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电大1356《高级英语听说(2)》开放大学期末考试试题2020年1月(含答案) - 图文 

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Section Four(30 points , 3 points each)Directions : Listen to the lecture and fill in the blanks to complete the notes . Write your answerson the Answer Sheet . The lecture will be read twice .Speaker ' 5 name : Richard Baldwin塾丝竺兰立丛academic advisor at the(31)_Topic of the Iecture :A general introduction to the university system in the United States and(32)_Specific contents of the lecture :Three types of university courses for undergraduates :St门,JehLoSeyI??‘氏奋OrIDescription of the Importance of theCOUrseCOUfseSize of the classn了e:妇yUh rscLea刀4I毛Jte钟已卫'J工Very important ,because most of thetime the information Can be as large asIn a lecture course , in a lecture 15 not the two or three(36)Lecture the professor talks same as that in theCollrseFour to(37)students inhoursfor eachlectureCOUrse .and the students sit(34)and(33)and a lecture courseyou need to take especially at large(35)and llnlVersltleeS .use them to studyfor your exams·提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习943In a discussionsection , studentsCanTwo or口scuss10nSectionA . ask questionsabout lecturesandreadingsB . 90 over(38)theImportant , becauseit ' 5 some placewhere you can askTAs for help .It ' 5 smaller , maybe three(39)students .or 30 hourseachweekIn a lab class ,The labstudents do theirclass(40)SeveralEspecially importantfor science majors .hoursaweek .944提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习试卷代号:1356座位号巨口国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试高级英语听说《2)试题答题纸2020年l月题号Section One Section Two Section three Section four总分分数图到Section one(20 points , 2 points each)l0口一︸产勺Z一Section Two(20 points . 2 points each)︸︸, 11土1n1乙1户1O1勺1矛:11100q以上:?连工玉?Q1甘11Q自哎口八曰}︸一户勺一Section Three(30 points , 3 points each)一一O1自1夕勺曰乙O?自OQ丹自匕Q州自/O﹄自匕:O︺4Otl9尸自口O乙q八︺U945提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习得分评卷人Section Four(30 points , 3 points eaclt八1八Oj上自nQj口:jQ口4八哎n舟j︺o匕C峥OJCOjtl…C︵乙O4︵O…946提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习试卷代号:1356国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试高级英语听说(2)试题答案及评分标准(供参考)Section one(20 points , 2 poiuts each)1 . housing 2 . March3 . problem 4 . quiet6 . husband 7 . walk8 . address 9 . stoplightSectton Two(20 points , 2 points each?.J11 . B12 . C1八1jA14 . A16 . C17 . B1一1吕A19 . CSection Three(30 points , 3 points each)弓,自 lTO勺曰自T23 . F24 . TO八7自O: :T9曰 .28 . F29 . TSection Four《30 points , 3 points each)31 . English Language Center/Centre 32 . Canada33 . take notes34 . bookQ︸notesQ︵J匕U匕hundredO月J了SlQ一片xd八O口j口自040…homeworkexperlments提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习2020年1月5 . placement10 . miss15 . CZO . B9一尸匀FQnd}T947

电大1356《高级英语听说(2)》开放大学期末考试试题2020年1月(含答案) - 图文 

Section Four(30 points , 3 points each)Directions : Listen to the lecture and fill in the blanks to complete the notes . Write your answerson the Answer Sheet . The lecture will be read twice .Spea

