【期刊名称】《医学与社会》 【年(卷),期】2011(000)009
【摘要】The formation of good medical ethics is a process from ignorance to knowledge, then to the behaviors, finally to the unity of knowledge and behaviors. Moreover, it is also a process for medical students to recognize, actively internalize and consciously regulate medical ethics. Therefore, for medical students, medical ethics education should also be standard education, cognitive education and practical education. It is important to strengthen and develop medical students' ethics education from moral, thought and behavior.%良好的医德品质的养成是一个由不知到知、由知到行、知行统一的过程,在这一过程中涵盖了医学生对医德的了解辨认、主动内化、自觉调节等环节.因此,医德教育应该对学生进行规范性教育、认知性教育和实践性教育,从道德、思想和行为上全面加强医学生医德教育的培养. 【总页数】3页(96-98)
【关键词】医德教育;医学生;规范性教育;认知性教育;实践性教育 【作者】游元军;胡铭峡
【作者单位】川北医学院,南充,637000;川北医学院,南充,637000 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R192