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教学内容(课题) Unit 1 Toys (1) 授课日期

教学目标 熟练掌握单词:A toy truck , a toy jeep, a toy digger, a robot, building blocks

How are you?

I am fine, thank you. Just so so.

教 学

重 点 熟练掌握单词A toy truck , a toy jeep, a toy digger, a robot, building blocks

教 学

难 点 能够在日常生活中用How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. 等来表达问候 媒体手段使用 Words cards, recorder, steaker. 教学过程设计 二次备课 Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.

P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children. P: Good morning teacher. T: Good morning children. P: Sit down, plsase Step 2.Warm up : Sing songs: A,B,C Chant:

One two three four, come in plsase and close the door Five six seven eight go to school and don’t be late. Nine ten nine ten learn English again and again. Step 3 New class presentation: Revision:

Arrange a game. to practice How are you?

I am fine, thank you. Just so so.

(拓展 fantastic!) Show the words cards Read after the teacher

Make a chant: I have a toy truck, it’s a nice toy truck. I have a ….. , it’s a nice . Practice by themselves Have a match

Let’s the children run to the blackboard point the picture. and say: I have a … it’s a nice …. Sing a song to end the class Step 4. Homework To review the words 板书设计 Unit 1 Toys Lesson 1

A toy truck a toy jeep a toy digger a robot building blocks 教学反思

教学内容(课题) Unit 1 Toys (2) 授课日期 教学目标 To review the words We’ve learned, and give a chant for students.

The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life.

教 学

重 点 rain,doll

I have a truck, my truck is coming!

教 学

难 点 It’s difficult for students to master these new words well and pronounce them crrectly. Especially, it’s difficult for them to speak them well. 媒体手段使用 Words cards, recorder, steaker. 教学过程设计 二次备课 Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.

P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children. P: Good morning teacher. T: Good morning children. P: Sit down, plsase Step 2.Warm up : Sing songs:

Step 3 New class presentation:

1. 通过一段交通的Flash来引入本课。 2. teach the word “truck”

出示一张卡车的图片 T:这是什么车啊? Ss:卡车。

T:right,这是卡车。(出示单词truck,领读几遍,然后抽查学生读,且加以纠正其发音) 3. teach the word “train”

出示一张火车的图片 T:这是什么车啊? Ss:火车。

T:right,这是火车。(出示单词train,领读几遍,然后抽查学生读,且加以纠正其发音) 4. teach the sentence:I have a train. My train is coming. 5. let’s sing!

I have a train. My train is coming. I have a car. My car is coming. My train is coming. Oh, yeah! My car is coming. Oh, yeah! Step 4. Homework

To sing the song for parents.

板书设计 Unit 1

Lesson 2

I have a train. My train is coming. I have a truck. My car is coming. My train is coming. Oh, yeah!

My truck is coming. Oh, yeah! 教学反思

教学内容(课题) Unit 2 Shapes (1) 授课日期 教学目标 熟练掌握单词:a square,atriangle,a rectangle,a heart,a diamond

What shape?

It’s a square, what about that? It’s a triangle.

教 学

重 点 熟练掌握并拼写单词:a square,atriangle,a rectangle,a heart,a diamond

教 学

难 点 能够在日常生活中用What shape? It’s square, what about that? It’s triangel.等等来讨论形状。

媒体手段使用 Words cards, recorder, steaker. 教学过程设计 二次备课 Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.

P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children. P: Good morning teacher. T: Good morning children. P: Sit down, plsase Step 2.Warm up : Sing songs: Chant:

What shape?What shape?What shape is it? It’s a diamond.It’s a diamond. Aha?Aha!

What shape?What shape?What shape is it? It’s a triangle. Aha?Aha!

What shape?What shape?What shape is it? It’s a heart.It’s a heart. Aha?Aha!

What shape?What shape?What shape is it? It’s a rectangle. Aha?Aha!

Step 3 New class presentation: 1. New knowledges:


It’s a square. 噢.. It’s a triangle.吐鲁… It’s rectangle. 啊唔..

2, Have students look at the screen. Show students 5 shapes pictures one by one. This is a square,a triangle and so on. But some part of the pictures can not be seen. Have students guess what it is. After they guessed, four kinds of spellings with each picture will appear. Only one kind of word spelling is right. Have them choose the right one. Then read after me twice. Students’ Activity

Look at the screen. Guess the shapes pictures. Choose the correct spelling with each picture. Read after the teacher.

3. Sing a song to end the class Step 4. Homework

To review and remember the words and the sentences.

板书设计 Unit 2 Shapes

Lesson 1 a square

a triangle a rectangle a heart a diamond


教学内容(课题) Unit 2 Shapes (2) 授课日期 教学目标 To review the words We’ve learned, and give a chant for students.

The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English in daily life.

教 学

重 点 掌握句子:What shape? It’s a square.

教 学

难 点 能够在日常生活中用What shape? It’s a square.等等来讨论形状 媒体手段使用 Words cards, recorder, steaker. 教学过程设计 二次备课 Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.

P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children. P: Good morning teacher. T: Good morning children. P: Sit down, plsase Step 2.Warm up : Sing songs:

I can draw a trangle. I can draw a rectangle. I can draw two cicles. I can draw two squares.

I can draw a robot,a very nice robot.

Step 3 New class presentation: 1. New knowledges:

Rectangle,heart,diamond It’s a square. 噢.. It’s a triangle.吐鲁… It’s rectangle. 啊唔..

2. teach the sentence: This is … what shape is that? A: What shape?

B:It’s a square, what about that? A:It’s a triangle.

3. Sing a song to end the class Step 4. Homework

To review and remember the words and the sentences.

板书设计 Unit 2 Shapes

Lesson 2

It’s square, what about that ?


教学内容(课题) Unit 1 shapes (3) 授课日期 教学目标 To review the words We’ve learned, and give a chant for students.

The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life.

教 学

重 点 掌握句子:What shape?It’s square.

教 学

难 点 掌握句子:What shape?It’s square. 媒体手段使用 Words cards, recorder, steaker. 教学过程设计 二次备课 Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins.

P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children. P: Good morning teacher. T: Good morning children. P: Sit down, plsase Step 2.Warm up : Sing songs:

I can draw a trangle. I can draw a rectangle. I can draw two cicles. I can draw two squares.

I can draw a robot,a very nice robot. Step 3 New class presentation: 1. New knowledges:



