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Unitl School is fun.

重点单词:pencil-case 铅笔盒 pencil( ) pen( ) bag( ) book 书 blackboard 黑板

eraser橡皮 ruler 尺子 bg ( ) small 小的 garden花园 classroom教室

重点句型:1 What can you see? I can see a big boc你能看见什么?我能看见一本大书。

2 Welcome to our school.欢迎来到我们的学校。

3 How ma ny boys are there? There are si这里有多少男孩?这里有六个。 Unit2 Classroom Olympics 重点单词:hop单腿跳 run( ) draw画画 jump跳 catch抓、接 touch( )

paint 上色 count数数 bounce拍 up( ) down( )kick 踢 walk 走 football 足球 badminton羽毛球 baseball棒球 basketball篮球

重点句型:Hop to the blackboard单腿跳到黑板

Unit3 You and I 重点单词:write ( )dance跳舞 read读 skate滑冰 talk谈话 play( )

I我 you你 we我们 he他 she 她 they 他们 jt它

重点句型:1 You can draw and」can write你能画画,我能写。 2 He can dance and she can read.

3 We can skate and you can paint. 4 It can talk and they can play.

Unit4 They are my friends. 重点单词:come 来 watch TV( ) play( ) friend 朋友

重点句型:1 They are my frie nds他们是我朋友。 2 We are all frie nds我们都是朋友

3 Come and watch TV or you can play with toys过来看电视或者你可以玩玩具。 Unit5 I like dogs. 重点单词:parrot( )snake ( )spider 蜘蛛 mouse老鼠 turtle 乌龟 rabbit 兔子 cat

( )dog( )horse 马 pig( ) hen 母鸡 sheep纟帛羊 cow duck 鸭子 重点句型:1 What an imals do you like? I like cats .你喜欢什么动物?我喜欢猫。

Unit6 Do you like oranges?

重点单词:pear 梨子 peach ( ) orange 橘子 mango 芒果 lemon 柠檬 pineapple

( ) apple ( ) banana ( )

重点句型:1 Do you like oranges? Yes,I do./ No,I don't.你喜欢橘子吗?是的,我喜欢。不,我不喜欢。

2 How many bananas can you see? I can see five ban an你能 看见多少香蕉?我能看见五个香蕉

Unit7 What' Bobby doing? 重点单词:bedroom ( ) bathroom 浴室 kitchen 厨房 dining-room 餐厅 living room 客厅 重点句型:1 What'sBobby doing? He\在干什么?他正在洗澡。

2 What time is it? It's8 pm.现在几点?现在 8 点 3You can see a bathroon你可以看见一个浴室 Unit8 What ' in the pizza?

重点单词:carrot胡萝卜 pea豌豆 on io n(

) bean豆 sausage香肠tomato西红柿 potat(


重点句型:1 What'sin the pizza?披萨里面有什么?

I like to eat a pizza with some onions我 喜欢吃有一些洋葱的披萨

2 What food are they? They are oranges它们是什么食物?它们是橘子。

Unit9 Dress for childrens Day

重点单词:jacket夹克衫 handbag手提包 glasses眼镜 skirt 短裙 vest ( ) hat礼帽 mirror镜子

trousers裤子 jeans牛仔裤 dress ( )cap鸭舌帽 shoe鞋子 shirt衬衫 sock袜子 shorts 短裤 T-shirt T 恤衫

重点句型: 1 What do you like to wear?你喜欢穿什么?

I like shirts. I don 'like trousers.我喜欢衬衫。我不喜欢裤子

2 You can put on the blue dress. ' beautiful.你能穿蓝色的裙子。它很漂亮。

Unit10 What are they doing? 重点短语: brush teeth刷牙 take a bath洗澡 have breakfast吃早饭 tell a story 讲故事

climb the tree 爬树 read books读书 play a game玩游戏 watch TV 看电视 play hide-and-seek玩捉迷藏 play football 踢足球

重点句型: 1 What are the cows doing? They are eating grass母牛正在干什么?他们正在吃早。

2 What are the pets doing in the house? I don 'know. Let sask our frie nd.

Unit11 Where are you going? 重点单词: bus ( ) car小汽车 jeep ( ) plane 飞机 boat ( ) ship 轮船

train 火车 bike (

重点句型: 1 Where are you going? We are going to Shangha你们打算去哪里?我们打算去上 海

2 ! How are you going to the farm? I m going there by bike.你怎样去农场?我骑自行车去那里。 Unit12 A song of opposites.

重点单词: big 大的一small ( ) long 长的一short ( ) hot ( ) — cold 冷的

sad伤心的 一happy ( ) tall高的一short矮的 quick快的一slow 慢的 you ng 年轻的一old 老的 left ( ) — right (

重点句型: 1 This is little and that is big.这是小的,那是大的。

2 The dog is big and the cat is small?是大的,猫是小的。 .Unit13 The big man and the little people. 重点单词: hair 头发 mouth ( ) eye ( ) nose ( ) feet(foot)双脚(单脚)

leg 腿 arm( ) ear( ) hand 手 body 身体 head头 teeth(tooth)牙齿

重点句型: 1 What s this/that? This/That is an ear.这是/那是什么?这是 /那是一只耳朵

2 This is a man with two big eyes这是一个有着两个大眼睛的人。 Hello! This is my friend,Linda. Unit14

) your你的 his他的her她的their他们的our我们的 name名子 teacher老师 重点单词: my (

重点句型: 1 This is your book. That's her dog.Bobby 这是你的书。那是她的狗 Bobby.

2Who s that? Thafstheir new teacher那是谁?那是他们的新老师。 3 He is our new teacher.他是我们的新老师 He ' got three sticks.


one( ) two( ) three( ) four( ) five( ) six 六 seven七 eight 八 nine 九 ten +


1 He'sgot three sticks.他得到了三根木棒。


2 Colour two flowers blue and one flower red把两朵花涂成蓝色,一朵花涂成红色。 Game time Unit16

重 点单词:read-readi ng 读 书 run-running 跑 步 sin g-s inging 唱 歌 dan ce-da ncing 跳 舞

jump-jumping 跳 swim-swimming 游泳 fish-fishing 钓鱼 play football 踢足球 1 What do you like doin g? I like readi ng.你喜欢干什么?我喜欢读书。


2 What' s your name?尔的名字是什么? My name is Lin Hua.我的名字是林华



