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New Words and Expressions

1. etiquette n. the formal rules for polite behavior in society or in a particular group

礼节,礼仪 2. crucial a. extremely important 至关紧要的 3. preside v. to be in charge of a meeting 主持会议 4. take the trouble to 不辞辛苦地 5. attentively ad. listening to or watching someone carefully 注意地,专心地 6. interrupt v . to stop one’s speech by suddenly speaking to them, making a noise

etc 打断某人的话 7. address v. deliver a speech 向……致辞 8. cue n. an action or event that is a signal for something else to happen 提示 9. condense v. to make something that is spoken or written shorter缩短,精简 10. succinct a. clearly expressed in a few words 简洁的 11. deviate v. turn away (from the right or usual way, a rule, a custom,etc.)偏

离,背离 12. guise n. dress, outward appearance 装束,打扮,外貌,外观 13. courteous a. polite and showing respect for other people 有礼貌的 14. confidential a. secret 机密的,秘密的 15. fall into this trap 落入圈套或陷阱 16. undermine v. weaken gradually 逐渐损坏,衰弱 Difficult sentences

1. Etiquette in business can come in a variety of forms – be it a business lunch to your choice of attire at an awards ceremony, but the most crucial area in which etiquette can mean the difference between a company gaining or losing thousands of pounds is in a meeting setting. 商务礼仪形式多样—— 无论是在共进商务午餐时,还是在出席颁奖仪式时着装的选择上。但是最为重要的场合是在会场,因为商务会场上的礼仪能够决定一家公司是能够赚几千英镑还是亏损几千英镑。 2. If you are conducting a meeting which will include references to reports, statistics or any other information, you should make sure that everybody who is going to be attending the meeting has a copy of all the necessary facts and figures which may be referred to at the meeting 3 or 4 days before it takes place, if possible, and everybody should take the trouble to familiarize themselves with all this paperwork prior to the meeting. 如果你主持的会议的内容涉及到一些报告、数据或其他信息,如果可能的话,一定要确保能够提前三四天把会议所涉及的必要内容和数据分发到每一个参会者的手里,每一位参会者都应该在会议召开之前,不辞辛苦地熟悉了解这些内容。 3. Acknowledge the chair and once discussions are under way, if there is no set speaking order, it’s good etiquette to allow the most senior members at the meeting to have their say first. 要向主席致敬,并且当讨论开始时,如果事前没有安排发言顺序,应该让会场上地位最高的人先发言。 Step7. Translating: ask the class to finish Task12 according to the language points learned in

the passage. (10 minutes)

Step8. Summary Fast reading and Case Study I. Teaching objectives:

The Ss are expected to learn:

5. the knowledge about virtual meeting;

6. the reading skills to find out the general idea and specific information; II. Teaching focus:

To learn the knowledge about virtual meeting III. Teaching difficulty:

The reading skills to find out the general idea and specific information VI. Teaching length: 90 minutes IV. Teaching procedure:

Step1. Greet the class and announce the tasks. Step2. Lead-in questions: How much do you know about the virtual meeting? (2 minutes)

Step3. Reading skills: ask the class to skim the passage and outline its logical structure the talk

about their answers in pairs. Ask 2 pairs to present to the class. (20 minutes)

Having Meetings in Virtual Space

General idea: Web conferencing is truly the next best thing to be there. 1. limit of the traditional meetings 2. advantages of Web conferences 1) Easy to Schedule, Easy to Attend 2) You-Are-There Visuals 3) Live and/or Virtual Audio 4) Online Survey Tools

5) Post-Conference Reporting and Archiving 6) One Company's Experience 7) Quick Return on Investment Step4. Reading skills: ask the class to scan the passage and find out the answers to Tasks13and

14 based on the key words in each question and the outline made in Step3. (20 minutes)

Step5. Intensive reading: ask the class to read through the passage in details and find out the

specific information for each part of the key points. (10 minutes)

Step6. Case Study. Ask the class to read through the case and find out what are the problems

of the organization of the meeting and if there are any solutions. (15-20 minutes)

Step7. Discussion. Ask the class to talk about the questions in Task15 in pairs based on the

case study. Then ask to pairs to present to the class. (10 minutes)

Step8. Summary Grammar and Writing

I. Teaching objectives:

The Ss are expected to learn:

1. the concept and use of the simple past tense; 2. how to draft a notice. II. Teaching focus:

1. The forms and function of the simple past tense; 2. the necessary part and set phrases of a notice. III. Teaching difficulty:

1. The special use of the simple past tense; 2. the paragraph arrangement of a notice. VI. Teaching length: 90 minutes V. Teaching procedure:

Step1. Greet the class and announce the tasks. Step2. Present the simple past tense: (14 minutes)

1. The concept: something took place or existed in the past.

2. Words and expressions of time that often require the simple past tense for the

predicator: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/month/year/night, one year/ two days ago, just now, one day, long ago, the other day -- a few days ago, once upon a time, etc.

