TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 REV 版本 A B Check & Approval 检查和批准栏 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 1 of 37 Revision History 更改记录 CHANGE 更改内容 Initial Release Additional Sessions on EP run to support xxxpass WRITTEN 编 写 DATE 日 期 31 Mar, 2004 18 Nov 2004 SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE 签名 日期 签名 日期 GM Program/Project 总经理 项目组 Quality Dept. Material 质量部: 物料部 ENG. Dept. HR 工程部: 人事部 MIS Originator 资讯部: 起案者 Checked by DCC: Date: 文控审核: 日期 : Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 2 of 37 1. PURPOSE目的 1.1 To establish a guidance for planner normal operating. 为了计划员的日常工作建立一个规范。 2. SCOPE范围 2.1 This WI is applicable for planner in xxx site. 此规范适用于南京伟创力的计划员。 3. DEFINITIONS定义 ECN --- Engineering Change Notice 工程更改通知 FG --- Finished Goods 成品 BaaN V --- The system is for controlling manufacturing, distribution, finance, etc. 一个控制生产、物流、财务等的网络系统。 MAM --- Material Account Manager 材料经理 WI --- Working Instruction 作业指导书 PM --- Project Manager 项目经理 NCMR --- Non-confirmation material requirement 不良物料报告 MR --- Material requirement form 材料补领单 WO --- Work Order 生产工作指令单 PO --- Purchase Order 采购定单 W/H --- Warehouse 仓库 CTB --- Clean To Build report 模拟计划报告 SF --- Scrap Form 报废单 PE --- Process Engineer 工艺工程师 TE --- Test Engineer 测试工程师 SQE --- Supplier Quality Engineer 供应商质量工程师 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx 4. RESPONSIBILITY职责
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 3 of 37 4.1 User 一般用户 4.1.1 It is the responsibility of the production, the planners, the warehouse bookkeepers to ensure that this procedure is correctly followed. 生产线、计划员和仓库记账员的职责是确保正确执行系统流程。 4.1.2 Check the system and make sure materials plan data are correct. 确保数据的准确性。 4.2 Key user主要用户 4.2.1 Be responsible for related user’s training 负责相关一般用户的培训。 4.2.2 Help user to solve the system problem 帮助用户解决系统问题。 4.3 Related departement head各相关部门主管 4.3.1 Review & approve the process , make sure is can be use in the normal working. 评审并批准需要DMG维护进系统的信息,以确保信息的正确性。 5. PROCEDURE程序 5.1 Login 进入系统 Double click baan login icon or BECS line. Enter username and password, then click connect button. 双击BAAN系统图标或用BECS网络,键入用户名及登陆密码,点击“connect”按钮 Enter your user name and password given from IT department 键入用户名及进入系统密码 After successful logon, please select your role, e.g. AML procedure, double click to drill down the folder. 成功登录后,请选择所需要的内容,如AML程序,就可以点击“+”符号。 5.2 Forecast Upload Process预测定单系统流程 5.2.1 PM receives the forecast from the customer, and checks the available production capacity before sending the forecast to planner. Planners get the forecast from PM. 项目经理从客户手中得预测定单,在发给计划员之前确认可以达到的产能,计划员从项目经理手中得到生产 预测定单。 5.2.2 Backup customer forecast in excel, this is the original copy of the customer forecast. It is planner’s responsibility to backup a copy of this forecast. 将客户的预测订单保存并备份,这是客户的原始预测订单,这是计划员的职责。 5.2.3 Check is the forecast in Excel format? If not will convert customer forecast into Excel format. 检查确认预测订单是否是EXCEL表格形式,如果不是将其转换成EXCEL表格形式。 5.2.4 If the forecast is in Excel file, planner just use the existed Excel macro to upload the forecast into BaaN. Planner just need to arrange the original forecast into the format requested by Excel macro, and run the macro, the upload then finishes. Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx 计划员是用带有宏的电子表格把预测的需求量输入系统的,如果客户的预测是以电子表格的形式发出,计划
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 4 of 37 员只需对原始数据做相应的调整,然后输入带有宏的电子表格,运行宏后,预测的需求量已输入系统。 Before download the data, Click here first, then update the date automatic 在把数据输入电子表格前,先点击“initialize”,使表格内的时间间隔和系统中的一致 After update the data, then click here 数据输入完成后,点击“update forecast” After click “Initialize”, the date already updated to the latest day 点击“initialize”后,表格内日期已更新到最近的日期 After enter the start period, click here 输入开始的时期段 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx After enter the end period, click here 输入结束的时期段
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 5 of 37 The certain Scenario* where you run the EP. 运行EP 时用到的 “Scenario” FG Item Code. 成品代码 Key in the actual forecast within the certain Period*. 在确定的时间段内输入预测需求量. Period: One of a series of time buckets into which all planning data in to master plan is accumulated. Plan periods are defined in the context of a scenario. Plan periods are identified by a period number. 周期:计划数据以周期数量为定义 Demand Forecast: The forecast from the customer. 客户的预测需求量:从客户处得到的预测定单。 Extra Demand: An extra quantity of the plan item that is expected to be sold. 额外的需求:计划数量中包含的将要被卖掉的那一部分。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx Special Demand: Some demand with special reason, maintained in Demand and Sales Planning session. 特别的需求:由于特别的原因而产生的特别的需求,维护在“Demand and sales planning session”。
