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福师《大学英语(2)》在线作业二 红字部分为答案!


1.____________, he slipped through the window. A.With anyone noticing B.With anyone noticed

C.Without anyone noticing D.Without nobody noticed

2.The speech____________, a lively discussion started. A.to be delivered B.was delivered C.be delivered

D.having been delivered

3.Intelligent students can always ___ good solutions to problems. A.carry out B.come up with C.look into

D.catch up with

4.My friend ____ to visit the Great Wall, too. A.does not plan B.plan not C.not plans D.plans

5.How beautifully she sings!I have never heard____________. A.the better voice B.a good voice C.the best voice D.a better voice

6.I admired my classmate Lisa very much. ______ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful. A.Except for B.But for C.Apart from D.In spite of

7.The landlady ___ us bread and milk. A.offered B.recovered C.received D.confronted

8.This test ___ a number of multiple -choice questions. A.composed of B.composes in

C.consists of D.consists in

9.All things____________, the planned trip will have to be called off. A.considering B.be considered C.considered

D.having considered

10.Just calm down --- it doesn't___anything to get so hysterical. A.become B.solve C.turn D.involve

11.—Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrow's exam. —________

A.It's none of your business. B.What are you doing?

C.Sure. Sorry to disturb you. D.No, I don't think so.

12.After her husband died, she ___ another man in 1964. A.married

B.married with C.married to

D.was married to

13.We redoubled our efforts, each man____________like two. A.worked

B.been working C.working

D.to be worked

14.You should make _______ your house or flat is secure. A.sure B.certain

C.understanding D.knowledge

15.Mary is the only one of the team members____________to be transferred. A.who is going B.who are going

C.who have been going D.who has been going

16.Either Mr. Lee or the students______ to clean the blackboard. A.had B.has

C.have D.having

17.We cannot judge a person simply on the ___ of his education. A.condition B.basis

C.principle D.theory

18.The Red Army seized the land and _____ it to the poor peasants. A.attributed B.distributed C.contributed D.assigned

19.The town is about _________ ride from here. A.two hour B.two hour's C.two hours' D.two-hours

20.Rather than ____________to see the film he would prefer____________stay at home. A.go ... to B.to go ... to C.went ... to

D.would go ... to

21.The news____________ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy. A.what we would go B.how we would go C.that we would go D.where we would go

22.I have no doubt ____ he will overcome all his difficulties. A.which B.what C.that D.if

23.The iron,_____, breathes air as we do. A.as it was B.as it were C.as it is D.as it will

24.Of the two cups, he bought____________one. A.the smaller B.the smallest C.small



