人教版高中英语必 修五第二单元专项练 习导学案附答案
编号:gswhyybx5u2 ? ? oo 5
Unit 2 The Un ited Kin gdom
班级 _______ 组名 ________ 姓名 ______
I. 单词拼写(根据句意及所给首字母写出正确的单词)
1. What first a ________ me to her was her sense of humor.
2. You can easily c ____ the problems if you study British history.
3. Much to our d ____________ , Mary won the first prize in the competiti on. 4. Expe nsive as it is to live in cities, it brings much c to our lives. 5. Pla n more, but a _________ less. 6. U _______ we sta nd, divided we fall.
7. You ' ll need some cash in local c___________ but you can also use your credit card. 8. I ' ve a _________ with the neighbors about feeding the cat while we 。 9. Audie nces still t ________ to the sound of The Rolli ng Ston es. 基础达标
II. 用所给词组的正确形式填空。
con sist of, divide- -in to, take the place of, break away (from), keep on' eyes ope n for convenien ce, break dow n, in memory of, refer to, 1. The computer system ______________ sudde nly while he was search ing for in formatio n on the In ternet.
2. I ' ve been told that the medical team, __________________ five doctors and ten nu rses, is to be sent to the flood-stricke n area.
3^ Li ncoln said that it was not right for the Souther n States ____________ the Union. 4. Electric trai ns _________________ steam trai ns in En gla nd.te ns of years ago. 5.I keep my refere nee books n ear my desk __________________ . 6.Stude nts in the class ______________ four groups before they started the game. 7. It ' s a difficult job; we must _______________________ . 8. He foun ded the charity ________________ his late wife. 能力提升
' re away
III. 完形填空
On 27 February 2008, someth ing unu sual happe ned in Brita in; there was a rather large earthquake.
It was the __1__ UK earthquake in 25 years. There have bee n very minor ones in
the past but they were not __2__ compared to this on e. It was felt across the coun try, from Edin burgh, Scotla nd in the north dow n to the far south coast of En gla nd. The center of the earthquake was in a small town about 150 kilometers north of London.
There were many n ews reports from people who __3__ the earth move but no
one was seriously hurt and there was little damage. A collapsed chimney was the __4__ of what was the worst injury from the earthquake; a man broke his hip when he __5__ tripped on the chi mn ey's scattered bricks and fell to the ground.
One man who was walk ing to work at the time __6__ the mome nt the earthquake
occurred, \outside and I realized it was an earthquake.\
You may be surprised to learn that there are two to three hundred earthquakes in
Britain every year -- but are so small that they go __8__. The impact of this earthquake was not severe in comparis on to some other n atural __9__ that have made international news, but for the people __10__, it certainly came as quite a surprise. 1. A. biggest B. loudest C. deadliest D. scariest
C. sig nifica 2. A. dan gerous B. in terest ing D. famous
3. A. saw B. discovered nt C. thought D. felt 4. A. result 5. A. eagerly 6. A. feared
B. reas on
B. i nten tio nally B. expla ined
C. maki ng C. accide ntally C. described
D. cause
D. desperately D. caught
7. A. rush ing B. shak ing 8. A. unwan ted B. unno ticed 9. A. disasters B. accide nts 10. A. watchi ng B. affected
C. talki ng D. worki ng
C.unchanged D. un C. earthquakes disturbed D. eve nts
C. i nfected
D. lost
Unit2 Period6 答案
I. attracted 2.clarify 3.delight 4. convenience 5. Accomplish 6.U nited 7. curre ncy 8.arra nged 9. thrill(ed) II. 用所给词组的正确形式填空。
1. broke dow n 2. con sist ing of 3. to break away from 4.took the place of 5. for convenience 6. were divided into 7. keep our eyes ope n 8. in memory of 三?单句改错
IV .完形填空
1- ——5 ACDDC 6