Financial gurus say, To become rich, do rich people things. Here are ten ways you can start doing rich people things and stop watching your hard-earned money flow out of your bank account.金融专家常说:想变得有钱,那就做有钱人做的事。下面这10种方法可以教你向有钱人学习,再也不让辛苦赚来的钱哗啦啦流走。
1. They get out of debt.有钱人摆脱债务。
Duh, right? Debt is the enemy to building wealth. Debt is Lord Voldemort. It will kill and destroy your money. You should get rid of even small, monthly payments. Start by figuring out exactly how much you owe, and decide what you’re going to tackle first.可不是嘛,债务是累积财富的头敌,债务就是伏地魔。它榨取并吸干你的每分每厘。哪怕是小额的月债,你也应该还清。先算清自己到底欠了多少债,然后想办法去解决。
2. They know how much they save.有钱人清楚自己有多少积蓄。
Do you know what your annual savings rate is? Rich people do. It doesn’t have to be exact, or down to the penny, but you should know how much of your salary you usually save or invest.你知道自己的年储蓄率是多少吗?有钱人知道。你不一定要搞清具体数字或精确到每分钱,但应该清楚平时储蓄或投资的薪水金额。
3. They know how much they spend.有钱人知道自己花了多少钱。
How much are your monthly utilities? How much do you usually spend at restaurants? By figuring out these things, you will be able to find ways to save and invest more. So, track your spending over the next couple months. After you’ve seen where your money is going, you will have a better idea of what you can cut.你每个月的日常开销是多少?平常会花多少钱去吃馆子?算清这笔账,你就找到省钱和投资的方法了。所以,接下来几个月请尝试记下自己的开销吧。当你弄清钱都花在哪儿后,就能知道怎么削减开支了。
4. They think long term.有钱人目光长远。
Where do you want to be in 5, 10, or 20 years? Wherever that is, you need to start planning for it today. Rich people don’t say things like, I want new shoes, I’m going to spend the last of my paycheck on them. They think long term about where they want to be, and they make savings goals to get there.你给自己5年、10年乃至20年的定位是什么?不论怎样,你都需要从现在起认真规划了。有钱人不会说:我想买双新鞋,还剩一点余钱,干脆把它花掉吧。他们会考虑得很长远,然后努力存钱实现那个长远目标。
5. They make their money work for them.有钱人让金钱为自己效劳。
My dream is to figure out how to make money while I sleep. Doesn’t that sound amazing? Well, rich people do that. They
精品资料欢迎阅读 invest in stocks, real estate, companies, etc. and make their money work for them.我的梦想就是掌握一边睡大觉一边赚钞票的秘诀。这听上去是不是很诱人?有钱人就是这么做的啊!他们投资股票、房产、公司等,让金钱为自己带来收益。
6. They diversify their income.有钱人保持收入多样化。
Nothing will make you feel more secure at work than having another stream of income, and it will help your bank account, too. Having a few side hustles will make your bank account growand it gives you less time to spend your money, which increases your savings.工作时账户里还能增加额外收入?再没什么能比这个更令人心安了吧?赚点外快可以充实银行账户,不仅缩减花钱时间,还能增加存款!
7. They aren’t afraid to get help.有钱人不羞于请人帮忙。
It could be your brother, your sister, or even your best friend’s parents, but you should find someone who you think handles money well, and ask them how they do it. Also, there are a ton of great online resources you should check out. In addition, you can go to financial planners and find out what they suggest. You’re probably not going to find all your answers in one spot, and that’s fine. Just keep searching until you find something that works for you.不论是兄弟姐妹还是好朋友的父母,你应该找一个善于理财的人,然后向他讨教。另外,网上也有很多不错的资源,查查看吧。而且,你还可以选择理财规划师,听听他们的建议。或许你无法一下子就得到所有答案,但也别太介意,只要坚持探索直到找到适合自己的方式就行。