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1. - Can I SPeak to Mr. Rose?

- _________ Can I take a message for him? A. This is he.

B. I am afraid he is not in? C. Who are you?

D. Sorry. DO you know him?


2. - PaUIf _____ ?

? Ohl that,s my father!And beside him, my mother. A. what is the PerSOn OVer there B. who,s talking OVer there C. what are they doing D. which is that


3. - MUSt I take a taxi?

-No, you __________ ? YOU Can take my car. A. had better to B. don,t C. must not D. dorf t have to


4. - Thanks for your help?

A. My PleaSUre. B. Never mind. C. Quite right. D. Don,t thank me.


5. - CongratulatiOns! YOU WOn the first PnZe in today's SPeeCh COntest.

A. Yesz I beat the others. B. Nof no」didn't do it WelL C. Tha nk you ? D. It,s a PleaSUre?



What is the best Way to Iearn a language? We ShOUld remember that We Iearned OUr OWn Ianguage WeIl When We Were ChiIdren. If We COUld Iearn a SeCOnd IangUage in the Same Wayj it WOUId not Seern SO difficult? Think Of What a SmaIl Child does? He IiStens to What PeOPle Say and tries to imitate What he hears? When he WantS SOmething he has to ask for it. He is USing the IangUage f talking in it r thinking in it all the

time. If PeOPle had to USe a SeCOnd Ianguage all the time, they WOUld Iearn it quickly.

We Iearn OUr OWn Ianguage by hearing PeOPle SPeak it, not by Seeing What they Write? We imitate What We hear. In SChOOl r though you Iearn to read and Write as WeIl as to hear and SPeak r it is best to Iearn all the new WOrdS through the ear. YOU Can read them r SPell them and Wnte them later.

2024年12月网络教育统考大学英语B ,计算机应用基础

最新全套整版题库!英语B中英文全真翻译,视频讲解:计算机操作题视频演示;零基础 即可一次性通过!索取请加QQ 269 041716

6. Everyone IearnS his mother IangUage When he is a ChiId? A. T B. F


7. A SmaIl ChiId Iearns to SPeak by imitating What PeOPle say. A. T B. F


8. People Can Iearn a Ianguage quickly if they imitate it. A. T B. F


9.It is best to Iearn new WOrdS through reading first. A. T B. F


10. The best Way to Iearn a IangUage is to USe the Ianguage all the time? A. T B. F


Shyness is the CaUSe Of much Unhappiness for a great many PeOPle? Shy PeOPle are anXiOUS and SeIf-COnSCiOUs; that is, they are excessively COnCerned With their OWn appearance and actions. WOrriSOme thoughts are COnStantly OCCUrri ng in their min ds: What kind OfimPreSSi On am I maki ng? DO they Iike me? DOI SOllnd stupid? Arn I Wearing Unattractive clothes?

It is ObViOUS that SUCh UnCOmfOrtable feelings must negatively affect PeOPIe? A PerSOrf S COnCePtiOn Of himself Or herself is reflected in the Way he Or She behaves, and the Way a PerSOn behaves affects Other people* S reactiOns. In generalz the Way PeOPle think about themselves has a PrOfOUnel effect On all areas Of their lives.

Shy PeOPlef havi ng IOW self-esteem, are IikeIy to be PaSSiVe and easily influe need by OtherS ? They need reassurance that they are doing \it COnfirmS their feelings Of inferiority. They also find it difficult to be PleaSed by COmPliment With a Statement Iike this One \? 1 know it, S not true.\that While self-awareness is a healthy quality, OVerdOing it is harmful.

Can Shyness be COmPletely eliminated, Or at IeaSt reduced? FOrtUnatel? PeOPle Can OVerCOrne Shyness With

determined and Patient efforts in building SeIf-COnfidence. SinCe ShyneSS goes hand in hand With a IaCk Of self-esteem, it is imports nt for PeOPle to accept their WeakneSSeS as WeIl as their Strengths.

EaCh One Of US is a unique, WOrthWhiIe individualr interested in OUr OWn PerSOnal ways. The better We UnderStand OUrSelVeSf the easier it becomes to IiVe UP to OUr full potential. Let, S not allow Shyness to block OUr Chances for a rich and fulfilling Iife?

11. What does the author try to PrOVe by Citing \(Para. D __________

A. Shy PeOPle ben efit from their Caring about their appeara nce.

B. Peoplez S Shyness make them Care too much about their appearance and actiOns. C. It' S natural that Shy PeOPle don' t believe Other S compliments. D. Shy PeOPle think they are different from OtherS? 答宰:B 12. According to the WriteC self-awareness is ___________ ? A. a good quality

B. the CaUSe Of Unhappiness C. harmful to PeOPle

D. a Weak POint Of Shy PeOPle 答宰:A

13. That Shy PeOPIe react to a COmPliment in SUCh a Way is ______________ ? A. good B. unreal

C. very reasOnable D. harmful


14. Which Of the following StatementS is true, according to the passage? _____________ A. Shyness helps US to develop OUr POtential

B. Shyness enables US to Understand OUrSelVeS better C-Shyness Can block OUr Chances for a rich Iife D.Shyness has nothing to do With IaCk Of self-esteem 答宰:C

15.lt Can be inferred from the PaSSage that Shy PeOPle ____________ ? A. should find more Of their WeakneSS

B. should Understand themselves in the right Way C. had better ignore their WeakneSS

Dxan get rid Of their Shyness While maintaining IOW self-esteem 答宰:B


16.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a __________ to his OffiCe? A. 20 minutes* Walk B. 20 minute,s WaIk C. 20-minutes Walk D. 20-minute WaIk


17.Suzan SPeakS EngIiSh _________ JOhn? A. so fluently as B. as flue nt as C. more flue nt tha n



