the Longyuan Chinese character information database - latest revision
本数据库取消 冠名 中原‘2016’版本纪年,现按最近修订的结果,不定期上网发布。
The database cancel the character \in title, now on the most recent revision of the results, the open at our website, and not on a regular basis.
Count Starting readers your acquisition date, within two years, are welcome to download free updates:
序 sequence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .rar 字库 10 10 07 07 07or10 最新版本 2019.12 2020.3 2018.2 2020.2 2020.2 Word stock The latest version 辞书汉字信息集专业版 辞书汉字信息集普通版 汉字编码检索手册 疑难汉字编码手册 公用文件包
Note: 1.the latest version only refers to the compressed file (rar); and the actual generated time of individual files (doc/x), that has nothing to do ,these is after decompression.
2, Dictionaries Chinese characters the Information set Ordinary edition, replace the original 2016 version.