Some of the concerns surrounding Turkey¡¯s application to join the European Union, to be voted on by the EU¡¯s Council of Ministers on December 17th, are economic-in particular, the country¡¯s relative poverty. Its GDP per head is less than a third of the average for the 15 pre-2004 members of the EU. But it is not far off that of one of the ten new members which joined on May 1st 2004 (Latvia), and it is much the same as those of two countries, Bulgaria and Romania, which this week concluded accession talks with the EU that could make them full members on January 1st 2007.
Furthermore, the country¡¯s recent economic progress has been, according to Donald Johnston, the secretary-general of the OECD, \matching. Turkey¡¯s inflation rate has just fallen into single figures for the first time since 1972, and this week the country reached agreement with the IMF on a new three-year, $10 billion economic programme that will, according to the IMF¡¯s managing director, Rodrigo Rato, \Turkey... reduce inflation toward European levels, and enhance the economy¡¯s resilience\
Resilience has not historically been the country¡¯s economic strong point. As recently as 2001, GDP fell by over 7%. It fell by more than 5% in 1994, and by just under 5% in 1999. Indeed, throughout the 1990s growth oscillated like an electrocardiogram recording a violent heart attack. This irregularity has been one of the main reasons (along with red tape and corruption) why the country has failed dismally to attract much-needed foreign direct investment. Its stock of such investment (as a percentage of GDP) is lower now than it was in the 1980s, and annual inflows have scarcely ever reached $1 billion (whereas Ireland attracted over $25 billion in 2003, as did Brazil in every year from 1998 to 2000).
One deterrent to foreign investors is due to disappear on January 1st 2005. On that day, Turkey will take away the right of virtually every one of its citizens to call themselves a millionaire. Six noughts will be removed from the face value of the lira; one unit of the local currency will henceforth be worth what 1m are now-ie, about €0.53 ($0.70). Goods will have to be priced in both the new and old lira for the whole of the year, but foreign bankers and investors can begin to look forward to a time in Turkey when they will no longer have to juggle mentally with indeterminate strings of zeros.
×¢£¨1£©£º±¾ÎÄÑ¡×ÔEconomist£»12/18/2004, p115-115, 2/5p£»
×¢£¨2£©£º±¾ÎÄÏ°ÌâÃüÌâÄ£·Â2004ÄêÕæÌâtext 1µÚ1ÌâºÍµÚ3Ì⣨1£¬3£©£¬2001ÄêÕæÌâtext 1µÚ2Ì⣨2£©£¬1999ÄêÕæÌâtext 2µÚ2Ì⣨4£©ºÍ2002ÄêÕæÌâtext 3µÚ4Ì⣨5£©£»
1. What is Turkey¡¯s economic situation now?
[A] Its GDP per head is far lagging behind that of the EU members. [B] Its inflation rate is still rising.
[C] Its economy grows faster than any EU member. [D] Its economic resilience is very strong.
2. We can infer from the second paragraph that__________.
[A] Turkey will soon catch the average GDP level of the 15 pre-2004 EU members [B] inflation rate in Turkey used to be very high [C] Turkey¡¯s economy will keep growing at present rate
[D] IMF¡¯s economic program will help Turkey join the EU
3. The word ¡°oscillated¡± (Line 3, Paragraph 3) most probably means_________. [A] fell [B] climbed [C] developed [D] swang
4. Speaking of Turkey¡¯s foreign direct investment, the author implies that_________.
[A] it¡¯s stock is far less than that of other countries
[B] it does not have much influence on Turkey¡¯s economic progress
[C] steady GDP growth will help Turkey attract more foreign direct investment [D] Turkey¡¯s economic resilience relies on foreign direct investment
5. We can draw a conclusion from the text that__________.
[A] foreign investment environment in Turkey will become better
[B] Turkey¡¯s citizens will suffer heavy loss due to the change of the face value of the lira [C] the local currency will depreciate with the removal of six noughts from the face value [D] prices of goods will go up
´ð°¸£ºC B D C A
GDP: ¹úÄÚÉú²ú×ÜÖµ(gross domestic product) accession: [????????] n. Ìí¼Ó, Ôö¼Ó
OECD: ¾ºÏ£¬¾¼ÃºÏ×÷Óë·¢Õ¹×éÖ¯ (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) resilience: [??????????] n. µ¯»Ø, Óе¯Á¦, »Ö¸´Á¦, oscillate: [????????]v. Õñµ´
electrocardiogram: [????????????????????] n. .[Ò½]Ðĵçͼ, ÐĶ¯µçÁ÷ͼ(ÂÔ×÷ECG) inflow: [???????] n. Á÷Èë, Á÷ÈëÎï deterrent: [di5tE:rEnt] n. ×è°Îï nought: [????] n. ÎÞ, Áã lira: [??????] n. ÀïÀ
juggle: [??????] v. £¨³£ÓëwithÁ¬Óã©Ë£ÔÓË£
indeterminate: [??????????????] adj. Ôڳ̶ȡ¢Ìå»ý¡¢ÐÔÖÊ»òÊýÁ¿ÉÏûÓÐ׼ȷȷ¶¨µÄ
But it is not far off that of one of the ten new members which joined on May 1st 2004 (Latvia), and it is much the same as those of two countries, Bulgaria and Romania, which this week concluded accession talks with the EU that could make them full members on January 1st 2007.
Ö÷Ìå¾äʽ£ºit is not far off that¡and it is much the same as..
