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Unit 2 Tales Of TrUe LOVe

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SuggeSted an SWerS for refere nce

1. QianZhOngshu WaS a Chinese Iiterary scholar and writer, best known for his Wit and great academic knoWIedge. One of his most famous noVelS is FOrtreSS BeSieged(《围城》).Yang Jiang WaS a Chinese playwright, author, and translator. Her memoir WeThree (《我们仨》)recalls memories of her late husband, Qian Zhon gshu, and her daughter, Qia n YUa n, who died before her father.

DaVid BeCkham is an En glish former PrOfeSSi onal footballer, and the first En glish PIayer to Win IeagUe titles in four countries: England, Spain, the United StateS and Fran ce. DaVid is married to ViCtOria Beckham, an En glish bus in esswoma n, fashi on desig ner, model, and Sin ger. They have four ChiIdre n.

2. Qianand Yang ' S romance began When they met at TSinghua UniVeHfter Yang Jiang enrolled in the graduate school in 1932. They married in 1935.

DaVid Started dating ViCtOria in 1997, after She attended a Charity football match. The couple announ Ced their en gageme nt in 1998 and married in 1999.

3. DUring the CUItUraI ReVOIUtion, like many other PrOminentintellectuals of the time, Qian Zhongshuand Yang Jiang Were

“Sent down ”,doing “reform through labor ” a “ Cadre school ” in Hen a1Sf69to 1972.

The challenge DaVid and ViCtOria have come across is media attention. They are both famous, so their relati on ShiP has attracted a great deal of media atte nti on from its Very begi nning.

Reading & InteraCting

I. UnderStanding the TeXt

1. TeXt OrganiZatiOn DateS SenderS Information


He WaS badly homesick and bitter about his 31 days to D-Day Frank abse nce while their daughter WaS grow ing up. He comforted Polly over the COming assault by 28 days to D-Day Frank Say ing that WhateVer WaS to happe n depe nded on GOCr S W, and he enCOUraged Polly The yard WaS fixed up; She missed him badly; 17 days to D-Day Polly they had bee n SeParated for 8 mon ths. He WaS glad that Dee WaS going to her first 10 days to D-Day Frank movie, and he Wanted Polly and Dee to fully enjoy their life duri ng his abse nce. She wrote about her Ioneliness and her expectati 9 days to D-Day Polly on for their reunion after the war. She wrote about her being Sen time ntal and her 1 day to D-Day Polly Ion eli ness, as well as her con fide nce in the future. 2. COmPrehenSiOn CheCk 2.1 FOCUSing on the main ideas

FrankjOined the U.S. Army duri ng World War II, and freque ntly excha nged IetterS With Polly, his wife. Frank, away in En gla nd, wrote about his longings for home and his feeli ngs towards Polly and Dee, their toddler daughter, while Polly described in detail her life at home and expressedher COnCern over the war, as well as the Ioneliness She endured from the long separation. They wrote about their love for each other and comforted each other With the expectati on for their reunion in the future. TragiCally, however, Frank WaS killed in the Normandy Ianding OPeratiO n on D-Day. 2.2 Digging into detail

1. He WaS Very bitter that he WaS not going to be by her Side while She grew up. 2. He believed it WaS God ' S will Whether he would be one of the assault troops and Whether he would SUrViVe the fighting. What he would do WaS to trust God. 3. They had not See n each other for 8 mon ths.

4. Polly would take her daughter Dee to See her first movie.

5. Polly imagined She and Frank would listen to their favorite music together on Sun day ni ghts. 6. She felt all the more Sen time ntal but at the Same time more con fide nt in the future. 2.3 UnderStanding difficult SentenCeS

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B

II. FOCUSing On LangUage in COnteXt

1. Key Words & EXPreSSiOnS 1.1

1. While I WaS worki ng in a fast-food restaura nt, I con Sta ntly dreamt of being able to own one someday. 2. It WaS com mon for people to keep UP COrreSP onden CeWith frie nds through IetterS before the age of the Intern et.

3. In moder n Chin ese society, wome n, to a large exte nt, are no Ion ger dominated by men either in family life or in the workplace.

4. There is now a growing realization of the importance of recycling among the reside nts in our n eighborhood.

5. The JaPa nese in vasio n duri ng World War II met With fierce resista nce from the Chin ese people.

6. It is wonderful to See flowers bloom in different colours after a long bleak Win ter. 7. The elderly Iandlady couldn endure th e behavior of the young man any more: he tossed trash all over the build ing.

