【期刊名称】《信息安全与通信保密》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)001
【摘要】Optical network transfers a huge aggregate traffic, and a good part of this traffic is sensitive and confidential, and thus attractive to malicious attackers in eavesdropping, source mimicking, or denial of service attack. Furthermore, any service interruption due to failures and severe degradations could cause network congestion and/or traffic loss. As a result, it is very important for optical network to deploy fast detection and traffic recovery. This paper principally analyzes optical-fiber wiretapping method and its detection, describes the new quantum wiretapping detection technology, and gives some remarks on the related new technologies.%由于光纤通信的容量越来越大,并且许多业务流量涉及敏感和机密信息,这必然吸引一些攻击者进行窃听、假冒甚至实施中断服务攻击;又由于信道故障和严重的信号损耗导致的业务中断都将引起网络拥塞和大量业务流量的丢失。因此,建立快速检测和恢复策略,实现对网络态势的实时监控,并对恶意入侵和光学参数的内在衰减事件进行快速响应,对未来光纤网络的正常运行将起到十分重要的作用。文中主要对光纤窃听方法、光纤窃听检测技术、防范光纤窃听的新技术等进行了介绍和分析。 【总页数】3页(61-63)