Features of Motion of Soliton Transported Bio-energy in Aperiodic α-Helix Protein Molecul
Features of Motion of Soliton Transported Bio-energy in Aperiodic α-Helix Protein Molecules with
Three Channels
PANG Xiao-Feng;LIU Mei-Jie
【期刊名称】《理论物理通讯(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2009(051)001
【摘要】The structure aperiodicities can influence seriously the features of motion of soliton excited in the α-helix protein molecules with three channels. We study the influence of structure aperiodicities on the features of the soliton in the improved model by numerical simulation and Runge-Kulta method. The results obtained show that the new soliton is very robust against the structure aperiodieities including large disorder in the sequence of mass of the amino acids and fluctuations of spring constant, coupling constant, dipole-dipole interactional constant, ground state energy and chain-chain interaction. However, very strong structure aperiodicities can also destroy the stability of the soliton in the α-helix protein molecules. 【总页数】11页(170-180) 【关键词】
【作者】PANG Xiao-Feng;LIU Mei-Jie
【作者单位】Institute of High-Energy Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610065, China;International
Features of Motion of Soliton Transported Bio-energy in Aperiodic α-Helix Protein Molecul