8. It is true that human beings have had War conStantly throughout history; n evertheless huma n CiViIiZati on has man aged to survive.

9. An in CreaS in gly large nu mber of Chin ese pla n to SPe nd their time travelli ng to differe nt COun tries and See ing more of the world Whe n they retire. 10. LaSt Week I SUbmitted my first PrOjeCt proposal and I WaS Very anxious to know how the departme nt man ager would react to it. 11. We all SymPathiZe With those who lost loved ones in the disaster. 12. The gen eral decided to IaUnCh an assault on the en emy at midni ght. 13. At that time, most StOreS in that regi on allowed ShOPPerS to exchange goods and SerViCeS

at a mutually agreed price.

14. The kids never received any PrOfeSSional training previously, but their PerfOrma nce WaS impressive. 15. It ' S amazing that the toddlecoant UP to OnehUndred and backward. 1.2

1. postp oned

2. of late

3. l ong for 7. AdOred

4. con ti nu ally 8. by the day

5.compe nsated for 6. on Iand 1.3

1. The sole SUrViVOr of the CraSh decli ned to be in terviewed Say ing he just could not bring himself to talk about the tragic accident at the moment. 2. I thought the Party I WaS inVited to WaS a quiet and PriVate one, but as it turned out, I WaS OVerWheImed by the CrOWdS and noise. 3. Like many of her generation, the lady SUffered/underwent a lot of hardships throughout her life.

4. The local government WaS forced /had to bow to PUbIiC PreSSUre and Cancelled the nu clear power program.

5. Different teachers play different roles in the growth of a StUdent. 6. The team is Carrying out research to find out the impact on ChiIdren of long SeParation from their Parents.

7. Mary immediately felt Un easy Whe n She found her cous in John WaS gaz ing UP on her. 8. I Can still recall how my heart WaS filled With joy and Pride Whe n I received the diploma from the Prin cipal. 2. USage

1. We all Pray for the return Of PeaCe and loved Ones. 2. The Prime minister, When talking about the SerViCemen in battle, said, “Those brave young people are the ones who are Un dergoing all/all of the hardships 3. AIl of them Were OVerWheImed by the glamour of the royal Palace. 4. The happiest are not those who own all/all of the best things, but those who Can appreciate the beauty of life.

5. AIl work and no play makes JaCk a dull boy.

3. SentenCe PattemS

1. Of COUrSe you all think big. BUt I ' Il bet many of you have no ideahat you are really IOnging for.

2. The school bus driver shouted, ________ the bus stops!

3. I Un dersta nd the importa nce of develop ing the habit of not PUtti ng off What you Can do today Until tomorrow. BUt you know, it ' S always easier Said than done.

4. You may Say you enjoy being Si ngle, but I bet you WiIl think differe ntly Whe n you finally fall in love. 5. Not Until I experieneed terrible Ioneliness did I come to the realization that SUPPOrt and SymPathy from family Were precious.

4. COmPrehenSiVe PraCtiCe 4.1 Cloze

In PUtt ing in to words how much We adore some one, SOmetimeS it is easier to do so in COrreSPOndenCe than face-to-face. OneCannOt help but SymPathiZe With the lover who, gazing upon the ObjeCt of his affection face-to-face, becomes OVerWhelmed and lost for words. Here distance may help. For SeParatiOn not only makes the heart grow fon der, it also PrOVideS the PerfeCt excuse for a(n) exchange of love IetterS in WhiCh the ton gue-tied lover Can give a more impressive display of his innermost thoughts. Unable to bring himself to SPeak freely about his feelings, With Penand PaPer on hand he may nonethelesseasily fill PageSWith fine words. Watered by these, love Will hopefully bloom. 4.2 Translation

1. GeOrge IOngS for a Chance to meet her, but he Can bring himself to tell her about it.

2. Many Smart and CaPabIe people do not achieve a lot in their life because they are afraid of the hardships they may have to en dure.

3. I remember that in my childhood I had great enjoyment in IiVing in the countryside Where all the flowers Were blooming in SPring.

4. The government is SUre to react to the recent growth in violent crime.

5. QUite a lot of people Can Undergo feelings of loss after they retire, and We may help them With our Care and concern.