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 6 of 37 Non-Consumed Forecast: The sum of Demand Forecast, Extra Demand and Special Demand, minus the independent demand. (e.g. NCF = 3000+1000+10000-2000=12000) 未消耗的需求预测量:用需求预测量加上额外的需求,特别的需求量得到的总和减去独立的需求量。 Independent Demand: Demand from Sales Order 独立需求量:销售订单量 Dependent Demand: Demand from other related Items 非独立的需求:由相关的成品产生的需求 Production Plan: Requirement from Planned Production Order 生产计划:由计划生产指令而产生的需求 Production Orders: Requirement from Work Order 生产计划指令单:来自生产指令单的需求 Purchase Plan: Independent purchasing besides manufacturing. 采购订单:初生产之外的独立的采购需求 5.2.5 After edit forecast, must update the data before do any other things. 在Item master plan 把所需的信息维护好后,必须进入下列界面点击“update”。 5.2.6 No matter uploading the forecast or maintaining it manually, planner need to have a double check for the forecast. Double click “Application” button to open the session Execute Query to run the query SHAEP004, to see what is actually loaded in the Item Master Plan. 计划员在维护预测需求时,不论是用带宏的电子表格方式还是用手工的方式,都必须再次检查输入的需求, 双击“Application”后运行“SHAEP004”,可导出系统中最新的“master plan”,将此与原始的数据比较。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 7 of 37 Select the scenario that Item Master Plan has been maintained. 5.2.7 With the report, planner should verify that the forecast is loaded correctly. 根据这张报表,计划员可以检查系统中维护的是否正确。 5.2.8 If the Forecast is not loaded correctly, update into Excel file and upload to system again. 如果系统中预测定单数量不正确,在Excel电子表格中更新后重新上传至系统。 5.2.9 EP running is scheduled running regularly, any special requirement to run the EP, please reference to the “MRP executing process”. EP 的运行是按计划有规律的执行的,任何特别的运行MRP 的要求,请参考“MRP executing process”。 5.2.10 Informed the completion of EP running, planner need to go and check the Planned Production Order. Double click the “Application” button to open the session Planned Orders. For an overview report, just go “File” Manu ? Print ? Planned Orders, to run a report for a range of planned production orders. EP 运行完后,计划员从系统中导出“计划生产订单”和“计划采购订单”,检查并确认其数据是否正确, 可以在直接利用系统报告或SQL查询报告SHARK0001。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 8 of 37 The scenario that the planned production order exit. Only choose “Planned Production Order” Date range Give the full range Specific planner code If planners just need to screen review, choose the “View” menu ? Filter, give the selection and click “Apply” button . When return the Planned Order window, all the planned production order have been filtered by the condition. 如果计划员指示需要在屏幕直接检查,可以用筛选的方式挑出相关的“production order ”检查。 5.2.11 If planners just need to screen review, choose the “View” menu ? Filter, give the selection and click “Apply” button. When return the Planned Order window, all the planned production order have been filtered by the condition. 如果计划员只是需要在屏幕直接检查,可以用筛选的方式挑出相关的“Production order”检查。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 9 of 37 5.2.12 If planners have any doubt, they could pick up the Item code and check in the session Time-Phased Planning Overview. Double click the “Application” button to open the session and give the certain selection. Session number is cprrp0520m000. 如果计划员有任何疑问,选中有疑问的材料,进入“Time-phased planning overview”检查。程序号码为 cprrp0520m000。 Show total planned production order and production order from the up level if the plan item is component. Show total forecast and SO if the plan item is FG Shows all open PO if the plan item is component. Shows all open SO if the plan item is FG If the overview shown in “Details” level, can find specific order number in the “Detail” tab 在 “detail”中可以找到相对应的 “order number” Show all planned purchase orders if the plan item is component Show all planned production orders if the plan item is FG 备注:A 需求:如果是原材料, demand代表了计划的工单产生的需求加上还未完成的工单产生的需求;如果是 一颗产成品,demand则表示预测需求加上销售订单的数量。 B计划接收:如果是原材料,表示所有未关闭的采购订单数量;如果是产成品表示所有未关闭销售。 C计划供给:如果是原材料,表示系统建议的计划采购订单,如果产成品表示系统建议的计划生产指令单。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx 5.2.13 After every time EP running, planner should check the Signal information by planner code as what buyer is doing.