3. the forms and function of the simple past tense

4. The special use of the simple past tense.

Step3. Task16. Ask the class to finish Task16 and discuss in pairs. (10 minutes) Step4. Task17. Ask the class to finish Task17 and discuss in pairs. (15 minutes) Step5. Present the necessary parts of a notice: (2 minutes) 1. Heading, 2. Body (covering the event, time, place, people expected to attend and

requirements), 3. Name of the issuer/ writer of the notice, 4. Date of announcing

Step6. Present the format of a notice: (2 minutes) Heading Body ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Name of the issuer/ writer of the notice, Date of announcing Step7. Practice. Ask the class to study the two samples with focus on their necessary parts,

the format and the useful set phrases for each part of the body. Present the useful set phrases. (5 minutes) Step8. Task18. Ask the class to finish the task and invite two Ss to present their translations

to the class. (15 minutes) Step9. Task19. Ask the class to finish the task and invite 2 Ss to present their writings to the

class. (20 minutes) Step10. Summary

Unit 4 Social Manners

Listening and speaking

I. Teaching objectives

Ss are expected to learn to:

13. listen for specific information about etiquette for meeting clients for the first time and

table manners;

14. listen for specific information to fill in the gaps in the conversations; 15. retell the main points heard;

16. role-play and practice in the everyday life social etiquette for meeting clients and table


II. Teaching focus:

To learn and practice social etiquette for meeting clients and table manners To listen for gist and specific information

III. Teaching difficulty

VI. Teaching aids: a disc player and the disc V. Teaching length: 90 minutes IV. Teaching procedure:

Step1. Greet the class and announce the tasks for the periods. Step2. Lead-in Questions (3minutes) 1. What are considered good manners? Cite examples as many as possible?

2. With regard to social manners, are there some differences between China and western countries? Try to give some illustrations

Step3. Present the 5 questions in Task2. Ask the class to read them through and make

prediction about the points that the conversation may cover based on the key words in the questions. (3 minutes)

Step4. Play the disc for the class to listen for the answers to the 5 questions in Task2. After

listening, the Ss can have 5 minutes to talk about their answers in pairs. (10 minutes)

Step5. Play the disc for the class to listen again and fill in the gaps in Task1. (5 minutes) Step6. Retelling. Ask the class to work in pairs and retell the key points to each other and

invite 2 pairs to present to the class. (10 minutes)

Step7. Speaking. Ask the class to work in pairs and role-play a conversation based on the

information given in Task5. (15 minutes)

Step8. Present the 5 questions in Task6. Ask the class to read them through and make

prediction about the points that the conversation may cover based on the key words in

the questions. (3 minutes)

Step9. Play the disc for the class to listen for the answers to the 5 questions in Task6. After

listening, the Ss can have 5 minutes to talk about their answers in pairs. (10 minutes)

Step10. Play the disc for the class to listen again and fill in the gaps in Task5. (5 minutes)

Step11. Retelling. Ask the class to work in pairs and retell the key points to each other and

invite 2 pairs to present to the class. (10 minutes)

Step12. Speaking. Ask the class to work in pairs and role-play a conversation based on the

information given in Task8. (15 minutes)

Step13. Summary. Step14. Assignments: To learn the new words and expressions in the two conversations; To review the social etiquette for meeting clients for the first time and table manners.

Intensive Reading

I. Teaching objectives:

The Ss are expected to learn:

10. the workplace social etiquette; 11. the words and expressions;

12. the reading skills to find out the general idea and specific information. II. Teaching focus:

To learn the workplace social etiquette. III. Teaching difficulty: The reading skills to find out the general idea and specific information VI. Teaching length: 90 minutes IV. Teaching procedure:

Step1. Greet the class and announce the tasks. Step2. Lead-in questions: What do you think are considered as good manners in workplace? (2 minutes)

Step3. Reading skills: ask the class to skim the passage and outline its logical structure the talk

about their answers in pairs. Ask 2 pairs to present to the class. (20 minutes)

Workplace Social Etiquette

General idea: The rules of workplace social etiquette centre on being respectful of others.

7. the definition and significance 8. the benefits

9. the rules for dressing

10. the rules for social relationship 11. the rules for personal calls 12. the rules for food

13. the rules for personal space

Step4. Reading skills: ask the class to scan the passage and find out the answers to Tasks9—11



