Unit Three At the zoo
1.能听、说、认读几个形容词tall thin short fat.听懂含有形容词的几个指令,并按指令做动作。
2.能够听、说、读句型Look at that...It’s ...并在情景中熟练应用。 3.能在情景中运用short tall fat thin. 【教学重点】
1.能听、说、认读几个形容词tall fat thin short. 2.能够听、说、读句型句型Look at that...It’s ... 【教学难点】
1.能听、说、认读几个形容词tall fat thin short,并在句子中应用。 2.在情景中运用fat, short, tall,thin. 【教学过程】
一、热身活动(Warm-up) Teacher:Hello! Student:Hi!
Teacher:How are you? Student:Fine,thank you! ……
出示PPT1:Today,let’s learn unit3 At the zoo.Part A Let’s learn. 出示PPT:2-PPT6
Teacher:We have some friends at the zoo. Look at the ppt. What’s this? Student:It’s a …… ……
师:PPT2-3生齐读 PPT4-6男生/女生/小组齐读 二、新单词的学习(Presentation) Let’s learn
1.出示PPT7 ,Teacher:We have a new friend. 出示PPT8问:Who? Student:Monkey!
Teacher:Look at that monkey.It’s fat. (全班齐读) 板书:dad -- fat (让学生当堂书写:fat)
男生读:be fat,be fat 女生读:be fat, fat, fat!
2.出示PPT9,Teacher: Look at that monkey.It’s not fat. It’s thin. (全班齐读)
板书:three -- thin (让学生当堂书写:thin)
男生读:be thin,be thin 女生读:be thin, thin,thin!
3.出示PPT10, Teacher:Wow! what’s this? 生回答:It’s giraffe.(全班齐读)
Look at that giraffe.It’s tall! 板书:tall (让学生当堂书写:tall)
女生读:be tall,be tall 女生读:be tall, tall,tall!
4.出示PPT11, Teacher: Three are two giraffes. Look at that baby giraffe. It’s short. (全班齐读)
板书:short (让学生当堂书写:short)
女生读:be short,be short 女生读:be short , short,short! 5.出示PPT12师:Look at that pig/dog.小组抢答:fat/thin.
6.出示PPT13师:Look at that panda/ giraffe.小组抢答:short/tall. 三、巩固提升练习(小组竞争抢答)
根据本班学生的特点提示填空,补全句子,例如。 1. Liu Xing is ________(瘦的).
2. Xiao Yu is ____(矮的)and___(胖). 出示PPT15习题2:
Yao Ming is . Mr. Zhou is 四、拓展延伸
课件PPT16出示:What should not do at the zoo? (在动物园我们不能干什么)生自由回答 五、家庭作业(homework) 课件出示PPT17要求:
1.跟读P25页的课文5遍,然后读给爸爸妈妈听。 2.画出一个你最喜欢的动物,介绍给同桌,用上句型Look at my …! It’s…!
英语人教版三年级下册Unit Three At the zoo