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1 The terms such as \

2 In English, the two words cut and gut differ only in their initial sounds and the two sounds are two different______ and the two words are a______pair.

3 The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of sentences is called

4 When language is used for establishing an atmosphere or maintaining social contact rather than exchanging information or ideas, its function is______function.


5 The speech sounds which are in complementary distribution are always allophones of the same phoneme.



6 The sound[s]is shared by \



7 After comparing \in this house for the first time. \difference can be interpreted in terms of collocation.




8 The distinction between \



9 The two words borrow and lend are antonyms but the two sentences \money to Jack\



10 All the words in a language can be used to refer to, but only some have senses.



11 Sense is regarded as a kind of intralinguistic relationship. HI. Fulfill the following requirements.(13 points)




12 The actual production and comprehension of the speech by speakers of a language is called

(A)grammar rules



(D)language device


13 The study of language at one point in time is a______study.





14 Bloomfield introduced the IC analysis, whose full name is______ Analysis.

(A)Internal Component

(B)Innate Capacity

(C)Internal Constituent

(D)Immediate Constituent

15 A grammar which consists of a set of statements or rules which specify which sequences of language are possible, and which impossible, is a______grammar.






16 Clarify what \

17 Tell whether each of the underlined parts is endocentric or exocentric.(2 points) 1)the professor who enjoys bragging of his publications