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1. ´ð°¸ÎªC£¬ÊôÊÂʵϸ½ÚÌâ¡£¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕµڶþ¶Î£¬ÍÁ¶úÆäµÄ¾¼Ã·¢Õ¹¡°Ê®·Ö¾ªÈË¡±¡£½Ó×ÅÔصڶþÐУ¬×÷ÕßÒÔÊý¾Ý˵Ã÷ÍÁ¶úÆä±¾Äê¶ÈµÚ¶þ¼¾¶ÈµÄGDPÔö³¤¡°no EU country comes close to matching¡±£¬¿É¼ûÆ侼÷¢Õ¹Ëٶȳ¬¹ýÈκÎÅ·Ã˳ÉÔ±¡£
2. ´ð°¸ÎªB£¬ÊôÍÆÀíÅжÏÌâ¡£¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕµڶþ¶Î¡°ÍÁ¶úÆäµÃͨ»õÅòÕÍÂÊ×Ô1972ÄêÒÔÀ´Ê״εø½ø¸÷λÊý¡±¿ÉÖª£¬ÒÔÇ°µÄͨ»õÅòÕÍÂʶ¼ÔÚÁ½Î»ÊýÉõÖÁ¸ü¶à£¬ÊǷdz£¸ßµÄÊý×Ö¡£
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Unit 2
Charlie Bell became chief executive of McDonald's in April. Within a month doctors told him that he had colorectal cancer. After stockmarket hours on November 22nd, the fast-food firm said he had resigned; it would need a third boss in under a year. Yet when the market opened, its share price barely dipped then edged higher. After all, McDonald's had, again, shown how to act swiftly and decisively in appointing a new boss.
Mr Bell himself got the top job when Jim Cantalupo died of a heart attack hours before he was due to address a convention of McDonald's franchisees. Mr Cantalupo was a McDonald's veteran brought out of retirement in January 2003 to help remodel the firm after sales began falling because of dirty restaurants, indifferent service and growing concern about junk food. He devised a recovery plan, backed by massive marketing, and promoted Mr Bell to chief operating officer. When Mr Cantalupo died, a rapidly convened board confirmed Mr Bell, a 44-year-old Australian already widely seen as his heir apparent, in the top job. The convention got its promised chief executive's address, from the firm's first non-American leader.
Yet within weeks executives had to think about what to do if Mr Bell became too ill to continue. Perhaps Mr Bell had the same thing on his mind: he usually introduced Jim Skinner, the 60-year-old vice-chairman, to visitors as the \(pictured), an expert on the firm's overseas operations, becomes chief executive, and Mike Roberts, head of its American operations, joins the board as chief operating officer.
Is Mr Roberts now the new heir apparent? Maybe. McDonald's has brought in supposedly healthier choices such as salads and toasted sandwiches worldwide and, instead of relying for most of its growth on opening new restaurants, has turned to upgrading its 31,000 existing ones. America has done best at this; under Mr Roberts, like-for-like sales there were up by 7.5% in October on a year earlier.
The new team's task is to keep the revitalisation plan on course, especially overseas, where some American brands are said to face political hostility from consumers. This is a big challenge. Is an in-house succession the best way to tackle it? Mr Skinner and Mr Roberts are both company veterans, having joined in the 1970s. Some recent academic studies find that the planned succession of a new boss groomed from within, such as Mr Bell and now (arguably) Mr Roberts, produces better results than looking hastily, or outside, for one. McDonald's smooth handling of its serial misfortunes at the top certainly seems to prove the point. Even so, everyone at McDonald's must be hoping that it will be a long time before the firm faces yet another such emergency.
Economist; 11/27/2004, Vol. 373 Issue 8403, p64-65, 2p, 1c ×¢£¨1£©£º±¾ÎÄÑ¡×ÔEconomist£»11/27/2004, p64-65, 2p, 1c£»
×¢£¨2£©£º±¾ÎÄÏ°ÌâÃüÌâÄ£·Â2000ÄêÕæÌâtext 1µÚ1Ì⣨1£©£¬1995ÄêÕæÌâtext 1µÚ2Ì⣨2£©£¬2002ÄêÕæÌâtext 2µÚ2Ì⣨3£©£¬1998ÄêÕæÌâtext 2µÚ2Ì⣨4£©ºÍ1999ÄêÕæÌâtext 1µÚ4Ì⣨5£©£»
1. The main reason for the constant change at the top of McDonald is ________.
[A] the board¡¯s interference [B] the falling sales
[C] the health problems of the chief executives [D] the constant change of its share price
2. Which of the following was NOT a cause of the falling sales of McDonald?
[A] the change of the chief executive [B] people¡¯s concern about junk food [C] dirty restaurant [D] indifferent service
3. The phrase ¡°heir apparent¡± (Line 7, Paragraph 2) in the article most probably means____________.
[A] someone who has the same ideas, aims and style with a person [B] someone who has the unalienable right to receive the family title [C] someone who is appointed as a heir of a person
[D] someone who is likely to take over a person¡¯s position when that person leaves
4. In terms of succession at the top, McDonald_________.
[A] has had to made rather hasty decisions [B] prefers to appoint a new boss from within [C] acts in a quick and unreasonable way [D] surprises all the people with its decisions
5. Toward McDonald¡¯s reaction to emergencies at the top, the writer¡¯s attitude can be said to be___________.
[A] indifferent [B] doubtful [C] objective [D] praiseful
´ð°¸£ºC A D B D
colorectal: [?????????????] adj. [½â]½á³¦Ö±³¦µÄ
franchisee: [?????????????] n. ×ܾÏúÉÌ, ÓдúÏúȨµÄÈË»òÍÅÌå veteran: [????????] n. ÀÏ×ʸñ£»ÀÏÊÖ heirs apparent: Óм̳ÐȨµÄÈË£»¹«ÈϵļÌÈÎÕß like-for-like: ͬÀàµÄ
revitalization: [???????????????????] n. ÕñÐË£»¸´ÐË