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 10 of 37 Double click the “cprao1120m000” button to open the session Signal Overview by Planner. Give the exact selection, and see the result. 每次在系统运行EP后,计划员应该依据采购员代码检查SIGNAL信息及采购需要采取的措施。双击 cprao1120m000菜单打开Signal Overview by Planner报告,运行后可查看结果。 Click and go directly to see the signal details, see the following screean. Click and go directly to Time-Phased Inventory Overview session for checking the details of the demand and supply for this part. Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx 5.2.14 Review all the reschedule / cancellation messages. Double click the “cprao1125m000” session, and check the details. Can run SQL report of SHAEP001
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 11 of 37 “取消远计划”等等,双击 “cprao1125m000”菜单,进 检查系统给出的特别的信息, 例如“重新定计划”入下面的界面检查。可以运行SQL报告SHAEP001。 Signal message Reference Order information 5.2.15 Planner also can directly go to see the signal detail information. Double click the “Application” button to open the session Signals by Item/Planner. Here below attach the explanation for all the signals users may see in the system. 计划员同样可以直接查看详细信息。点击cprao1125m000菜单进入Signals by Item/Planner,一下所附是所有 可以在系统中看到的信息解释。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 12 of 37 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 13 of 37 5.2.16 Print out the Planning Report by Item Group for the 6 months to have a planning overview. Double click the Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 14 of 37 “ferpd1401m000” session, and run the report 按照“item group”打印“planning report”,这张报表可以涵盖6个月的需求量。双击 “ferpd1401m000”菜 单,进入下面的界面运行这张报表。 Actual Scenario where the EP is running File Name 5.2.17 Sent planning report and signal report and rescheduling message report to buyer for checking if there are any urgent rescheduling that will affect the production and action. 将Planning report、Signal report和Rescheduling message report递交给采购去核算检查是否有会影响到生产的 急需的物料需要重新计划并采取相应的措施。 5.2.18 Informed the completion of EP running, planner need to go and check the Planned Production Order. Double click the “Application” button to open the session Planned Orders. For an overview report, just go “File” Manu ? Print ? Planned Orders, to run a report for a range of planned production orders. 在EP运行完后,计划员需要检查系统生成的计划生产订单,点击进入菜单。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 15 of 37 Only choose “Planned Production Order” Date range Give the full range Specific planner code 5.2.19 If nothing to change, directly confirm the planned production orders in batch. Double click “Application” button; open the session Confirm Planned Orders. Session number is cprrp1200m000. 如果计划没有改变,可以直接确认“planned production order”计划生产订单。菜单号为cprrp1200m000。 Give the full range of Planned Order No. Just choose “Planned Production Order” Give exact employee code only to transfer own planned production orders 5.2.20 . If planners have any doubt, they could pick up the Item code and check in the session Time-Phased Planning Overview. Double click the “Application” button to open the session and give the certain selection. 如果计划员有任何的疑问,可以选择料号并进入Time-Phased Planning Overview菜单。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx Show total planned production order and production order from the up level if the plan item
is component. Show total forecast and SO if the plan item is FG
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 16 of 37 5.2.21 After confirming all necessary planned orders, planner needs to transfer all planned production order into formal Production Order. Double click the “cppat1210m000” session to open the session Transfer Plan/Order. 在确认计划生产订单后,计划员可以把这些计划生产指令单转化为生产指令单。菜单号为cppat1210m000。 Choose own Item Group Choose own employee code Give a suitable date range Leave the selection as it is Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 17 of 37 Give the range of the planned production order need transferring 5.2.22 After transferring the planned production order, planner may go and check the formal Production Order in the session Production Order. Double click the “Application” button to open the session. 当计划生产指令单转化为生产指令单,计划要在 “ production order” 中检查这张工单。 5.2.23 Overdue Planned Purchase Order 过期的计划采购订单 Find the Planning SQL Queries, double click the query Planned Purchase Order (SHAPUR016). 运行SQL报告,点击Planned Purchase Order(SHAPUR016)。 Give the corrective selection as suggested below. Then click ”continue” button to run the report. 输入正确的选项,然后点击“继续”按钮运行报告。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 Item Code Keep Empty Buyer code DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 18 of 37 Give the item code range Give “today” date of the report Here attach the sample report of Overdue Planned Purchase Order, which catch all the non-released planned purchase order till the report date. 附上报告的样品格式。 5.2.24 Manual PO vs. SCP (system control PO) 手动建立的采购订单和系统订单的比较 Find the Planning SQL Queries, double click the query Purchase Orders – Manual vs SCP (SHAPUR004). 点击进入查询报告。 Give the correct selection as suggested below. Click the ”Continue” button to run the report. 输入正确的选项,点击“继续”按钮运行报告。 Tracking PO of the lastest week, give date range for the latest Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx Attach the sample report.
