上海交通大学图书馆使用指南大纲(2017版) 上海交通大学图书馆使用指南(2017版) A Guide to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Library
1. 入馆须知Notice
? 进入图书馆必须凭本人校园卡
? 严禁将未办理借阅手续的图书带出图书馆 ? 严禁使用他人的校园卡借出图书
? 禁带不能封口的饮料、零食和餐点进入阅览室
? 阅览室内禁止占座、随意接插线板、接打电话及大声喧哗 ? 图书馆内严禁吸烟 ? ? ? ? ? ?
Enter the library with your own SJTU ID card.
It is forbidden to take unchecked books out of the library. It is forbidden to use others’ SJTU ID cards to borrow books.
It is forbidden to take foods and unsealed drinks into reading rooms.
It is forbidden to occupy extra seats, use patching boards, or make noises in reading rooms. It is forbidden to smoke in the library.
2. 图书借阅 Borrowing
? 纸质资源简介 A brief introduction to printed collection
The SJTU Library owns 3.31 million volumes of printed materials including 7,500 titles of periodicals, and adopted open stack management model. The printed collection is arranged according to subjects. All books (except the special collection and some reference books) can be circulated among all campuses (except the School of Medicine Library), while journals can only be read in reading rooms.
? 思源探索OurExplore
OurExplore is a convenient and effective platform for resource retrieval. It integrates all library resources such as books, journals, multimedia resources and databases, making it possible to explore and access library resources at this one-stop platform.
? 借阅权限Borrowing Rights 借阅期限30天,30册/人。
The loan period is 30 days. One people can keep no more than 30 books at one time. ? 自助借还书服务Self-Service Based on RFID
Self-service machine based on RFID could be used to borrow and return books, in a convenient and effective way. You could find such machines in each branch library (except the School of Medicine Library) and use them with your SJTU ID card. Additionally, there is a 24-hour book return box at the entrance of the Main
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上海交通大学图书馆使用指南大纲(2017版) Library and Pao Yue-Kong Library. Users could return books when the library is closed.
? 馆际互借Interlibrary Loan
Document Delivery & Interlibrary Loan is an effective service through which library materials not owned by SJTU Library may be requested and obtained from other libraries.
? 图书荐购Book Recommendation
Please log in to Siyuan Recommendation for Purchase with your jAccount to recommend books to be purchased by the Library and track the purchasing process.
? Q & A
? Q1:如何预约图书? How to reserve a book?
Users can reserve books that have been checked out or books from other campuses (between Xuhui Campus and Minhang Campus, except the School of Medicine Library). Users will receive messages via email or SMS once the requested books arrive at the pick-up library. ? Q2:如何续借图书? How to renew a book?
Books can be renewed online before the due date. The period of renewal starts from the day the book is renewed according to Circulation Rules. Books that are overdue or recalled cannot be renewed. Casual reading books in the Main Library could not be renewed. Please obey relevant circulation regulations.
? Q3:图书逾期费如何计算?How can I pay overdue fines?
Fines may be paid at any Circulation desk during open hours, in cash or by SJTU ID card. Ordinary overdue books: ¥0.1 per day per copy; recalled books: ¥1 per day per copy (winter & summer vacation excluded).
? Q4:图书损毁或遗失怎么办?What if I damage or lose the borrowed book?
Users should be accountable for lost and damaged books through two ways: 1) Returning a same new book plus a replacement fee of ¥5; 2) Paying fines according to relevant rules.
3. 网络&移动服务 Network & Mobile Service
? 网络服务 Network Services
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上海交通大学图书馆使用指南大纲(2017版) Users could access free Wi-Fi with their jAccount in all SJTU libraries. In the meanwhile, there are two E-reading Rooms located in the Main Library and the Pao Yue-Kong Library. Users could swipe their SJTU ID card at the entrance and use the computers and other facilities there.
? 移动服务 Mobile Services
Library mobile services include SMS, WAP, QR, Apps and WeChat. SMS provides text message alerts of personal borrowing information, lectures and trainings; WAP offers a convenient way to search and access various library resources through mobile phones; QR is a quick way to retrieve information; Apps offer more personalized library services. WeChat delivers the latest information from the library.
4. 电子资源 E-Resources
? 电子资源简介 A brief introduction to E-resources
The library has purchased 421 databases, including over 55 thousand titles of E-journals and 2.93 million E-books, plus abundant multimedia resources. All the E-resources could be accessed via SJTU network.
? 在校外如何访问图书馆资源?How to get access to the E-resources off-campus?
请在浏览器中设定使用代理服务器,填入上服务器名:inproxy.sjtu.edu.cn端口:8000,认证方式采用jAccount。具体方式请参见:http://net.sjtu.edu.cn/wlfw/wlfwlist.jsp?wbtreeid=1045 SJTU faculty and students could get access to library services off-campus through proxy services. For more information, see http://net.sjtu.edu.cn/info/1058/1464.htm
? 小贴士:在使用和下载电子资源时请尊重知识产权,不要过量下载!
Please comply with the e-resources licenses and respect intellectual property rights while downloading and using them.
5. 空间服务 Space Service
? 小组学习室 Group Study Room
There are 24 group study rooms in the Main Library, 5 in the T.D. LEE Library and 3 in the law library on Xuhui Campus. They are used for academic discussions and communication, course discussions, contest preparation, association activities, training and other group activities.
? 预约网址:http://studyroom.lib.sjtu.edu.cn
? 使用条件:学生3人或以上,教师1人;1-4小时/次
? 开放时间:周一至周日8:00~22:00;国家法定节假日及寒暑假除外 ? 预约要求:提前1个小时
? Online reservation: http://studyroom.lib.sjtu.edu.cn
? Usage requirements: 3 students or more, or 1 teacher, 1-4 hours per reservation
? Opening hours: Mon.-Sun. 8:00-22:00;except public holidays, summer vacation and winter vacation ? Reservation requirement: at least 1 hour in advance ? 图书馆创客空间 Library Makerspace
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