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邴原少孤,数岁时,过书舍而泣。师曰:“童子何泣?”原曰:“孤者易伤,贫者易感。夫书者,凡得学者,有亲也。一则愿其不孤,二则羡其得学,中心伤感,故泣耳。”师恻然曰:“欲书可耳!”原曰:“无钱资。”师曰:“童子苟有志吾徒相教不求资也。”于是遂就书。一冬之间,诵《孝经》《论语》。Unit 11 What time do you go to school?


1.起床 ___________ 2.洗淋浴 _____________

3.睡觉 ___________ 4.做作业 ______________ 5.去上班 ___________ II.用所给单词的适当形式填空

6. What time ______ he usually ______(go) to bed? 7. Scott______ (work) very long hours.

8. The food in the boxes _______(be) very delicious. 9. His parents usually_______ (get) up at five. 10. What about _______(listen) to the music. 11. Tom isn't good at _______(speak) Japanese. 12. His sister ________(want, join) the music club. 13. They are busy ________ (have) lunch. 14. Jack, _______ (put) on your raincoat. 15. It’s time _______ (go) home now. III.单项选择

( )16.--What's the time? --______one-thirty.

A. Its B.It's C.This is D.They're ( )17.I usually _______ at nine-thirty at night.

A. get to school B.get up C.go to bed D.go home ( )18.He likes ______ the radio(收音机)。

A.listens B.to listen to C. listens to D.to listen ( )19.I _______ at seven.

A. go to the school B.go to a school C.go to school D.go school ( )20.We only have _______ shower.

A. some B.an C.the D.one ( )21.My sister _______ home at 5:00 every day.

A. gets B.gets to C.get D.get to ( )22.We can watch Beijing Opera _____ TV.

邴原少孤,数岁时,过书舍而泣。师曰:“童子何泣?”原曰:“孤者易伤,贫者易感。夫书者,凡得学者,有亲也。一则愿其不孤,二则羡其得学,中心伤感,故泣耳。”师恻然曰:“欲书可耳!”原曰:“无钱资。”师曰:“童子苟有志吾徒相教不求资也。”于是遂就书。一冬之间,诵《孝经》《论语》。A. in B.at C.on D.from ( )23.Let's ________.

A. take a shower B.have a shower C.take the shower D.A and B ( )24.My brother ____ the morning TV every day. A. watches B.watch C.watchs D.see ( )25.--______ do you usually go to bed? --At six.

A. What time B.How time C.When D.A and C ( )26.Zhang Min usually gets up _______. A. at six thirty

B.at thirty six

C.on six

thirty D.on thirty six

( )27.Rick often does ______ homework at 6:00.

A.her B.his C.my D.your ( )28.--______ do people have dinner?

--At home. A.What B.When C.Where D.B and C ( )29.In our school, school _____ at 7:30.

A.is B.start C.starts D.does ( )30.Please write and tell us _____ your morning.

A.for B.about C.of D.from IV.句型转换

31. I get a letter from him. He ________ a letter _______ me. 32. Jim is late for school because of getting late..(对划线部分提问

33. She has only one watch.(划线部分提问

34.He takes a shower at 8:00.(划线部分提问

35.I do homework at seven. (否定句)I _______ ________ homework at seven. V.句子翻译


邴原少孤,数岁时,过书舍而泣。师曰:“童子何泣?”原曰:“孤者易伤,贫者易感。夫书者,凡得学者,有亲也。一则愿其不孤,二则羡其得学,中心伤感,故泣耳。”师恻然曰:“欲书可耳!”原曰:“无钱资。”师曰:“童子苟有志吾徒相教不求资也。”于是遂就书。一冬之间,诵《孝经》《论语》。37.学校9点开始上课。_______________________________ 38.我通常在大约6:10分起床。_______________________________ 39.人们通常什么时候吃晚餐?_______________________________ 40.他每天早饭后看早间电视节目。_______________________________ VI.补全对话, 词数不限

A: What's the matter with you? (怎么了?) B: ______41______.

A: Hungry? Don't you ___42___ ___43___ in the morning? B: No, I ___44___. A: ___45___ ?

B: Because I get up ___46___ and have ___47 ___ time to have it. A: Here ___48___ some bread. Have it and ___49___ some water. B: ___50___ a lot.

41.________ 42.________ 43.________ 44.________ 45.________ 46.________ 47.________ 48.________ 49.________ 50.________ VII.完形填空

Sam Scott and his sister Ann are students. Sam 51 school by bus,and Ann does,too. Some of 52 walk(走) to school. Sam and Ann 53 at four o'clock in the afternoon. They 54 before dinner(晚饭前),and they watch TV after dinner. They usually 55 early(早).

Sam and Ann 56 three meals a day:breakfast,lunch and dinner. They have breakfast at home. 57 they have lunch 58 school. They often eat dinner at home.Mr. Scott 59 from 60 at five and Mrs. Scott eats dinner at six. ( )51.A.go to ( )52.A.your friends

B.go to the

C.goes to

D.goes to the D.their fathers D.get home D.play D.get up D.show

B.their friends C.your fathers

C.get school C.watch TV C.get to school C.shows

( )53.A.get to school B.get to home ( )54.A.do homework ( )55.A.go to school ( )56.A.has

B.run B.go to bed B.have