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 附上报告的样品格式。 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 19 of 37 5.2.25 Clean To Build Report模拟计划报告 To determine what raw materials and sub-assemblies are available for future production. This CTB result in based on a snapshot of data the minute you run the report. CTB is a what-if tool based on the now. 决定哪些原材料和组装件可以用作未来产品的生产。这个报告的结果是依据运行报告的数据得出的,这个报 告现在是用在那里的工具。 CTB does not recognize Final Assembly finished goods. Meaning, do not run a CTB expecting the report to net out your top level FG’s inventory. 模拟计划报告不是最终认可的可制成品。 意思是说,不要运行除最高层成品以外的库存。 Once Shop Orders have been released, the CTB tool WILL NOT show you shortages. 一旦生产订单发行后,模拟计划报告将不再显示短缺物料。 Results of the CTB report are valid for the set of data only. 模拟计划报告仅是有效数据的结果。 Allocations that occur in the report execution are not reflected back in BaaN. 分配那些出现在报告中的 “Available Materials” column data is only a snapshot in time “可利用材料”栏只是运行报告时的数据。 CTB results should identify constraint part numbers, not actual cumulative shortages. 模拟计划报告的结果应当确定局部物料,不是实际累计短缺物料。 CTB is a Planners aid, not a procurement tool. 模拟计划报告是计划员的助手,不是使用工具。 DO NOT enter the same assembly multiple times in the report. 不要在报告中多次输入同样的组装件。 Running the Clean-To-Build 运行模拟计划报告。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 20 of 37 Enter Assembly P/N and Qty requested to build. 输入组装件的料号和需要生产的数量。 Priority of allocation is determined by order of entry. 订单的输入决定了有限分配。 Enter Highest level of BOM. 输入最高层的成品料号。 Identify what Sales Order criteria needed for What-if. 鉴别销售订单所需要的。 Yes, means that when reviewing Available On-Hand, the report will treat MRP components as allocated when a sales order is entered against it. If you check yes, you can declare the number of days that the report looks out for sales order due dates. 是,意味着回顾可利用的库存,当依据销售订单报告将视MRP材料为可分配的。如果检查是的,可以宣布 报告的日数 No, means that regardless of component sales orders, the materials will be viewed as available. 不,意味着不管销售订单的元件,材料将被视为可用。 Click Continue点击继续Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 21 of 37 Reports (Options )Window will pop up. 报告窗口将会突然出现。 Clean to Build - This option will be used when running a what-if based on on-hand materials at this time. No Purchase Order information will be displayed. The report will identify the ultimate constraint and allocate all components based off the generated CTB quantity. 模拟计划 – 这个选项将依据即时的库存数量来运行what-if。没有采购订单信息被显示。报告将依据运行 CTB的数量。鉴别最终分配的所有材料。 Clean to Build – Fully Allocate w/Open PO’s – This option will be used when reviewing what-if based off on-hand quantities, but will identify on-order quantities. This report will allocate both Manufactured and Purchase parts for the entire requested quantity, regardless of constraints. 模拟计划 – 分配包括未执行完的采购订单 – 这个选项将依据库存来运行,但将鉴别在途数量。报告将分 配包括制造件和采购件所有需求数量,不管已被分配的。 At this point you will declare to Display or to B2EXCEL 你将显示所有数据。 Functions of the CTB Report CTB报告的功能 Option: Clean to Build - used to identify clean builds based on on-hand raw materials. The gating item is identified and the report will recalculate requirements/allocations based off constraint available quantity. No Procurement information provided. 选项:模拟计划 – 用于鉴别依据库存的原材料来计算可制造数量。报告将依据现有可用数量来重新计算需 求和分配,倘若没有信息获得。 Report exploding the entire BOM , only when needed 只有当需要的时候,报告才回显示完整的BOM。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx See the first two part numbers, they are Manufactured Assemblies. The balance of the parts listed are all level
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 22 of 37 1 parts on the BOM. The reason each of the Manufactured parts did not explode their BOMs is because the “Available On-Hand QTY” is greater and/or equal to the CTB requested qty. This report defines subassemblies available, as long as they are not allocated to another Shop Order. 报告所显示的前两个料号,他们是制造件。剩下的是BOM的第一层材料清单。原因是每一制造件材料不是 完整的BOM,因为可利用库存数量是包括或等于CTB所需求的数量。报告定义可利用部件,只有在他们没 有被分配到另外的生产订单。 See below, this is what happens when the Required Quantity is greater than the “Available On-Hand Qty”, the BOM will explode for the balance needed to fulfill the CTB requested Quantity. 看下面,当需求数量大于库存可利用数量时,BOM将排除完成CTB要求数量的剩余部分。 P/N LUC109023093 (4th part down ), you see the Quantity Required = 9pcs, not 20pcs. This part is used on the manufactured (subassembly) part LUC108851338. Since there are 11pcs available of the sub assembly, CTB requested qty was 20pcs, the balance of 9 subassemblies explodes through the BOM to determine if raw materials are available. 