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摘 要 原辅料采购作为制剂药企业生产经营的第一个环节,对药品成本控制和药品质量控制至关重要,是制药企业降本增效的一个重要环节。怎样把握好原辅料采购预算、计划、价格和采购产品的质量关就显得非常必要和关键。只有做好采购环节的内控,才能在降本方面做到利益最大化。
关键词 采购内控 制药企业 降本增效
中图分类号:F406.5 文献标识码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2012)17-0045-03 Effect of procurement internal control
on cost reduction and efficiency in pharmaceutical company TANG Mei
(Shanghai New Asia Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201203, China)
ABSTRACT As the first aspect of the drug production and operation, procurement of raw
materials is particularly crucial to the cost and quality control of drugs and it is an important part for pharmaceutical companies to reduce cost and enhance efficiency. How to grasp the budget, plan and price of raw materials procurement and the quality of purchased products becomes very necessary and critical. Only when a good job has been done in internal control of procurement, the benefits resulting from cost reduction can be maximized.
KEY WORDS procurement internal control; pharmaceutical company; cost reduction and efficiency
1 医药原辅料采购活动中存在的风险