1. MiR-886-5p Inhibition Inhibits Growth and Induces Apoptosis of MCF7 Cells(MiR-886-5p抑制剂抑制MCF7细胞的生长并诱导其细胞凋亡)
张蕾蕾 吴 江 刘 强
2. The significance of notch1 compared with notch3 in high metastasis and poor overall survival in hepatocellular carcinoma(在肝癌高侵袭及低预后中Notch1比Notch3发挥了更重要的作用) 周 亮
3. Nmnat2 Attenuates Tau Phosphorylation Through Activation of PP2A(Nmnat2激活PP2A降低Tau蛋白磷酸化) 程相树 赵昆朋 姜 霞
4. 消栓通络有效成分组对氧糖剥夺损伤原代培养神经元的保护作用
谢欣梅 庞晓斌
5. 牵牛子酒提取物对Lewis肺癌的抗肿瘤和抗转移机制研究 李佳桓 杜钢军 刘伟杰
6. 64层螺旋CT检测颈动脉斑块和狭窄与前循环缺血性脑卒中的关系
韩新生 钱伟军 徐建可
7. Effect of photo-corrosion of Ag2CO3 on visible light photocatalytic activity of two kinds of Ag2CO3/TiO2 prepared from different
precursors(碳酸银光腐蚀对两类复合材料的光催化活性的影响) 冯彩霞
8. Photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic properties of Ag-loaded heterostructure nanotube arrays(Ag担载BaTiO3/TiO2异质结纳米管阵列的光电化学和光催化特性) 李秋叶 李 瑞 宗兰兰
9. Significant catalytic effects induced by the electronic interactions between carboxyl and hydroxyl group modified carbon nanotube supports and vanadium species for NO reduction with NH3 at low temperature(碳纳米管表面羧基、羟基与钒之间的电荷作用对碳纳米管载钒催化剂低温SCR脱硝活性的影响) 王 丽 赵江红 白书立
10. Sensitivity improved plasmonic gold nanoholes array biosensor by coupling quantum-dots for the detection of specific biomolecular interactions(基于量子点敏化的金网格阵列结构对特异性生物分子进行高灵敏度的检测) 牛丽红 程 轲 吴仰晴
11. 利用反向有效介质理论研究CB/HDPE复合导电体系太赫兹波段的介电性质 陈西良
12. Tribological properties of TiAl-Ti3SiC2 composites (TiAl-Ti3SiC2 复合材料的摩擦学性能研究) 薛 冰 徐增师 章桥新
13. Basic Properties of Concrete Incorporating Recycled
Ceramic Aggregate and Ultra-fine Sand(废陶瓷再生混合砂混凝土基
刘凤利 刘俊华 马保国
14. Particle filter based on the lifting scheme of observations(基于量测提升策略的粒子滤波算法) 胡振涛 刘先省 胡玉梅
15. A Receptor-Like Kinase Mediates Ammonium Homeostasis and Is Important for the Polar Growth of Root Hairs in Arabidopsis(类受体蛋白激酶CAP1通过调节胞内铵稳态从而作为重要因子影响了植物根毛的生长)
白 玲 张国增 周 云
16. MPK6 controls H2O2-induced root elongation by mediating Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane of root cells in Arabidopsis seedlings(MPK6通过控制胞外Ca2+跨膜流动和H2O2产生调控拟南芥根伸长) 韩 栓
17. Effects of Controlled Alternate Furrow Irrigation on Soil Water Movement and WaterUtilization Efficiency of Soybean(隔沟交替灌溉对大豆土壤水运动及水分利用率的影响) 汪明霞 田 静 王东卫
18. The spatio-temporal characteristics analysis on new-urbanization level of CPER in China(中原经济区新型城镇化水平的时空分异研究)
丁志伟 张改素 王发曾
19. 黄河上中游特大洪水HJ-1卫星遥感监测研究 陈 琳 王 琴