选词填空 第一单元
1) Average students who work hard usually do better than clever students who are(idle). 刻苦学习的一般学生通常成绩比懒惰的聪明学生好。
2) Mrs. Parker had her car windows smashed by a gang(wielding)baseball bats. 帕克太太的车窗被一群手持棒球拍的犯罪团伙打碎了。
3) The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to(adapt)to the change. 世界会变得不同,我们不得不准备好去适应这种变化。
4) It seems that more and more people are willing to(donate)their organs for use after death. 似乎越来越多的人愿意死后捐献器官。
5)Ralph got(scratched)all over when he was running through the bushes. 拉尔夫在灌木丛中跑时浑身刮伤。
6) The idle young man lit a cigarette and sat on the end of the table, one leg(swingin). 这个懒散的年轻人点上一支烟,晃着一条腿坐在桌子一头。
7) If you would move(sideways)to the left, I can get everyone on the picture. 你往左边斜一点,我就可以把所有人拍进照片了。
8) We’ve(plotted) our projected costs for the coming year, and they show a big increase. 我们绘制了明年的预计成本,显示增长很大。
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9) Jane(knelt)down to pull a weed from the flowerbed. 简跪下拔出花圃里的一颗杂草。
10) Companies are now trying to(recycle)their waste or find other ways of disposing of their by-products. 现在的公司尽量回收利用他们的废品或用别的方法处理副产品。 11) Where’s the price(tag)on this dress? 这件衣服的标价标签在哪儿?
12) Amy is now a senior(executive)having worked her way up through the company. 艾米现在是通过自身努力提拔到公司上层的一名高管(高级行政官)。 13) The water could not get away from the tank because the(outlet)was blocked. 由于出口堵了,水无法流出水罐。
14) Something must have happened; office workers were seen(clustered)at every open door, talking excitedly. 集在每个开着的门口,激动地说着什么。
15) The injured old lady(had a hard time)getting to the hospital. 受伤的老太太好不容易才到了医院。
16) She’d spilt some coffee and was(cleaning)it(up)just as John walked in. 约翰进去的时候她刚弄撒了咖啡正在收拾。
17) By the time they got to the camp they’d(run out of)water. 他们到达营地的时候水已经用完了。
18) This painting perfectly(exemplifies)the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.
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一定发生什么事了,办公室职员聚 -----WORD格式--可编辑--专业资料-----
1) The(probability)that there will be huge profits in the projects has attracted many an investor. 这个项目会有巨大收益的可能性吸引了很多投资者。
2) This(exquisite)porcelain vase was made with superb workmanship. 这个陶瓷花瓶做工精湛。
3) When I asked her advice, she(pondered)the matter and then told me not to go. 我咨询她的意见,她仔细想了想让我别去。
4) To celebrate National Day, there was a(spectacular)fireworks display in Century Park. 为庆祝国庆节,中央公园举行了盛大的焰火表演。
5)Would you read my letter and correct the mistakes,(if any)? 你能否看看我的信给我改改错,如果有错任何误的话?
6) Professor Guehenno has written the most fascinating and the most intimate account(to date)of Rousseau’s life. 到目前为止最吸引人、最私密的。
7) I have to admit that I had been a little too(premature)in forming my opinion of the new professor. 我不得不承认,我对那位新来的教授的看法形成的太早了。
8) “We will give your proposal careful(consideration),” Mr. Lewis said to me. “我们会认真考虑你的建议,刘易斯先生对我说。
9) His criticisms(imply)a lack of confidence in what Ann has done so far.
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10) The two patients who were suspected of being affected with SARS were immediately(isolated)from the other patients.那两个被怀疑感染上了非典的病人立即被隔离了。
11)(Along with)poetess, authoress was once the usual term for a female writer. 和女诗人一样,女作家也曾经是女性作者的通常称谓。
12) Though there were 20(candidates)for the job, the board was in unison in deciding to hire Bob Galloway. 虽然这个工作有20位应试者/候选人,但董事会一致决定聘用鲍勃·盖罗维。
13) Smoking is no longer considered socially(acceptable)by many people. 现代人不再认为吸烟是可以接受的。
14) With his background in law and his years of public service, he is undoubtedly(in a position to)run for political office. 他是学法律的,而且有多年的公共服务经历,无疑是有能力从政的。
15)(Adolescent)friendships seem very important at the time, but they often do not last into adulthood. 青少年时期的友谊当时似乎非常重要,但很少持续到成年以后。
16) A new furniture store opened nearby. The furniture it sells is(inexpensive)but well-made. 附近新开了一家家具店,卖的家具不贵但做工好。
1)The Marlows were always(suspicious)about their neighbors, often fussing about nothing. 马洛夫妇/一家人总是怀疑邻居,常常没事大惊小怪的。
2) After such a confrontation between the two parties, any reconciliation would be(out of the question). 两党如此对峙,任何和解都不可能了。
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3) He got the money dishonestly, by(forging)his brother’s signature on a check. 他是通过欺骗手段得到那笔钱的,他在支票上伪造了哥哥/弟弟的签名。
4) The older generation often(frowns)on the ideas of the young.老一代常常不赞成年轻人的观点。
5)The price of this brand is ten times that of other brands and this is totally(beyond the reach of)ordinary people. 这个品牌的价格是其他牌子的十倍,普通人完全买不起。
6) Anger(surged up)within him when he heard of the injustice. 他听到这个不公平的事情时义愤填膺。
7) Despite her sincere apologies for her mistake, Jenny’s colleagues would not forgive her and treated her with(scorn)and disdain. 尽管詹妮为自己的错误真诚道歉,她的同事们也不原谅她,轻蔑和鄙视她。
8) The architect knew that his clients were very particular about the new house he had designed for them, and he was careful in(supervising)the building all along the way.
那个建筑师明白他的客户特别在乎他为他们设计好的新房,所以他从头到尾认真监督房子的修建。 9) As a strong leader, John is (bold)enough to make tough decisions whenever there is a need. 作为一个坚强的领导,有需要时约翰总能大胆地做出艰难的决定。
10) I longed to understand her struggles, but in her broken English she was only able to paint a (crude)picture of her life. 我渴望能明白她是怎么努力的,但是她只能用断断续续的英语简单讲述她的生活。
11) This week is too terrible a time for me to be in the(mood)to play, with semester exams coming up next week.这周对我来说太糟糕了,根本没有心情玩,下周就该期末考试了。
12) On the train Stan,(thumbing)through the magazine, caught a glimpse of a photo of Jenny the top fashion model.
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