The effect of cooling rate and coiling temperature on the microstructure and mechanical pr
The effect of cooling rate and coiling temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties
of a plain carbon steel
ZHANG Chen;HU Xiaoping;LIU Gang;WANG Huanrong
【期刊名称】《宝钢技术研究(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2018(012)001
【摘要】The effects of cooling rate and coiling temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of a plain carbon steel were investigated by combining metallography and tensile experiments.The results indicate that ferrite grain size is refined and bainite transformation occurs to ensure high strength and elongation,as the cooling rate is quick enough.Yield strength and tensile strength improve with the decreased finish cooling temperature,but the elongation decreases too significantly to meet the requirements.Thus,the cooling rate must be quick enough,and the appropriate coiling temperature should be carefully selected to obtain refined ferrite and a small amount of bainite to improve the strength while the plasticity is also ensured.Under this condition,the Mn element concentration can be reduced to save cost or produce higher strength steel with same chemical composition. 【总页数】6页(11-16) 【关键词】
The effect of cooling rate and coiling temperature on the microstructure and mechanical pr