新聘和调岗人员熟悉职责的保证程序Procedure for Ensuring New
Employee to be Familiar With Responsibility
本程序旨在保证涉及安全和环境保护工作的新聘和调岗人员熟悉其职责,保证SMS持续有效运作。 This procedure in order to ensure the new employee related to safety and environment protection to be familiar with their responsibilities and continuous and effective operation of SMS.
This Procedure applies to all new employee who related to SMS belong each department and ships of the company to be familiar with their responsibilities.
新聘和调岗人员:指新进入公司SMS岸基岗位人员及岸基岗位变动人员;新进入本公司SMS船舶岗位人员,和船舶岗位变动及调入不同类型船舶岗位人员。 职责培训:指对新聘和调岗人员在上岗前熟悉职责而进行的培训。
The new employee refer to the company’s new personnel ashore of SMS and personnel of position
alteration; new crewmembers on board this company’s vessel related to SMS and the shipboard personnel of rank alteration including those persons changed to the vessel of different type.
Responsibilities Training refer to the training of familiarization with their duties of new employee prior to holding a post.
4.1 ISM部ISM Department
To make the requirements of responsibility training to the various personnel, to be responsible for training and examining of new employee senior leaders and section managers of company, new captain, chief engineer and chief officer of the vessel, and be in charged of collecting relevant necessary documents and materials.
4.2 各职能部门、船舶Departments and ships
To be responsible for training and checking of new employee belong to own department.
工作程序Working Procedure
5.1 ISM部对新聘和调岗人员提出培训要求
ISM Department make the requirement of training to new employee
? 公司高层领导应熟悉公司的SMS,能清楚评价其持续有效性,掌握贯彻安全和环境保护
The senior leaders of the company should be familiarized with the company SMS, assess clearly continuity and validity of SMS, hold and well know the measures and methods of carrying out policy of the safety and environmental protection. Command the measures and
methods of realization objective of the safety management, to be familiar with their positions, duties and authorities as defined in SMS.
? 公司各职能部门负责人,应熟悉本公司及与本部门相关的SMS文件内容,熟悉本部门及
The leaders of each department should be familiarized with the company and the SMS
documents related to own department, know well their positions, responsibilities, authorities in the SMS and the relationship with other departments in the company.
? 公司一般管理人员应熟悉本公司SMS,熟悉本岗位在SMS中的责任、权力及与其它岗
The ordinary management personnel of the company should be familiarized with the company SMS and their responsibilities, authorities and the relationship with other positions, know well the pursuant documents to their working.
? 船长应熟悉公司及船舶的SMS,充分理解并掌握公司的安全和环境保护方针、目标和措
The master should be familiarized with both the company’s and the ship’s SMS, completely understand the policy of safety and environment protection of the company, objective and the measures, be familiarized with the list of SMS documents of the ship and its contents, cleared about the working requirements to the underling, well know the safe working condition of the ships (including the records, monitoring and the report forms etc.)
? 高级船员及水手长、机工长应熟悉公司及船舶的SMS,熟悉本岗位在SMS中的责任、
The officers, boatswain and no.1 motorman should be familiarized with the SMS of both the company and the ship. Know well their respective responsibilities, authorities and the relationship with other positions, be familiarized with the ship’s environment, working
procedures to be complied with, instructions, operational documents and the ship’s particulars etc, to be practiced in the used of equipment, instruments, apparatus and tools etc.
? 普通船员应了解公司及船舶的SMS,熟悉本岗位在SMS中的责任、权力及与其它岗位
The ordinary shipboard crews should be familiarized with the SMS of the company and the ship. Be familiarized with the responsibilities, authorities and the relationship with other
positions as defined in SMS, be familiarized with the ship’s environment, know well the used of equipments and apparatus on board the ship and the operational instructions.
5.2 培训所需文件、资料The documents and materials needed by training
The documents and materials of training will be provided by ISM Department.
5.3 培训合格证The qualification certificate of training
ISM部按熟悉要求对新聘和调岗的高层领导、各职能部门负责人、船长、轮机长、大副进行职责培训,培训结束后予以考核,考核合格发给培训合格证,保证他们具备职责培训资格。 ISM Department will carry out the responsibility training to the new senior leaders, the section managers, masters, chief engineer and chief officers as per the familiar requirements. The
qualification certificate of training should be issued by the company if they passed the examination in the end of training, ensure that they have been qualified with the responsibility training.
5.4 新聘和调岗的岸基人员The new employee ashore
The new employee ashore shall be trained, checked and ascertained with responsibility by the section manager as per familiar requirements. Then the opinions of the section manager and
signature of both the section chief and new employee should be completed in
5.5 新聘和调岗船员The new employed shipboard crewmembers
5.6 “新聘和调岗人员职责考核表”
One copy will be kept in the department or vessel of new employee; another copy will be kept in the ISM Department.
相关记录Relevant Records
SPD-001-01《新聘和调岗人员职责考核表》< Duty Examination Forms for New Employee >
SPD-001-02 《交接报告》
SPD-001-03 《交接清单》
新聘和调岗人员职责考核表Duty Examination Forms for New Employee
编号File No.: SPD-001-01
姓名Name: 部门(船舶)Dep.: 职责培训记录Responsibility training records 岗位Position: 时间Time:
培训人Trained by: 职责考核记录Responsibility examination records 培训时间Training time: 考核人Examined by: 落实职责记录Responsibility ascertained records 考核时间Examining time: 部门负责人 Chief department: 上岗人 New employee: 时间 Time: 注:本表一式两份,一份留在所在部门,一份ISM部存档。
Remark: One copy of this record kept in the department of new employee, another kept in ISM Department.
交接班报告Report of hand/take over
编号File No.: SPD-001-02
船名M/V: 港口Port: 日期Date:
姓名name 部门Department 职务post 交接内容Details of hand/take over 职务规则 Post ? 训练手册Training booklet ? 应变部署卡train deployment card ? 救生属具Life attachments ? 交接清单Hand-over list ? 设备技术状态Equipment technical state: 缺陷设备备忘Defects equipment memo: 待办事项Backlog work: 接班船员熟悉情况Take over crew familiar with situation: 交班Hand over: 接班take over: 监交人Super: (1) 此表由交班船员负责填写。Form to be filled in by take-over. (2) 普通船员报告经部门长签字、确认、存档。轮机长和大副由船长签字、确认、存档。Report of common crew signed, affirmed filed by head of department. Report of C/E、C/O signed, affirmed filed by Master.
(3) 船长的交接报告由船员部经理签字确认,公司、船舶各存档一份。Master’s report signed、affirmed by Crew manager,
one on board ,one to company.