材料LUC109023093(下面的第四个料),可以看到需求数量是9片,不是20片,这个料用在制造件 LUC108851338上,因为有11片可利用的制造件,CTB需求数量是20片,剩余9片组装件要通过BOM来 确定原材料是否有可利用的。 page 2 of CTB explosion: ( below ) Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 23 of 37 See P/N LUC848642310(3rd from bottom), the far right column “ Constraint Item “, says yes. In the Clean-To-Build option, the report finds the gating items and identifies it with the “YES” flag. The report sees that there are 0pcs on-hand and determines that it was used on the Manufactured subassembly LUC108851338 (see above). This report identifies there are no additional CLEAN builds and determines the CTB qty to equal 11pcs. This is based on the fact of 11pcs are available at the subassembly level. When the report identified and calculated this, allocations were adjusted for an 11pcs build vs. the 20pcs requested build. Under “ Allocated for Report” you will see only the BOMs level 1 components and sub assemblies have been allocated for 11pcs in the report. This logic is used so that the common parts, used among all assemblies in the report, will not be over allocated. The other CTB Option: Clean to Build – Fully Allocate w/Open PO’s does the opposite, it will allocate the ENTIRE quantity required, regardless of the CTB result. 见材料LUC848642310,在右边的“Constraint Item”栏显示“YES”。在CTB选项中,报告寻找gating item 并将其识别为YES。报告中现实没有任何可利用的库存,并确定它是被用在制造件LUC108851338上。报告 确定没有任何的额外的可制造并确定CTB数量为11片。它是依据11片的可用组装件来计算的。当报告确定 并计算这些,通过11片的已制造和20片的需求制造数量来调整分配。在“Allocated for Report”下,在报告 中可以看到只有一层BOM材料和11片的组装件被分配。逻辑上显示共用料,在报告中使用在组装件中,不 会被额外分配。 Benefit of this Logic: When using this option under the CTB, you are able to load a number of assemblies into the report that have many common parts and only allocate true CTB quantities on the component levels. – in the report! 这个逻辑的好处:当使用CTB下的这个选项时,在报告中有许多的共用料并仅依据实际CTB数量来分配。 Functions of the CTB Report (cont’d) CTB 报告的功能。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx Option: Clean to Build – Fully Allocate w/Open PO’s - to be used when reviewing what-if based off
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 24 of 37 on-hand quantities, but will identify on-order quantities. This report will allocate both Manufactured and Purchase parts for the entire requested quantity, regardless of constraints. 选项:清除构造-充分分配工作定单或开出的采购定单-评估是否闲置或当前库存,但将以手上的定单的数量来识别。这一报告将分配全部数量及不论是否被约束的成品及采购的零件。 In Yellow, you will see the “Yes” identifier in all constraint cells. Each constraint identified will have ALL Open Purchase Orders, if any are open, to the right in the cells below the identified part number.在黄色一栏, 将看到“Yes”来识别强制单元。每一强制单元将被所有的开放的采购定单所识别,如一是开放的,在单元的右边将来鉴别产品编号。 In Red, you will see that there are no Purchase Order due dates. Only CONFIRMED Purchase Orders will have their due dates displayed. 在红色一栏, 将看到没有采购定单的到期日期。仅有常用的采购定单将显示它们的到期执法日期。 In Blue, you will see that this report option will fully allocate all components, regardless of the CTB result, which equals 0pcs on this example.在蓝色一栏, 在报告选项中充分分配组件,无论CTB的结果如何 ,或在模板中平均在0 数量。 CLEAN-TO-BUILD – ALLOCATIONS 分配 The columns called “ Allocated for Report” and “ Available On-Hand” use different rules to calculate their numbers depending on the Option you pick. 在依据你挑选的选项上,分配报告和当前可利用的报告可使用不同的功能统计出它们的数量。 Example #1 Option 1: Clean-To-Build: Allocated for Report: Under this option, the report will only allocate needed materials based off a constraint. If components are not needed at all in the what-if simulation, the report will allocate 0pcs of the component. This is valid for both manufactured sub-assemblies and raw components. Available On-Hand: Under this option, the report will only deduct the allocated materials, calculated based on the constraint, from the previous available on-hand. This example was run for two assemblies that have common components. In Grey, the header identifying the assembly and quantity the job was run. You will see that the first job only resulted in 3pcs CTB and the second 0pcs CTB. The two components identified are common to both assemblies and the two columns in question, Allocated for Report & Available On-Hand, have cells highlighted. Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx The first part, in Blue, had a requirement of 100pcs, but only allocated 3pcs because the ultimate constraint only cleaned this job to 3pcs. The report then allocated the 3pcs only.
