试卷代号:1356国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试高级英语听说(2)口试题签(1)2020年1月S既tion OneDircctions : Read aloud the part between the stars(,).(2 minutes)Let ' 5 take Thailand as an example . I ' 11 never forget my first time there . It was April ,the hottest part of the year . And by the way , Thailand doesn ' t have four seasons like we dohere . Um , depending on which part of the country you ' re in , there are three seasons , thedry season from November to February , the hot season from March to June , and the rainyseason from about July to October . Um , 50 anyway , back to our topic , 1 was walking downthe street in the small village where 1 lived and suddenly , two teenagers walked past me andas they did , they threw water on me ! 1 was kind of shocked but didn ' t really mind because itwas 50 hot .(,)Then 1 realized that it was the 13th , which 15 Songkran , the Water Festivalin Thailand . On that day , people throw water on each other , and also wash the hands oftheir elders with scented water . It ' 5 a custom based on the belief that water will wash awaybad luck . Now , this idea of washing away bad things , of cleansing or purifying , 15 alsofound in Islamic cultures . For example , when 1 lived in Saudi Arabia , 1 learned thattraditional Muslims pray five times a day , and before they do , they always wash their faces ,hands , and feet with water . And the water has to be very clean and pure . This ritualwashing symbolizes the removal of sin and disease , in other words , the cleansing of bothbody and soul , before speaking to God .(,)Section Two Speak based on one of the following topics :(3 minutes)1 . What 15 an entrepreneur ? What qualities do all entrepreneurs have in common ? Doyou have these qualities ? Would you like to be an entrepreneur ? Why or why not ?2 . Describe your friendship based on the following questions :A . What are your friends like ?B . Do you see them often ?C . How did you become friends ?D . How long have you been friends ?E . What do you have in common ? E . 9 . Are you similar in personality ? Are youinterested in similar things ? etc .948提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习试卷代号:1356国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试高级英语听说(2)口试题签(2)2020年1月Section oneDirections : Read aloud the part between the stars(*).《2 minutes)Now moving on , the third area 1 want to look at 15 eating customs . 1 don ' t mean thefoods that people like to eat in different countries but rather some of the behaviors that areconnected with eating . Um , one of these 15 the use of utensils . You probably know thatpeople in many Asian cultures use chopsticks while in the West they usually use forks ,knives , and spoons . or for example , in parts of India , and in traditional Arab families , too ,it ' 5 customary to eat with your fingers or to use a piece of bread to scoop up food . Anotherexample 15 that in some cultures eating everything on your plate 15 impolite . In Egypt , forexample , you should leave some food in your dish at the end of the meal in order to showthat your hosts were generous and gave you more than enough to eat . However , people fromBolivia , in South America , expect visitors to eat everything on their plates , and Americansalso think a clean plate means you were satisfied with the food .(*)Finally , the last area of behavior that 1 want to mention today 15 gift giving , Therules of gift giving can be very complicated , and it can be embarrassing if you don ' t knowthem . For example , in the United States , if you ' re invited to someone ' 5 home for dinner ,you can bring wine or flowers or a small gift from your country , but Americans generallydon ' t give gifts in business situations . On the other hand , the Japanese , like many otherpeople in Asia , give gifts often , especially if they want to thank someone like a teacher oradoctor for their kindness . In Japan , the tradition of gift giving 15 very ancient , and there aredetailed rules for everything from the color ofthe wrapping paper to the time of the giftpresentation . Another interesting fact about gift giving 15 that many cultures have strictrules about gifts you should not give . For example , never give yellow flowers to people fromIran , or they ' 11 think you hate them !(,)Section Two Speak based on one of the following topics :(3 minutes)1 . Are you a generationy一er ? If yes , have you got the important characteristics of thisgeneration ? What are they ? If no , when were you born ? What are the importantcharacteristics of your generation ?2 . Describe your opinions about pets based on the following questions :A . Do you like pets ? Why or why not ?B . Have you got a pet ?If yes ,a)What pet do you keep ?b)Hong long have you had it ?c)Why do you want to keep it ?If no ,Why don夕t you want to keep a pet ? Give your reasons .949提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习试卷代号:1356国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试高级英语听说(2)口试题签(3)2020年l月SeCtion oneDirections : Read aloud the part between the stars《,).(2 minutes)50…uh , this…this morning 1 want to give you a general introduction to theuniversity system in the United States and Canada . First , I ' m going to tell you about threetypes of university courses . And then my second main topic 15 course requirements…uh ,course requirements , which means what you have to do in order to pass the course . OK ? 50I ' 11 talk about those two topics , and then you ' 11 have time to ask questions before we takeabreak . OK ?(*)All right , now as 1 said , first 1 want to tell you about three types of universitycourses . And 1 should explain thatl ' m talking about undergraduate courses now , becausethe system 15 different at the graduate level . All right . The most common type ofundergraduate course 15 called a lecture course . Got that ? A lecture course . Now basically ,in a lecture course , the professor talks and the students sit and take notes .This 15 very important一taking notes , 1 mean…because most of the time theinformation in a lecture 15 not the same as the information in your books , and you can expectto have questions on your exams that are based on the lectures . 50 you see , it isn ' t enoughto 1 ust read your textbooks , like it 15 in some countries ; in the U . 5 . and Canada the system15 that you have to attend lectures . And during the lecture , you can ' t just sit there andlisten , you have to take notes . Then later you use the notes to study for your exams . 1 hopethat ' 5 clear .(关)Section Two Speak based on one of the following topics :(3 minutes)1 . Where do you live , in a big city , or a small town , or a village ? What ' 5 yourneighborhood like ? 15 it safe and quiet ? Do you like it ? Why or why not ?2 . Talk about your tastes and preferences based on one of the following topics :A . What kind of music do you like , classical music or popular music , why ?B . What ' 5 your favorite kind of food ?C . What kind of movies do you like , love story , cartoon , science fiction etc ?D . What kind of sports do you like , football , basketball , table tennis , volleyball ,tennis , swimming , jogging etc ?E . Which do you like better , British English or American English ? Why ?950提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习试卷代号:1356国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试高级英语听说《2)口试成债单2020年1月学号姓名得分{学号姓名得分}!}}}}}}}}}}}1口试教师:主考教师:提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习试卷代号:1356国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试高级英语听说(2)口试评分标准(供参考)2020年l月得分朗读短文口头作文.能紧扣所给的话题有条理地组织自己的讲话;100 ? 90.语音、语调正确;.朗读流畅,语流自然且.语言流畅,内容充实;.语音、语调正确。有节奏感;.语速恰当。89 ? 80.语音、语调正确;.朗读流畅;.语速较为恰当。.能就所给的话题有条理地组织自己的讲话;.语言较流畅,内容较充实;.语音、语调正确。.语音、语调基本正确;.基本能就所给的话题组织自己的讲话;.语言基本流畅,内容欠充实;.朗读流畅;.语速较为自然。.语音、语调基本正确。69 ? 60.语音、语调基本正确;.基本能就所给的话题组织自己的讲话;.朗读不够连贯,有一些.语言欠流畅,内容有限;.语音、语调有一些错误。错误。59 ? 0.语音、语调错误较多;.不能就所给的话题组织自己的讲话;.朗读不连贯,错误较多,.发言无连贯性,几乎无法交际;.语音、语调错误严重。影响意思表达。952提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习
电大1356《高级英语听说(2)》开放大学期末考试试题2020年1月(含答案) - 图文