Different countries, different families – but which is better?
IN CHINA during the 1970s, there was a campaign of “One child is good, two are okay, and three are too many.” This was the beginning of the One-Child Policy for people living in towns and cities. People have been able to save money because one child costs much less than two or three children. But these parents do not have children to care for them when they are old and cannot work, because their one child has to take care of his or her own family and has no time or money for his or her parents.
However, in 2007, about 30 delegates asked the government to cancel the One-Child Policy. According to them, it was better for children to grow up in families with more than one child. They are happier and learn to share better when they have brothers and sisters. In 2013 the Chinese government said that families where one parent is an only child could have two children. And then, in 2015, more than 30 years after the beginning of the One-Child Policy, the government cancelled the policy completely. This means that all couples can have two children now.
IN THE USA, Nadya Suleman gave birth to octuplets in 2009. Twins are two babies born at the same time; octuplets are eight. When the
octuplets were born, Nadya already had six children, who were 7, 6, 5, 3 and twins who were 2 years old. Now she had 14 children.
The children lived with Nadya and Nadya’s parents in a three-bedroom house. They had no father.
Angela Suleman, Nadya’s mother, said that the house was full of toys which Nadya had bought. That is all she bought. She didn’t give her mother any money for food or electricity. Text A 课文译文
Dentist’s appointment
When John came home on Thursday, his mother told him that she had made an appointment for him with the dentist. It was on Friday at 4 o’clock. John was not happy. He had football training on Fridays and did not have time to go to the dentist.
“Mum, I have told you thousands of times not to make appointments for me!” said John.
“But you were up all night with toothache,” said his mother.
“Mum, I’m 17 years old, so I can make my own appointments. And, I no longer have toothache.”
So before his mother went shopping, she called the dentist and cancelled the appointment.
Half an hour later his father came home. John looked at his father and saw that his hair was very short. His father had been to the hairdresser. They talked about how John’s mother had always made appointments for the two of them. Although John’s father was always happy with this, John didn’t like it so much.
John went up to his room with a bowl of ice cream to do his homework and then chat with his friends on Facebook. He had just finished his ice cream when he felt a pain in his mouth. “Oh, no, the toothache is back,” he thought. He went into the bathroom, found the painkillers and took two. “Perhaps it will be better in the morning,” John said to himself. But that night the pain got worse. John couldn’t sleep. When he returned to the bathroom for the third time he met his mother. “Is there a problem?” she asked. “Can’t you sleep?” Then she saw the bottle of painkillers in his hand.
“Has the toothache come back?” she asked.
“Yes, it has. Maybe that appointment was not a bad idea after all. You didn’t cancel it, did you?” asked John.
“Sorry John, but yes I did. You will have to make a new appointment in the morning.”
In the morning a very tired John rang the dentist and asked for an appointment to see the dentist. The receptionist told him that he could see the dentist next Thursday at 10 o’clock. When John asked for an earlier
appointment, she told him that next Thursday was the first available appointment.
“I have terrible toothache and it is getting more and more painful. Is there nothing you can do? My mother made an appointment for me for this afternoon but I told her to cancel it. And now I really need to see the dentist fast,” John said.
The receptionist checked her appointment book and told John that the appointment his mother had made was still available, so he could come that afternoon. John was relieved. He put the phone down, looked at his mother and said, “This afternoon at 4 o’clock.” Text B 课文译文
“妈妈,我和你说了多少次了,不要为我预约!”约翰说道。 “但是你牙痛得整晚都睡不着。”妈妈答道。
“妈妈,我已经17岁了,自己能预约。再说,我牙又不痛了。” 就这样,妈妈打电话给牙医取消了预约,然后去买东西了。 过了半小时,父亲回来了,约翰看了父亲一眼,说父亲的头发很短。其实父亲去理过发了。父子俩说起约翰妈妈总是为他们俩预约。
高职国际进阶英语综合教程1 unit4课文原文和译文