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 25 of 37 This same part in the second job had 3pcs fewer Available On-Hand because the prior job allocated the CTB Example #2 Option 2: Clean-To-Build fully allocate w/PO’s: Allocated for Report: Under this option, the report will allocate the entire requirement based on the CTB Request. Available On-Hand: Under this option, the report will deduct ALL of the allocated materials, calculated based on the Requested Qty, from the previous available on-hand. This CTB is for the same assemblies and quantities in Example #1, but Option #2 was picked. Overall the result is the same, the first CTB = 3pcs and the second CTB = 0pcs. The major difference is how the report allocates materials. In Yellow, the allocations are for the full requirement quantities, regardless of the result CTB In Blue and Green, the second “Available On-Hand” quantities have been decreased by the prior allocation. This gives a clear picture as to what parts will be left when the procurement team fills the shorts of the priority job. Benefit to using the second Option: This provides a clear picture to the planners as to materials availability when going after a build quantity. This will avoid surprise shortages from a reporting standpoint. 5.3 Forecast Change and Simulation Process预测定单的更改及模拟运算流程 5.3.1 PM notify planner of any change in forecast. 项目经理通知计划员如果预测定单有任何的改变。 5.3.2 If the forecast is in Excel file, planner just use the existed Excel macro to upload the forecast into BaaN. Planner just need to arrange the original forecast into the format requested by Excel macro, and run the macro, the upload then finishes. 计划员是用带有宏的电子表格把预测的需求量输入系统的,如果客户的预测是以电子表格的形式发出,计划 员只需对原始数据做相应的调整,然后输入带有宏的电子表格,运行宏后,预测的需求量已输入系统。 5.3.3 Simulate order for simulation scenario of update forecast. 在模拟环境下模拟运行更新的预测定单计划。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 26 of 37 Session number is cprpd4200m000.选择菜单。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 27 of 37 Use the simulation scenario Fill in the original scenario Fill in the target scenario Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 28 of 37 If increase the forecast order, should check inventory for shortages, use query of SHARK0001 for plan PO and SHAEP001 for signal. 如果预测定单是增加的,应该检查短缺物料库存状况,可以使用SHARK0001来检查计划采购订单,以及使 用SHAEP001来查询相关的信息。 If there are no any shortage materials, inform PM for the status and PM will revert to customer on feasibility plan. 如果模拟运行后显示没有任何短缺物料,将此情况通知项目经理,项目经理将依据可行性计划回复给客户。 If there are any shortage materials, ask buyer to check with supplier on the expected delivery of demand, inform PM for the status and PM will revert to customer on feasibility plan. 如果模拟运行后显示有短缺物料,要求采购员与供应商确认是否可以满足期望交货需求,将情况通知项目经 理,项目经理将依据可行性计划回复给客户。 If decrease the forecast order, need to generate cost excess inventory report to check if there are any excess materials. 如果预测定单是减少的,应该运行过剩库存报告来检查是否有过剩物料。 If there are no any excess inventory materials, inform PM for that and PM will revert to customer on feasibility plan. 如果没有任何过剩物料,通知项目经理此情况,项目经理将回复给客户。 If there are any excess inventory materials, notify PM of excess materials and PM will revert to customer on feasibility plan. 如果有过剩物料,通知项目经理,项目经理将恢复给客户。 5.4 End Of Life Process终止生产流程 5.4.1 PM get information from customer and inform planner for EOL items. 项目经理从客户处得到终止生产的信息,并通知计划员将终止生产的物料。 5.4.2 Planner will generate cost excess inventory report according to current demand. Session number is gdbdg401m00g. 计划员将根据现有的需求状况运行过剩库存报告。菜单号为gdbdg401m00g。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 29 of 37 Actual Scenario where the EP is running Buyer code, Item group and item type choose Date range Options must be choose These two options not to be choose Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx Scenario (Plan Code):Input for selection criteria. Only data that belong to the chosen selected Scenario will be
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 30 of 37 printed. 环境:选择输入需要运行的环境。 Plan Level: Input for selection criteria. Only Plan Level within this range is printed. 计划标准:输入选择标准。计划标准仅在可打印的范围之内。 Buyer (from / to): Input for printing criteria. Only Items with Buyer within this range is printed. 采购代码:输入需要运行并要得到信息的采购员代码。 Item Group (from / to): Input for printing criteria. Only Item Groups within this range are printed. 材料项目组:输入需要运行并要得到信息的材料项目组。 Item Type (from / to): Input for printing criteria. Only Item Type within this range is printed. 材料形式:输入需要运行并要得到信息的材料形式,采购件或制造件等。 Date (from/to): Input for selection criteria. Only Periods with the Date within this range is printed for the current date until the Finish Date of Scenario. 日期:输入需要运行并要得到信息的日期范围。 Item Code (from / to): Input for printing criteria. Only Item Code within this range is printed. 