本 科 生 毕 业 论 文
姓 名 学 号 专 业 食品科学与工程 班 级 指导教师 学 部 食品与环境工程学部 答辩日期
摘 要
Vegetables in the organic phosphorus pesticide residues in the detection and analysis
The ganophosphorus agricultural chemicals take one kind highly effective, Guang Pu the pesticide widely to use in agricultural against evil as well as the family, the warehousing and so on insect disinfestation, but uses after massively, produces the environment harm day by day is also serious. Agricultural chemicals acute poisoning, after specially fruits and vegetables food contamination, initiates the community poison event sometimes occurs. Therefore the establishment fruits and vegetables ganophosphorus remains the examination technology to have the necessity very much. this topic uses the methyl cyanide to soak raises, simultaneously to the eggplant fruit class, the melon class, the sea cabbage class, the cabbage class, the green leaf class, the legumes 6 kind of vegetables altogether 24 varieties, uses in the gas phase chromatography examination ganophosphorus the high poisonous agricultural chemicals methylamine phosphorus, the oxidized rogor, the thimet, the parathion, the methyl parathion, to kill by poison the tick, the phosphate insecticide, the acetyl methylamine phosphorus, the triazole phosphorus, to kill the snout moth sulfur phosphorus, Shui Anliu the phosphorus and so on 13 kind of pesticide residue situation. This examination vegetables sample 24, picks out includes is measured agricultural chemicals sample 8, detection rate 33.3%; Is measured agricultural chemicals unqualified sample 3, total qualified rate 87.5%. Some 5 kind of high poisonous agricultural chemicals are picked out, kills by poison the tick the detection rate to be highest, achieves 25%, the oxidized rogor detection rate is 16.7%, the methylamine phosphorus, Shui Anliu the phosphorus, the acetyl methylamine phosphorus is 8.3%
Key word:Gas chromatography; Organic phosphorus agricultural chemicals;
目 录
摘 要 .................................................................. I ABSTRACT ............................................................... II 第1章 绪 论 .......................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景 ........................................................... 1 1.2 农药概述 ........................................................... 1 1.3 农药分类及主要杀虫剂 ................................................ 2 1.3.1 有机氯杀虫剂 ................................................... 2 1.3.2 有机磷杀虫剂 ................................................... 3 1.3.3 氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂 ............................................. 3 1.3.4 拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂 ............................................. 3 1.3.5 杀蚕毒类杀虫剂 ................................................. 3 1.4 有机磷农药残留及其危害 ............................................. 4 1.4.1 有机磷农药残留与环境污染 ....................................... 4 对大气的污染 ................................................. 4 对土壤的污染 ................................................. 4 对水体污染 ................................................... 5 1.4.2 有机磷农药残留与人类健康 ....................................... 5 1.4.3 有机磷农药进入人体主要途径 ..................................... 5 通过皮肤吸附 ................................................. 5 通过呼吸吸入 ................................................. 6 通过肠胃吸收 ................................................. 6 1.5 影响农药残留的主要因素如下 ......................................... 6 1.5.1 农药的理化性质 ................................................. 6 1.5.2 作物类型和作物部位 ............................................. 6 1.5.3 施药方法、用量和时期 ........................................... 7
1.6 研究的目的和意义 .................................................... 7 第2章 材料与方法 ....................................................... 8 2.1 试验材料与仪器 ..................................................... 8 2.1.1 样品名称 ....................................................... 8 2.1.2 试剂 ........................................................... 8 2.1.3 主要试验仪器 ................................................... 8 2.2 标准谱图的绘制 ..................................................... 8 2.3 样品前处理 ......................................................... 8 2.4 色谱条件 ........................................................... 9 2.5 色谱分析 ............................................................ 9 2.6 回收率的测定 ....................................................... 9 2.7 样品中有机磷农药的计算 ............................................. 9 2.8 有机磷农药在蔬菜中的最高限量标准 .................................. 10 第3章 结果与分析 ....................................................... 12 3.1 有机磷农药标准色谱图 .............................................. 12 3.2 蔬菜农药残留结果与分析 ............................................ 12 3.2.1 不同蔬菜的污染状况分析 ........................................ 15 3.2.2 同种农药在不同蔬菜中检测差异 .................................. 15 3.2.3 禁用农药和非禁用农药检出情况 .................................. 16 3.3 回收率、检出限及精密度的测定结果 .................................. 17 结 论 .................................................................. 18 参考文献 ................................................................ 19 致 谢 .................................................................. 20