Topic 1、挂号咨询 Topic 2、病历 Topic 3、医生问诊 Topic 4、候诊 Topic 1 单词:
挂号take a registration 挂号处 registration office 专家号expert number 普通号 average number 挂号费 registration fee 大厅main floor
内科 medical department
医务部medical administration division 院办 hospital administration office 护理部 nursing department
值班室 duty room 医护办公室 staff office
name 、age、 gender、 address 、work place、 post code、 ID number、 telephone number 句型:
where don’t you feel well?
which department do you want to register with?
you have to fill in this registration card. The registration card contains ( ). Topic 2 单词:
办理病历buy a case history 史 past medical history 家族史family history 个人病史 personal history 过敏史allergies 检查资料Inspection data 血液检查 blood test 化验室数据laboratory data 一般资料 physical data
生理指标 physical signs 其他检查数据 other lab data 住院治疗情况 hospital course
卡的种类 medical card 医疗卡 social security card 医保卡 medical insurance card 信用卡 bank card / fiscard 句型:
she has much experience with that kind of case. She made a clinical record for the patient. The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza. Topic 3 单词:
诊断方法diagnostic method 望诊inspection 问诊inquiry 听诊 auscultation 叩诊 percussion 触诊palpation