材料料号:输入需要运行并要得到信息的材料料号。 Check Production/Purchase Planning: Input for selection criteria. It does not aggregate the quantity that is into the Production or Purchase Planning. 检查生产或采购计划:输入选择标准,是否计算已经在生产或采购计划中的数量。 Exclude SIC Items: Input for selection criteria. It excludes SIC Items at the moment the report selects the data. 不包含SIM材料:输入选择标准,将把SIC材料排除在报告外。 Exclude Warehouses without Nettable: Input for selection criteria. It excludes the quantities of items that have warehouses with nettable field equal to “No” at the moment the report selects the data. 不包括不可用的库存数据:输入选择标准,将不包括不可用库存的数据。 Print only Planned Items Input for selection criteria: It excludes the item code that is not found into the Enterprise Planning module. 仅打印选择标准中的计划了的材料:将不包括没有在企业计划模块中没有找到的材料。 Exclude Items without On Order and Stock quantities: Input for selection criteria. It excludes the Items that have not value into the “On Order” and “On Hand (Stock)” fields. 不包括在途或库存数量:输入选择标准,将不包括在在途和库存中没有数量的材料。 Processed lines: Display information. It just shows the Total of Items read and printed into the session. 处理状况:显示系统已经或正在处理的信息。 5.4.3 Basing on the EOL information, planner should check if any open WO left. Double click the “whinp1500m000” session to open session Planned Inventory Transactions by Item. Click “New” button to find the item. 依据EOL的信息,计划员应该检查是否留有任何未完成的生产订单。通过菜单whinp1500m000点击进入 Planned Inventory Transactions by Item,点击按钮“NEW”来查找料号。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 31 of 37 New 5.4.4 Except for the information of open WO, planner also needs to check the existing inventory in the system. Double click the “Application” button to open session Execute Query to run the query SHAMAT005 for selected items in particular warehouse. 计划员除了检查未完成的生产订单,还需要在系统中检查现有的库存。 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx 5.4.5 Planner needs to inform the buyers and production person of the EOL as well. Buyer is expecting to communicate
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 32 of 37 with supplier for cancellation, and production person is expecting to check the production status. 计划员需要通知采购和生产线人员这些EOL讯息,采购将联络供应商关于取消未执行完的采购订单,生产线 人员需要检查生产状况。 5.4.6 Planner collects the information from the buyers and production person if the cancellation could be done or production line will leave some materials as excess. 计划员将收集采购关于是否可以取消未执行完的采购订单和生产线是否可以生产完毕或生产线将留有一些过 剩物料。 5.4.7 If there are no any excess inventories, inform PM for the status. 如果没有任何的过剩物料,通知项目经理此状况。 5.4.8 If there are any excess inventories, inform PM for the status and PM notify customer and provide of excess inventory list and quantity that can be built with the existing inventory, and wait for feedback on whether to build or sell existing materials. 如果有任何的过剩物料,通知项目经理,由项目经理通告并提供过剩物料清单给客户,告知客户依据现有的 过剩物料还能生产多少产品,并等待客户的回复是依据过剩物料状况继续生产或将现有的过剩物料出售。 5.4.9 PM receive information on quantity to build from customer if customer decided to built out existing materials, and inform planner for final quantity to build, planner will update forecast into system. 如果客户决定将现有物料生产完毕,项目经理将从客户处得到继续生产的数量的信息,并通知计划员有限量 的生产数量,计划员将在系统中更新定单。 5.4.10 PM receive information if customer decided to sell existing materials, inform planner and planner will handle it according to excess stock process. 如果客户决定将现有的过剩物料出售,项目经理将从客户处得到此信息并通知计划员,计划员将依据过剩物 料处理程序来处理。 5.5 Excess or Obsolete Stock Process过剩物料或呆料处理流程 5.5.1 According to current forecast demand, planner will generate cost excess inventory report to inform PM for E&O materials, PM to determine if it is customer responsibilities and action. 依据现有的定单需求,计划员运行过剩物料库存报告并通知项目经理这些过剩或呆滞物料,项目经理决定是 否属于客户的责任并采取相应措施。 5.5.2 Planner will check if there are any outstanding purchase order or excess inventory according to the cost excess inventory report. 计划员将依据报告来检查是否未执行完毕的采购订单或过剩库存物料。 5.5.3 Buyer to determine on the orders that can be cancelled if there are any outstanding orders, and generate signal report for cancellation. 采购决定未执行完毕的采购订单是否可以被取消,并运行相应的措施报告来执行取消订单。 5.5.4 Cancel existing purchase order if supplier can accept. 如果供应可以接受取消订单的将取消现有的未执行完毕的采购订单。 5.5.5 Planner will inform PM if there are excess inventory or can not be cancelled outstanding purchase orders, PM to determine if it is customer responsibilities and action. Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx 计划员将通知项目经理如果是过剩库存物料或不能被取消的未执行完毕的采购订单,项目经理将决定是否是 客户的责任并采取相应的措施。
