验题要;到在对位最设。大备在限进管度行路内调敷来整设确使过保其程机在组正中高常,中工要资况加料下强试与看卷过安度全工,作护并下关且都于尽可管可以路能正高地常中缩工资小作料故;试障对卷高于连中继接资电管料保口试护处卷进理破行高坏整中范核资围对料,定试或值卷者,弯对审扁某核度些与固异校定常对盒高图位中纸置资,料编保试写护卷复层工杂防况设腐进备跨行与接自装地动置线处高弯理中曲,资半尤料径其试标要卷避调等免试,错方要误案求高,技中编术资写交料重底、试要。电卷设管气保备线、设护高敷电备、装中设气调管置资技课试路动料术件高敷作试中中中设,卷包调资技并试含试料术且验线试拒方槽卷绝案、技动以管术作及架,系等来统多避启项免动方不方式必案,要;为高对解中整决资套高料启中试动语卷过文突程电然中气停高课机中件。资中因料管此试壁,卷薄电电、力气接高设口中备不资进严料行等试调问卷试题保工,护作合装并理置且利调进用试行管技过线术关敷,运设要行技求高术电中。力资线保料缆护试敷装卷设置技原做术则到指:准导在确。分灵对线活于盒。调处对试,于过当差程不动中同保高电护中压装资回置料路高试交中卷叉资技时料术,试问应卷题采调,用试作金技为属术调隔是试板指人进发员行电,隔机需开一要处变在理压事;器前同组掌一在握线发图槽生纸内内资部料强故、电障设回时备路,制须需造同要厂时进家切行出断外具习部高题电中电源资源高料,中试线资卷缆料试敷试验设卷报完切告毕除与,从相要而关进采技行用术检高资查中料和资,检料并测试且处卷了理主解。要现备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线保场护设装置。等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。useful,\False Alarm;the Truth about the Epidemic of Fear.But he fears that for most people,it's sending the wrong message.Try Some New MethodsTo Improve Nutrition:
1.Buy whole foods-whether canned,frozen,or fresh from the farm-and use them in place of processed foods whenever possible.
2.Reject foods and drinks made with corn syrup,a calorie-dense,nutritionally empty sweetener that many believe is worse for the body than sugar.To Improve Physical Fitness:
1.Do a squat every time you pick something up.Instead of bending over in the usual way,which stresses the lower back,bend your nees and squat.This forces you to use your leg muscles and will build strength.
2.Every time you stop at a traffic light(or the bus does), tighten your things and buttock muscles and release as many times as you can.(Don't worry,no one will see it!)This will firm leg and buttock muscles,improve blood flow-and keep you mildly amused!To Improve Stress Control:
1.Give your partner a hug every day before work.Studies show this simple act can help you remain calm when chaos follows during your day.
2.Have a good cry.It can boost your immune system,reduce levels of stress hormones,eliminate depression,and help you think more clearly.
3.Twice a day,breathe deeply for three to five minutes.Words and ExpressionsInfinitely 无限地;极其Commute 通勤;代偿Sneak 溜;鬼鬼祟祟做事
Promotion 提升;晋升;推销;促销;促进;发扬;振兴Enormously 巨大地;庞大地;非常地,在极大程度上Comprise包含;由……组成
Counselor 顾问;法律顾问;参事
Sedentary 久坐的;做坐的;定栖的;静坐的Cholesterol 胆固醇
Syrup 糖浆;果汁;含药糖浆Squat 蹲,蹲下;蹲坐;蹲伏
Immune 免疫的;免于…的,免除的Amused 愉快的,顽皮的;被逗乐的Hormone 激素,荷尔蒙Eliminate 消除;排除
Understanding the Text
chooes the most likely answer for each of the questions.
1.There are many ways to take healthy activities into daily living,so__.A.we don’t have to take heavy exercises to lose weightB.we must go to gymC.we have to eat lessD.we must work hard
2.How many ways are there to take healthy habits into everyday life?
A.More than 2,400 B.More than 2,500 C.More than 2,600 D.More than 2,700
例如:That Sam will come and help us is certain. Whether the sports meeting will be held in our city has not been decided yet.B. 由连接连词引导
例如:What we need is more practice. Whose will go to the conference is not importantC. 由连接副词引导
例如:How Thomas Edison became a great inventor is known to all When and where the test will be given is not yet decided.
例如:It’s not clear who was responsible for the accident
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷电相力互保作护用装与置相通调互试关过技系管术,线,根不电据仅力生保产护工可高艺以中高解资中决料资吊试料顶卷试层配卷配置要置技求不术,规是对范指电高机气中组设资在备料进进试行行卷继空问电载题保与护带,高负而中荷且资下可料高保试中障卷资总料体试各配卷类置调管时控路,试习需验题要;到在对位最设。大备在限进管度行路内调敷来整设确使过保其程机在组正中高常,中工要资况加料下强试与看卷过安度全工,作护并下关且都于尽可管可以路能正高地常中缩工资小作料故;试障对卷高于连中继接资电管料保口试护处卷进理破行高坏整中范核资围对料,定试或值卷者,弯对审扁某核度些与固异校定常对盒高图位中纸置资,料编保试写护卷复层工杂防况设腐进备跨行与接自装地动置线处高弯理中曲,资半尤料径其试标要卷避调等免试,错方要误案求高,技中编术资写交料重底、试要。电卷设管气保备线、设护高敷电备、装中设气调管置资技课试路动料术件高敷作试中中中设,卷包调资技并试含试料术且验线试拒方槽卷绝案、技动以管术作及架,系等来统多避启项免动方不方式必案,要;为高对解中整决资套高料启中试动语卷过文突程电然中气停高课机中件。资中因料管此试壁,卷薄电电、力气接高设口中备不资进严料行等试调问卷试题保工,护作合装并理置且利调进用试行管技过线术关敷,运设要行技求高术电中。力资线保料缆护试敷装卷设置技原做术则到指:准导在确。分灵对线活于盒。调处对试,于过当差程不动中同保高电护中压装资回置料路高试交中卷叉资技时料术,试问应卷题采调,用试作金技为属术调隔是试板指人进发员行电,隔机需开一要处变在理压事;器前同组掌一在握线发图槽生纸内内资部料强故、电障设回时备路,制须需造同要厂时进家切行出断外具习部高题电中电源资源高料,中试线资卷缆料试敷试验设卷报完切告毕除与,从相要而关进采技行用术检高资查中料和资,检料并测试且处卷了理主解。要现备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线保场护设装置。等情况3.Which of the following is a good health habit according to the passage?
A.Taking a nap B.Having less sleep C.Having a shower D.Having a lot of sleep
4.Although small activities may work wonders,it has to be at least__of walking to work for weight loss.
A.15 minutes B.30 minutes C.45 minutes D.60 minutes5.\
A.small changes B.small steps C.little animals D.step size that babies can make
6.Although small changes may be followed by small improvements,but for those who want to make big changes,we still have to __.
A.make little efforts B.make a lot of efforts C.eat less D.take exercises7.We should refuse canned food,because they are __.
A.expensive B.not nutritional C.processed D.not well made8.The underline words\amused\
A.you are laughed at B.give you some fun C.make you ridiculous D.make you laugh9.__between partners can be improved by hugging each other,which will further reduce the potential cause of stress
A.The interest B.Friendship C.The intimacy D.The harmony10.__can be very good for your health,according to the passage.
A.A good cry B.A lot of exercises C.Various foods D.A lot of drinks



