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三 、“得”字句的译法

(一) 表示能力或可能性的“得”字句 : 1. Could/can;

1) 这个礼堂能坐得下1500人吗? Can this auditorium hold 1500 people? 2. to be able to… ;

2) 他看得出两者的差别。 He was able to see the difference between the two. 3. -able,-bile结尾的单词

3) 这消息靠得住吗? Is the information reliable? 4) 我们都认为他是可以信得过的。 We all think him credible. 4. be capable of…;

5) 他们什么事情都干得出来。 They are capable of anything. 6) 他能担得起大事。 He is capable of great things.

(二) 表示结果或程度的“得”字句: 1. So…that…

7) 他高兴得睡不着觉。He was so excited that he could not fall asleep. 8) 他说得太快,我们几乎全听不出他说些什么。

He spoke so fast that few of us could catch what he said. 2. So…as to…

9) 我们动身得早,午前就赶到那里了。We started so early as to get there before noon. 10) 他常常高兴得什么都忘了。 He is often so happy as to forget everything. 3. Such…that…

11) 天气热得大家喘不过气来。 It was such a hot weather that people were out of breath. 12) 差别大得人人都能看得出来。 It is such a great difference that all will perceive it. 4. Too…to…

13) 他气得说不出话来。 He was too angry to speak. 14) 我详细地解释过,可他就是糊涂得不懂这个理儿。

I have explained it in detail, but he is too stupid to understand such a truth. 5. Too…for…

15) 这水脏得不能喝。 The water is too dirty for drinking. 16) 这些苹果酸得不能吃。 These apples are too sour for eating. 6. Enough to…, enough for…

17) 天气暖和得可以游泳了。 It’s warm enough to swim now.

18) 这孩子年龄巳够得上进学校了。 The child is old enough to start school.

(三)、利用Till(until)+ 状语从句

19) 这个孩子被打得青一块紫一块。 The boy was beaten until he was black and blue. 20) 他笑得肚子痛。 He laughed till his sides split. (四)、利用动词+表原因的介词短语

20) 她冷得打哆嗦。 She shivered with cold.

21) 当我说出这个消息时,他高兴得跳起来。He jumped for joy when I told him the news. (五)其余例如用连动式或被动语态翻译,此处略。 Practice:

1. 他累得走不动了。 2. 他跑得满身大汗。 3. 她伤心的大哭起来。 4. 她兴奋的说不出话来。 5. 他饿得发晕。

6. 这些工具老得不能再用了。 7. 他身体壮得可以干这件重活。

四、 连动式和兼语式译法 什么叫连动式?

1. 表示两个动作先后关系时,常译成两个英语动词,并用and连接。表示两个动作的同时或几乎同时关系时,常将其中比较次要的译作英语中的现在分词(作伴随情况状语); 1) 他打开抽屉拿出字典来。

He opened the drawer and took out a dictionary. Opening the drawer, he took out a dictionary. 2) 她从口袋里掏出钥匙把门打开。

She took a key out of her pocket and opened the door. Taking a key out of her pocket, she opened the door.


e.g. 请拖鞋进屋。 Please take off your shoes before entering 2. 手段、目的关系的连动 翻译成动词+ to do sth /for sth.

3)去年我和弟弟回乡去看朋友。 Last year I went home with my brother to visit my friends. 4) 她回房间去取钥匙。 She went back to her room for the key.

3. 有些连动式,前一个动作表示后一个动作的方式、状态,两者形成主从关系。在英译时,通常把

后一个动作用限定动词译成谓语,前一个动作译成分词或介词短语。 5) 他们热烈鼓掌 欢迎日本来宾。

They welcomed the Japanese guests with warm applause. 6) 不久,他捧着那本书回来了。

Very soon he came back, holding that book in his hand. (二) 兼语式 (略)


1. 他冲进会议室大喊大叫。

2. 这个军官放下杯子站了起来。 3. 早在1938年他就出国学习。 4. 他到辅导员办公室去请假。

5. 她已经洗完了衣服,坐在小溪边的石头上撩起布衫擦脸上的汗。 6. 我们都劝他戒烟。 7. 他觉得房子在摇动。

8. 解放前环境迫使他行乞。

9. 地震使所有的房子都成了废墟。

10. 近几年中国政府一直鼓励外商参与重点经济建设项目和现有企业的技术改造。

四、 长句的处理及短篇翻译 (一)合并法

1. 根据原文各句之间的逻辑关系,在译文的句与句之间加上连接词语如and,while,for.with… 2. 中国是个大国,百分之八十的人口从事农业,但耕地只占土地面积的十分之一,


China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in agriculture,

but only one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other uses.

3. 农民缺乏培训,许多农场生产效率低,使得绝大多数农村人口在国内处于不利


Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the vast majority of

country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own country.

(一) 顺译法:有些汉语句子的内容结构与英语表达方式比较一致,在翻译时则可按照原文顺序进


4. 我们喝茶时,我不停地打量着她,看她那纤纤玉手,典雅的举止,亮晶晶的黑眼睛,清秀而没有


When we had tea, I could not take my eyes from her small, delicate hands, the graceful way she moved,

her bright, black eyes, and expressionless clear face. (二) 逆序法也叫倒置法。

5. 中国乒乓球大奖赛的最后一天,刘国梁在男子单打比赛中一举夺魁后,干脆利落地夺得大奖赛的


Liu Guoliang completed a clean sweep of four titles after winning the men’s singles championship on the final day of the Chinese Table-Tennis Grand Prix.



6. 他才三十岁,正处在篮球事业和赚取金钱的鼎盛时期,因此大多数人认为他上周宣布退役为时过


He is thirty and at the height of his performing and earning power, and last week’s announcement of retirement was premature in most people’s opinions---but it was quite on his willingness, by his own account, not taken hastily.



