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人教新课标高二英语必修5第二单元(Book 5) Unit 2 The United Kingdom 学案含答案

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Self- reflection I enjoyed learning about I found these words useful: I found these expressions useful: I have learned about Some examples: Keys:

【Pre-class homework】 A. Scanning : D

B. Close reading: Complete the following form. The UK consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Wales was linked to England. century In the 17th England and Wales were joined to Scotland to form Great century Britain. In the 13th In the early Southern Ireland broke away and Northern Ireland joined 20thcentury with England , Wales and Scotland to become the UK . the largest of the four countries, consists of the South, the England Midlands and the North of England. the greatest historical treasures of all, has museums, art London collections, the theatres, parks and buildings. 第6页/共26页

The four groups of the Romans, Anglo-Saxons , Vikings and Normans. invaders C. Divide the passage into three parts and match the main idea of each part. Part 1(Para 1-3) The cultural importance of London (About London) Part 2(Para 4) How the UK came into being. (About the UK) Part 3(Para 5-6) England is divided into 3 zones. (About England) Step3 Furthering reading:

A. Decide the following sentences true or false. F F T F T F

B. Try to use context clues to work out the meaning of underlined words and phrase. BB

Step4 Consideration:

A. Try to put the missing sentences into the passage without reading the passage. CEBDA B.Blank filling

consists, which, called, have developed, legal, largest, divided, its, invaders, historical

Period 2 Language focus in Reading 1 (Book 5)

Class:_________ Name:_____________ Group:___________ No:



Learning Objectives:

1. Make sentences using the important useful new words and expressions. 2. Learn the important useful sentences and patterns. Learning Key Points:

Grasp the usages of the important new words, expressions and sentence structure above.

Learning Difficult Points:

Understand and use the new words in the proper language situation. Learning Procedures: I.【Pre-class homework】

A. Translate the phrases into English 1. 由……组成 2.把……分成 3.阐明这个问题 4.提到;查阅 5.同样;也


7.为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在……名下 8.教育和立法制度 9.为了方便 10. 历史建筑


Assessment: 11.艺术收藏品 12. 历史瑰宝


B. Make sentences using the following words and phrases: 1. consist 2. divide 3. clarify 4. accomplish 5. convenience 6. conflict

7. break away (from) 8. to one’s credit Ⅱ.【While-class】 Step1 Discussion

Ss discuss their pre-class homework in group Step2 Presentation Step3 Consolidation:

A. Imitative writing (句子仿写)

1. It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.

Translate: 第9页/共26页

结构:1)it为形式主语,真正的主语是: 2)在该主语从句中,built in the nineteenth century 修饰 , 作

仿写:遗憾的是,坐落于老城区的建筑没有得到很好的保护。 ______________

2. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. Translate: 练习:请用find sth./oneself + 宾语补足语的结构完成句子。

When he arrived, __________________________(他发现所有的工作


When she woke up, _________________________________(她发现自


仿写:当人们提起学英语时,你会发现英语听力也是包括在内的。 _________________________________________________________________________

3. To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international relations), but they still have very different institutions.

Translate: ______________

仿写: 值得称赞的是,虽然他们每个人确实有不同的爱好,但他们合作


人教新课标高二英语必修5第二单元(Book 5) Unit 2 The United Kingdom 学案含答案


