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上海交通大学医学院网络学院大专英语复习 Revision for College English (Level II) 大学英语(2)

Revision Exercise 1 (复习练习 1) Part I Vocabulary

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

1 The ______ of her words meant that I had hurt her feelings.

A.. implication B. disgrace C. challenge D. dimension

2 I was ______ at the number of people who did not know that George Washington is called the

Father of His Country. A ignorant B. blessed C.. amazed D. content

3 Henry will ______ to set a new record when he runs in the cross-country race.

A. assign B. attempt C. prohibit D. reveal

4 Many Americans thought it was a(n) ______ way to travel when Henry Ford built his first car.

A. liberal B. reliable C. individual D. unique 5 In the March ______ of Time, there was an interesting article about cloning.

A. response B. tradition C. description D. issue 6 When he asked her to marry him, she wanted to know what his ______ were.

A. compliments B. privileges C. intentions D. attitudes

7 It is almost ______ that so much snow fell in such a short time.

A . original B. incredible C. sincere D. radical

8 ______ the good work, and you will be rewarded for it.

A. Wear out B. Count out C. Bring up D. Keep up

9 Don’t ______ the others, because they have to leave now.

A. pull into B. hold up C. take over D. bring about

10 I would prefer to go with James; ______ I don’t want to go with you.

A. in theory B. in other words C. as a result D. on the other hand 11 With everyone trying his best, the work team ____________ the task within the shortest time.

A. committed B. accomplished C. endured D. occupied

12 If you have to go through a smoke-filled area, you'd better ________ with your head low.

A. crawl B. retreat C. proceed D. drag

13 Mother ________ my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her.


14 15 16


A. remarked B. motioned C. shrugged D. impressed

If doing one thing gives you an unpleasant feeling, the normal ________ would be to stop doing it. A. perspective B. emotion C. reaction D. function

His house is in a wealthy ____________ with a school, a hospital, banks and shops. A. neighborhood B. basis C. route D. occasion

Long after even the latest apple tree had finally broken into leaf, the mulberry's branches remained stubbornly ________. A. empty B. bare C. stale D. dumb

______ could he decide what we all were going to do? A. Whom B. What C. How D. Which

Part Reading comprehension

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the best answer to each question based on the passage. Passage Three Question 41-46 are based on the following passage: No species more clearly represents America’s changing view of wildlife than the gray wolf. From the first arrivals of settlers in the 1600s until only the last couple of decades, wolves were generally viewed as a dangerous threat in this country. Evidence of this is found in the laws passed in both the colonies and later the states, which provided for a cash payment for each wolf skin turned over to local officials. Not only were such laws a means of obtaining much needed money, but it also encouraged the use of the wolf’s fur as clothing. This double benefit to the hunters succeeded in effectively wiping out the wolf population in most regions of the country. By 1950, wolves had been done away with everywhere in the lower 48 states except in the wildest part of northern Minnesota. This was the result of efforts to kill all wolves.

Most people now recognize the mistake of this persecution and understand the value of such vicious animals as the wolf within the wildlife community. The National Wildlife Federation has led the fight to get the government to pass a law protecting the wolf, in order to increase the population of the animal steadily. As a result, Congress has passed a law including this animal under the Endangered Species Act. Between 150 and 200 wolves are now wandering freely in Yellowstone National Park and the NWF is now working with both public and private organizations to make sure that wolves will be able to live in suitable habitats elsewhere in the country.

41 According to the passage, most American wolves lived in 1950 ______

A. in the lower 48 states B. in northern Minnesota C. everywhere except Minnesota D. Yellowstone National Park

42 In the second paragraph, “the mistake of this persecution” refers to ______.

A. America’s changing view of wildlife B. early settlers’ occupying of land C. America’s killing of wolves


D. people’s little knowledge of wildlife 43 The major result of the NWF’s efforts for the wolves is ______.

A. the preservation of wolves in Minnesota

B. the steady increase of the wolf population C. the fight with large vicious animals

D. the American view that wolves should be killed

44 The word “habitats” in the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

A. groups B. places C. seasons D. periods 45 NWF in the passage means: A. New World Funds

B. New Woman Foundation

C. National Wildlife Federation D. National Wolf Federation

Passage Four Questions 46 -50 are based on the following passage: Before the mid-nineteenth century, people in the United States ate most foods only in season. Drying, smoking, and salting could preserve meat for a short time, but the availability of fresh meat, like that of fresh ilk, was very limited there ws no way to prevent food from going bad. But in 1810 a French inventor named Nicolas Appert developed the cooking-and-sealing process of condensing and preserving milk. Canned goods and condensed milk became more common during the 1860’s, but supplies remained low because cans had to be made by hand, By 1880, however, inventors had built machines that made it possible to produce cans from tinplates in large numbers Suddenly all kinds of food could be preserved and bought at all times of the year.

Other trends and inventions had also helped make it possible for Americans to vary their daily diets. Growing city populations created a demand that encouraged fruit and vegetable farmers to raise more produce. Railroad refrigeration cars enabled growers and meat packers to ship perishables great distances and to preserve them for longer periods. Thus, by the 1890’s, people living in northern cities could enjoy southern and western strawberries, grapes, and tomatoes, previously available for a month at most, for up to six months of the year. In addition, increased use of iceboxes enabled families to store perishables. An easy means of producing ice commercially had been invented in the 1870’s, and by 1900 the nation had more than two thousand commercial ice plants, most of which made home deliveries. The icebox became a fixture in most homes and remained so until the mechanized refrigerator takes its place in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

46 This passage mainly discusses ______.

A. causes of food going bad

B. commercial production of ice

C. inventions that led to changes in the American diets D. population movements in the nineteenth century

47 According to the author, in the 1920’s and 1930’s home deliveries of ice ______.

A. decreased in number B. were on an irregular schedule C. increased in cost D. occurred only in the summer

48 All the following preservations are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT ______.

A. drying B. canning




