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Unit 1 Making Plans

一、Teaching objectives:

1. Ss are able to talk about plans.

2. Key words: take a test, play games, get a haircut, see the doctor, shop for clothes, have a party, write a letter, meet some friends.

Other words: tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, bored, vacation, go camping, like, take photos

Sounds and words: shop, stop, hop, song, long, strong. 3. Language structures:

What are you going to do today? I’m going to write a letter. Are you going to write to your cousin? No, I’m going to write to my grandfather.

4. Be able to know the pronunciation of letters “op” and “ong”. 二、Teaching key points:

1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words. 2. Be able to read and use the new language structures. 三、Teaching difficult points:

1. Can spell the new words fluently and correctly. 2. Be able to use the sentences to communicate. 四、Teaching aids: CAI, masks, picture cards 五、Teaching periods: Five periods

Period One

一、Teaching contents: 1. Vocabulary. 2. Target. 3. Practice2.

二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.

1. Greetings. 2. Ask and answer

What day is it today? It’s……. What are you doing now? I’m…… Step Two: Presentation.

1. Vocabulary

T: Today is March 2nd. And kids, as you can see, my hair is long. I’ m going to get a haircut toay.

T asks some Ss: Are you going to get a haircut? Ss: Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. T: What are you going to do today? Ss: I’m going to……

Teach the words and sentences. What are you going to do today?

I’m going to take a test/play games/get a haircut/see the doctor/shop for clothes/have a party/write a letter/meet some friends.

Ss do pair work. Step Three: Practice.

1. Read these words and sentences, and then do the activity Activity : Touch and say

Up and down 2. Target

(1) Lead in: What’s Jenny going to today? Let’s see. (2) Watch the video for twice.

(3) Try to fill in some blanks of the sentences. (4) Read in three big groups to read Target. (5) Read in groups of three. (6) Act out Target. Step Four: Extension

Talk about your plan for tonight or tomorrow. What are you going to do tonight/ tomorrow? I’m going to……

Step Five: Summary and Homework. 1. Sum up the content.

2. Give the homework: Read the words and copy the words and sentences patterns. 三、Layout:

Unit 1 Making Plans

What are you going to do today?

I’m going to take a test get a haircut see the doctor

have a party shop for clothes write a letter play games meet some friends

Period Two

一、Teaching contents: Story, Chant activity 二、Teaching procedure:

Step One: Warming-up. 1. Greetings 2. Sing a song 3. Ask and answer

4. Talk about your plan for today and tomorrow Step Two: Presentation.

1. Watch the video of the conversation and fill in the blanks. 2. Watch the video again and then answer questions. 3. Repeat and imitate the voice of the persons. Step Three: Practice.

1. Role play. Ss act out the story in group. 2. Finish the task Step Four: Extension.

1. Chant activities. 2. Listen and chant. 3. Group work.

Step five: Summary and Homework. Read and copy the story. 三、Layout:

Unit 1 Making Plans

What are you going to do today?

I’m going to cook some food.

Yes, I am.

Are you going to shop for clothes?

No, I’m not.

Period Three

一、Teaching contents: 1. Reading and writing. 2. Practice1.

二、Teaching procedure:

Step One: Warming-up. 1. Greetings. 2. Chant