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 5.5.6 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 33 of 37 PM get PO from customer if customer determine to RTC existing excess materials, and ask planner to raise SO for return. 项目经理从客户处得到采购订单如果客户决定将现有的过剩物料退还给客户,并要求计划员建立销售订单来 退还材料。 5.5.7 If customer decided to scrap existing excess materials, PM will inform planner and ask to raise scrap form and get approval by plant manager, transfer excess materials to scrap warehouse according to approved SF. 如果客户决定将现有的过剩物料报废,项目经理将通知计划员并要求计划员填写报废单申请报废,并得到工 厂经理的批准,根据批准的报废单将过剩物料转移至报废仓库。 5.5.8 If the excess inventory is not belongs to customer’s responsibility, there are three methods to handle. 如果过剩物料不属于客户的责任,有以下三种方式处理。 Keep materials to use on other projects, and may require part number change. 保留物料并使用在其他项目或产品上,但会被要求改变物料料号。 Sell to xxx other site according to E&O policy, and upload information into MDSS system. 根据公司的过剩及呆滞物料处理的政策将其转给其他地区的伟创力工厂,并将信息上传到MDSS系统。 Purchasing to return materials to supplier. 将物料退还给供应商。 5.5.9 6. REFERENCES参考 6.1 Attachment 1 The flowchart for forecast and EP run 预测订单和计划过程流程图 6.2 Attachment 2 The flowchart of Forecast change/Simulation 预测订单更改/模拟运行流程图 6.3 Attachment 3 The flowchart of Planning EOL 终止生产的流程图 6.4 Attachment 4 The flowchart of Forecast change/Simulation 模拟运行流程图 ATTACHMENT 1: The flowchart for forecast and EP run Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx 附录1: 预测订单和计划过程流程图
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 34 of 37 ATTACHMENT 2: The flowchart of Forecast change/Simulation 附录2:预测订单更改/模拟运行流程图 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 Use Item Master Planwith Simulation Scenarioto simulate what-ifscenarioPM Notify Plannerof change inForecastSimulate Order forSimulation Scenario(cprrp1210m000)DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 35 of 37 Run the reports for boththe Actual andSimulation scenario tocompare the resultsCheck inventory forShortagesNOSTARTAny Shortages?YESSimulate Master Planfor SimulationScenario(cprmp1202m000)Run Query to PlanPO (SHARK0001)Inform PM thatthere are noshortagesuLoad New forecastinto the SimulationScenario usingExcel MacroRoll and InitializeSimulation Scenario(cprpd4200m000)Run Signal Query(SHAEP001)Buyer will inform PMand Planners of anyshortages & due dateof itemsPM will revert tocustomer onfeasibility planENDNotify PM of ExcessMaterialsPrint CostedExcessInventory Report(gdibdg401m00g)YesGenerate CostedExcess InventoryReport(gdibdg401m00g)Any ExcessMaterials?NoInform PM thatthere is no excess ATTACHMENT 3: The flowchart of Planning EOL 附录3:终止生产的流程图 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 DOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 36 of 37 Inventory byWarehouse and Item(whwmd2515m000)1) Gather information on the PurchaseOrders that can be cancelled.2) Gather information what are theProduction Order that have been completedor running. Which Production Order can becancelled.Get POCancellationinformationPrint reschedulingmessage(gdpurg420m00g)Inventory by Item andWarehouse(whwmd2515m100)Buyer getProductionSchedule forOutstandingProduction Qtyfrom PlannerSTARTPM InformPlanner of ItemEOLCheck Inventoryof all relatedpartsPM ReceiveInformation onQuantity to Buildfrom CustomerConsolidateExcess Inv usingExcelPM will providecustomer of ExcessInventory List andQuantity that can bebuilt with the existinginventoryPM will informPlanner of finalquantity to buildPlanner will updateForecastSell or buildout?Build OutexistingmaterialSellPM Notify Customerand wait forfeedback on whetherto build or sellexisting materialYesAny ExcessInventory?NoPrint CostedExcessInventory ReportCosted ExcessInventory Report(gdibdg401m00g)Planner to checkif there areexcess inventoryExcessStockProcess(EP04)Inform PM thatthere are noExcessInventoryEND ATTACHMENT 4: The flowchart of Forecast change/Simulation 附录4:模拟运行流程图 Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx
TITLE: Processing Of System Planning 标题:计划流程 STARTPrint Costed ExcessInventory ReportPM to determine if itis CustomerResponsibilities andActionsDOC No. FBM-Planning REV:B Page 37 of 37 Decision to be made on ExcessInventory, (Customer Responsibilities,Keep Materials, RTV, Sell the ExcessMaterials to another Flex site orcustomer)Print Costed ExcessInventory Report(gdibdg401m00g)Any OutstandingPurchase Orderor ExcessInventory?ExcessInventoryOutstandingBuyer toPOdetermine on theorders that canbe cancelledCan OutstandingPurchase Orderbe cancelled?YESRTC - Return to CustomerProgramManager get POfrom customerand ask Plannerto raise SOCustomerRTC /ResponsibilityCust. Resp. /RTCCustomerKeep Matl /want to scrapRTVmat抣?CustomerScrapmaterialKeep MaterialSend Material to ScrapWarehouse (137099)Keep Materialsfor Scrap according toto use on otherscrap formprojects- mayrequire partnumber changeRun signal reportfor cancellationNOSell to AnotherCustomer orSiteUpdate Excelspreadsheet ofitem to sellRTVPurchasing toreturn materialto supplierCancel ExistingPurchase OrderUploadinformation intoMDSS usingExcel macroEND Confidential & Proprietary Information of xxx