基于模糊物元的AZ 91 D镁合金消失模铸造工艺优化
【期刊名称】《徐州工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2016(031)004
【摘要】以浇注温度、真空度、充气压力、激振力为优化工艺参数,铸件的抗拉强度、伸长率、密度、表面硬度为综合工艺优化目标,利用正交试验和 Vague 集相结合的方法优化 AZ91 D 镁合金真空消失模铸造工艺参数.优化结果为浇注温度720℃,真空度-0.03 MPa,充气压力0.2 MPa,激振力1.5 kN.优化工艺参数使铸件的伸长率增加了6.17%,密度增加了6.55%,表面硬度提高了6.67%,抗拉强度仅减小0.74%.%Taking the casting temperature,vacuum degree,air pressure and exciting force as the process parameters and the tensile strength,elongation,density and surface hardness as the comprehensive optimization goal,the process parameters of AZ91D magnesium alloy lost foam casting were optimized by using orthogonal test combination with Vague set.The results show that the casting temperature is 720 ℃, the vacuum is -0.03 MPa,the inflation pressure is 0.2 MPa and the exciting force is 1.5 kN.The opti-mized parameters increased the elongation of the casting by 6 .1 7%,the density increased by 6 .5 5%,the surface hardness increased by 6.67% and the tensile strength decreased by only 0.74%. 【总页数】6页(15-20)
基于模糊物元的AZ 91 D镁合金消失模铸造工艺优化