2. Conduction(导热)
The best heat-insulating solids own their insulating properties to the air or to other gases contained in cells within the material.(最好的隔热材料在空气和材料细胞中拥有自己的绝热性能。) These cells cause the heat to flow through the solid material through a long tortuous passage. (这些细胞使热量需要通过一个漫长曲折的通道才能流过这个坚实的固体。) In addition, the available cross-sectional area of the solid material is much less than the projected area. (另外,见识的固体材料可用的横截面面积比投影面你少得多。) Experimental evidence shows that many small unicellular pockets of gas are much more effective than a series of connected cells having the same total volume in giving insulating value to a substance. (试验表明,一个物体在给定的总量上具有相同的绝热值上,多小口袋气体单细胞比的一系列连通细胞更加有效)There may be considerable variation in the thermal conductivity of any given insulating material because the conductivity depends on its density, the size and number of its air cells, and its absorbed moisture.(在任给定的绝热材料的导热系数面有很大的差异,这是因为导热系数取决于它的密度,空气细胞的大小和数量,和它吸收的水蒸气。)
6. Fundamentals of industrial Ventilation
In essence this boils down to heat transfer and mass transfer between the incoming air and air the already within the building.(从本质上讲,这归结于进入的空气和已经在建筑物的空气的传热和传质。) If owing to excessive internal heat production the temperature of the air in the building tends to exceed the specified norms, cooler air is introduced and mixed with the indoor air; the temperature of the air (owning to heat transfer) then remains at the norm. (这是由于建筑物部产热过多导致空气的温度往往超过规定的指标,引入冷的空气引入与室空气混合(由于传热),使空气温度保持不变。)If harmful gases or vapours are released, their concentration is heldwithin specified limits by dilution with the clean incoming air.(如果有害挥发性气体被释放掉,它的浓度将会被在一定围通过引入室外清洁空气来稀释。)
7. Natural Ventilation Fields of Application
The time has long passed when it was necessary to demonstrate the benefits of natural ventilation and justify its application. The proofs were simple and very convincing.
(时间已经过去很久了当它有必要去表明自然通风的好处和证明它的可用性。) They were based on comparisons of mechanical ventilation and natural ventilation. (这是基于自然通风和机械通风的比较。) In hot shops where all the emphasis was laid on mechanical ventilation, and natural air change, being regarded as unimportant, was not taken into account at all.(在热的车间里,所有的重点是机械通风,自然通风被认为是无足轻重的,没有被重视到的。) It was found in all the tests that the volume of natural air change many times exceeded the volume of mechanical ventilation. (很多测试表明,自然通风的换气量几倍于机械通风的换气量。) This revealed the negligible role of general mechanical ventilation despite its heavy installation and running costs. (这表明,全面的机械通风是不会估计到它的很大的装备和运行花费。)Mechanical ventilation in these cases was best used as a corrective to natural ventilation, in the form of air curtains and local air supply or extraction.(在这些情况下,机械通风最好是自然通风的一个补救措施,以空气幕的形式和当地空气的供应和提取。)
9. Comfort and Discomfort(舒适与不舒适)
A particular example is the range effect.(一个特别的
例子这个围的影响。) When an observer experiences a range of stimuli and is asked to rate them on category scale, he tends to rate them by putting the stimuli from the middle of the range into the central categories of the rating scale.(当一个测试员经历了一定围的刺激并且要求把他们分为不同类别围的等级,他倾向于从评定列表围的中间到中央类别投入的刺激来分类。) This has been clearly demonstrated in experiments on the acceptability of noise. (这已经清楚的表明对噪音的可接受性的实验。)Subjects exposed to a range of sound levels tend to place the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable noise at the centre of the range of noise which they have been exposed. (受验者暴露在声音等级的围,往往已经规定了在噪音围的中央的可接受与不可接受噪音的边界。) Thus people who have only been exposed to low noise levels. (因此, 人们只暴露在低噪声等级的水平围。) The range effects do not apply only to the range of stimuli provided by the experimenter.(围的影响并不只适用于实验者提供的刺激围。) People carry their own standards with them, based on their general experience, with which they compare a new stimulus. (根据一般的经验,人们具有自己的评价标准来比较新的刺激。) Thus, the meaning of the words comfortable or uncomfortable will not have an absolute value,
but will be relative to his experience and expectation. (因此,舒服或不舒服的含义,没有一个绝对的值,而是相对于他们的经验和期望。) When Gagge et al. (1976) put young men in an environmental chamber at 48, the subjects reated the environment as slightly uncomfortable.(当Gagge et al.将青年男子放于48的环境实验室中,受验者感觉环境稍不舒适。) There is little doubt that the equivalent environment in an office would be regarded as intolerable. (毫无疑问,在办公室里的等效环境将被认为是不能容忍的。) However, the subjects knew they were in a physiological laboratory, were expecting to sweat, and did not object strongly to the experience. (但是,受试者知道他们在胜利实验室,他们期待汗水,并没有强烈反对这种经验 。)
11. Efficiency Is Fashionable Again
Two basic types of cogeneration systems are available(热电联产系统的两个基本类型是可用的): (1) topping system, which produces electricity and exhausts thermal energy which is used for district heating or comparable functions.(一流的系统,生产电力和废气热能,这是用于区域供热或类似功能。) (2) bottoming system, which